
What if the husband and wife do not take the initiative to fight the Cold War? Taking the initiative to "admit it" is the embodiment of wisdom and wisdom

The Cold War consumed each other's emotions, and once the emotions cooled sharply to the freezing point, the hearts were cold to the point where there was no temperature, no heat. At that time, if you want the other person's heart to beat for you, it is often a fantasy. Therefore, in life, what is cold does not cold feelings, what is cold does not cool a heart. Once the heart is cold, the love is completely gone.

What if the husband and wife do not take the initiative to fight the Cold War? Taking the initiative to "admit it" is the embodiment of wisdom and wisdom

What if in real life, the cold war between husband and wife does not take the initiative?

First, ideologically, we must clearly understand the harm of the Cold War, and those who "submit to softness" first are often people who are smart and have great wisdom.

In the Cold War, it is not who takes the initiative to submit to softness and admit it first, who is really wrong. Often between husband and wife, there are people of great wisdom and wisdom. He understood that problems arose, and that the Cold War would not solve any problems, but only refrigerated them. It will become a flashpoint that will eventually destroy the marriage. Therefore, once the problem arises, it is necessary to speak out to each other, and then communicate, discuss, and solve the problem. It's your own problem, and you need to be honest about criticism. Even if the quarrel is fierce, after calming down, the ego sees its own shortcomings in the process of sorting out the problem. In reality, the man who is the head of the family should be more active. After all, in the world of little women, you are stronger than yourself, which is not only physical, but also mental, more tolerant and understanding. So, as a man, take the initiative to communicate, communicate. Perhaps because of your initiative, women will blame themselves and will take the initiative to listen to your opinions like birds.

Second, preempt other things, take advantage of words, take the initiative to show goodwill, put the apology behind, and do not embarrass yourself.

Many times, after two people quarrel, they are unwilling to speak first, feeling that they can't erase their faces and fall. But if you clearly know that it is your own problem, that you are unreasonable and make trouble, and finally anger the other party, then you need to break the cold war deadlock yourself. When the other person comes home from work, simply say hello. Or when the other person is at work, send a text message, ask the other party what to eat for dinner today, and make it yourself after work. In this way, the other party will immediately feel the warmth you give him, and will know that the other party is admitting mistakes to themselves in words. Then he will be embarrassed to ignore you anymore, so that he will reply to you, will review himself, and end the cold war between you.

What if the husband and wife do not take the initiative to fight the Cold War? Taking the initiative to "admit it" is the embodiment of wisdom and wisdom

Third, good actions are the best emotional lubricant, and use your actions to make the other party feel that you want to reconcile.

They quarreled with each other, and they were reluctant to speak first. But it is always necessary for one person to take the first step to alleviate this awkward and indifferent atmosphere of each other. Therefore, smart people can be the vanguard of action. When the other person comes home, rest on the couch, and you can hand him a cup of freshly brewed hot tea. Or, make something delicious that the other person likes to eat, open a bottle of red wine, and pour it on the other person. At this time, your intentions, needless to say, the other party will also know, and the vast majority of people will cooperate with you, so that the unhappiness in your heart will begin to release, and your heart will then become painful and open. What's more, the small wine under the belly, warm, will close the emotional temperature between the two people, will say some things open, so that the contradiction between the two people can be alleviated.

Fourth, with the help of various props and various methods of expressing emotions, take the first step of reconciliation and end the Cold War.

Put two tickets for the Renyi Small Theater on the table and leave a note: I bought a drama ticket that you like, and you will meet your favorite actor Pu Cunxin and Song Dandan. Wait for the unit after work in the evening, I will pick you up. Let's eat and watch drama together. In the face of such a gift as yours, the other party may be moved to tears, after all, two people are in a cold war, hating each other and gritting their teeth, and the other party's operation will make her negative emotions weaken or even disappear completely, which will chagrin her cold war with you. Then because you behave so generously, she will no longer have a cold war with you

A person, the hands are cold, can be hot, the heart is cold, can no longer heat up. So the Cold War was a chilling start. In married life, it is very normal for problems to occur, but there are still some couples who choose not to communicate and fight the cold war to the end. And such a result is often that the emotions are getting weaker and weaker, so faint that only divorce can make each other free.

What if the husband and wife do not take the initiative to fight the Cold War? Taking the initiative to "admit it" is the embodiment of wisdom and wisdom

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