
7 Parenting Tips to Develop Healthy and Happy Kids

author:If there is a baby

Parenting may seem easy from the outside, but only if you have kids will you know it's more complicated than rocket science. How scary were you when you were a kid? How messy is your teen life? How did your parents deal with it? Answering these questions will give you a fair understanding of the difficulties that come with parenting. Now you're a parent – yes, times have changed and things have become more complicated than before. But, before you freak out, understand that parenting can also be simplified if you learn how to raise your children better.

Prevention is better than cure, and if your child is polite, healthy, and happy, your problem is half solved! It's not magic, it's some hard work you have to do. Here are 7 golden parenting tips for raising healthy and happy children:

7 Parenting Tips to Develop Healthy and Happy Kids

1) The importance of the word "no"

Don't give your child everything they ask for, because that will only spoil them. They will think that they have a right to get everything they want, and not getting these things really breaks their hearts. If they don't learn to say "no" to you, they probably won't learn from anywhere else. They'll grow up to be someone who can't really reject anyone even if they don't want to, and they'll end up doing things they don't like.

2) Make them independent

Don't do everything for them. More importantly, don't choose everything for them. Give them choices like food, games they want to play, clothes they want to wear, or movies they want to watch. However, if you disagree with some of what they propose, be patient and explain it to them with examples. As long as your child hasn't done anything wrong, you don't always need your intervention.

3) Don't impose too many timelines on them

In early childhood, it's important to follow a schedule so that your child understands the full content of discipline. Make sure he eats on time, studies on time, and sleeps on time. However, be flexible and don't make schedules during playtime, vacations, or when your child is not feeling well.

4) Diet and exercise

A good mom is also a good cook! Try to avoid junk food and fast food and cook the delicious meals your kids crave at home. Also, make sure your kids go out and play so they get enough exercise. Don't encourage sitting in the house all the time playing video games.

5) Encourage their creativity

Encourage your child to be creative and support the talents they want to follow. Don't force your child to go to music lessons just because you think he/she sings well. Instead, ask them what they want to do and help them build on that. Creativity is one of the best ways to explore, learn and find meaning in life. Sadly, many children are missing out on this now because they are saddled with the pressure of traditional education.

6) Speak and listen

Be a parent only 50% of the time and be your child's best friend for the remaining 50% of the time. Don't just give your child instructions and advice, but also talk to them about what they want to hear. When they do a good deed, thank them even if it's just a simple act of kindness. Tell them you love them, just as you scold them when they make a mistake. Don't just talk, be a great listener. Encourage your child to talk to you about all their feelings and let them know they can come to you when they have a problem.

7) Don't lose focus on yourself

If you want your child to be healthy and happy, you have to be healthy and happy first. Try not to be blinded by the idea of parenting, and take care of yourself. Never take the brunt of your adult problems to your child and make sure you don't yell or swear at the person in front of them.

A good parenting style is the right idea, plan and execute, and it takes a little brain and a lot of heart. Good parents raise healthy and happy children, and children will grow into promising adults. A healthy child is not only outwardly healthy, he/she must also get rid of psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. Remember, health and happiness are equally important to everyone.

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