
Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

Pregnant mothers may think that after giving birth, they will be much easier and will not suffer again. But in fact, after the "unloading", the test to deal with has just begun. Especially when it comes to taking care of babies, if you don't pay attention to many details, not only the baby, but even the new mothers will be hurt.

Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

01 Bao Mom couldn't stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

Xiao Chen gave birth to a baby when she was 24 years old, originally she did not plan to prepare for pregnancy so early, and as a result, she was unexpectedly pregnant, since she was pregnant, it was not necessary to take the child off, so she gave birth to the child. At the age of 24, she feels like a child, it is a little too early, and many times when taking care of children, she feels overwhelmed.

After the birth of the child, only on the third day, the baby bit the nipple when sucking, and after one side of the bite was broken, Xiao Chen switched to the other side to breastfeed, but the other side also bitten. Xiao Chen really couldn't stand the pain, so he decided to forcibly wean off breast milk and let the baby drink milk powder.

Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

However, what Xiao Chen did not expect was that because it was summer, because he was afraid of the problem of milk leakage, he had been wearing pregnant women's underwear, resulting in the wound being stuffed in the clothes, and then the infection situation became more serious, and there was also the problem of redness and ulcers, and this pain must only be understood by the mother who has experienced it.

And Xiao Chen's baby, because he is not willing to drink milk powder, so he always cries endlessly, but Xiao Chen really does not want to breastfeed, and the pain can be said to be more heart-wrenching than childbirth, which is simply a pain in the heart. Because the baby is unwilling to drink milk, he is becoming more and more emaciated, and even has diarrhea.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen's infection situation is serious, and there is also a situation of mastitis, because the amount of breast milk is abundant and cannot be discharged in time, resulting in stimulation of the mammary glands, which also caused acute mastitis, and both mother and child were hospitalized in half a month.

Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

The doctor felt very helpless about Xiao Chen, it can be said that it was because she ate the loss of not understanding parenting knowledge, otherwise she and the child would not be guilty now.

In fact, there are also many mothers who have a situation like Xiao Chen, who directly choose to quit breast milk in the case of nipple cracking, and do not know that this behavior has greater harm to newborns and mothers.

02 Why do I have cracked nipples and what are the symptoms?

Most of the reason why most mothers have cracked nipples is largely due to improper breastfeeding, which may be due to incorrect posture, and the baby's body tilt is too large when breastfeeding, resulting in a strong sense of pulling on the nipple, so that the nipple is bitten. Or the mother forcibly pulls out the nipple after breastfeeding, which may also cause the nipple to rupture.

Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

Of course, part of the reason is that the baby, if the baby's sucking is too strong, or the way of sucking is wrong, it will also lead to a cracked nipple. In addition, if the new mothers are not able to properly care for the nipples after breastfeeding, it may also cause nipple infections, which may lead to ruptures.

When new mothers have cracked nipples, the symptoms are still obvious, and there may be nipple damage, and in severe cases, they will be accompanied by bleeding or blisters, ulcers, redness and swelling. Usually, if such a situation occurs, it needs to be treated immediately, otherwise the follow-up situation will only get more and more serious.

Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

Just like Xiao Chen in the above case, because he did not seek medical treatment in time, resulting in the subsequent occurrence of acute mastitis, not only could not continue to breastfeed, but also let the mothers suffer. If acute mastitis occurs, the pain suffered by the mothers will only be more intense and more unbearable.

In view of this, it is recommended that mothers must take good care of their breasts in normal times, pay attention to the details of all aspects, such as choosing the correct breastfeeding position, and guiding the baby to suck breast milk correctly. At the same time, after the occurrence of nipple cracking, it must be actively treated, otherwise it will be more difficult to treat after the situation is serious. Even if the nipple is cracked, and then do not want to continue feeding, you also need to express breast milk in time, otherwise if the breast milk has been accumulating in the breast, then there will be a blockage of the breast, most of the nipple cracks and mastitis, are caused by this reason, so this is why I hope that the mothers should pay attention to the reason.

Bao Mom could not stand the "death of breastfeeding", forcibly weaned breast milk, and half a month later, both mother and child were hospitalized

It is more important to emphasize that during pregnancy, mothers should learn more about the nursing knowledge of newborns, whether it is breastfeeding, or the care of themselves, only more learning can be actively handled, but also can better prevent the emergence of problems, otherwise even the baby will have to accompany the mothers to suffer in the future.

Conclusion: "Breastfeeding" Most mothers are difficult to endure, but I also hope that mothers will not give up breastfeeding, because after all, breastfeeding is more beneficial to the baby. As long as the treatment is good in the later stage and pay attention to the method of feeding, you will actually find that breastfeeding is not so difficult.

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