
Kangxi, Wenzhi martial arts comparable to Yao Shun Han Wu Li Shimin, why did the nine sons of the late period appear to take the concubine?

The title of Emperor of the Ages is a proper noun of Qin Shi Huang.

However, if Emperor Wu of Han or Li Shimin uses it, it is also a slightly more talkable past

However, Kangxi, if you talk about the term "Emperor of the Ages", I think he is far from qualified.

The First Emperor led the Great Qin Iron Hoof to destroy the Six Kingdoms and unify China for the first time. One or the other.

The Xiongnu failed to take advantage of the chaos to destroy our race and cut off our civilization.

Unified writing, our Chinese blood is connected, culture is connected, no longer a scattered sand, the concept of Chinese unification has since penetrated the hearts of the people. Therefore, although the land of China has been subjected to wars for a long time and has been divided many times in the future, no one has given up the belief in reunification. This is the third.

The establishment of an absolute monarchical centralized power system has set a precedent in history, and has been used by future generations for more than two thousand years.

These four, because of the first emperor's creation, the future emperors are all bricks and tiles, I think no emperor dares to compare his merits with the groundbreaking Qin Shi Huang.

And Emperor Wu of Han and Emperor Taizong of Tang, two people who sealed the wolf Juxu and pressed the Xiongnu to the ground to rub and rub, while the other went to Ma'an Tianxia and ruled the world under Ma, and even created the international system of "Heavenly Khans" in the East centered on the Tang Empire, and caught the Turks rubbing and rubbing on the ground.

What about Kangxi?

Kangxi, Wenzhi martial arts comparable to Yao Shun Han Wu Li Shimin, why did the nine sons of the late period appear to take the concubine?

And the so-called kangxi feats, let's talk about it, capture Aobai, Ping San Francisco, Taiwan, pro-conquest of Dzungar.

If Ao Bai is really like a rebellion, what is the matter with you Kangxi, a yellow-mouthed child? A dynasty of heavenly sons and a courtier, with a piece of loyalty of the old minister, suddenly burst into a dead hand and directly killed people's homes, such a thing is called a merit?

Ping San Fan, Wu Sangui was more than 60 years old when he rebelled! An old man who was half-cut into the ground let the earth emperor who split the earth and sealed it not to do it, but did he have to die of old age and ambition to seek the world?

Pro-conquest of Dzungar, How kangxi can not fight down, how to blow all blind, the result is immediately windy, when can this kind of thing also be bragged as a merit?

After recovering Taiwan, Zheng Chenggong died early, and his capable son was killed by the anger of his mother... Does this count?

In my opinion, Kangxi's call of the Sixty Years Emperor is more appropriate.

Kangxi, Wenzhi martial arts comparable to Yao Shun Han Wu Li Shimin, why did the nine sons of the late period appear to take the concubine?

Nine sons and wives

Kangxi also had great problems with his sons. He was worried that the prince's power was too great to empty himself, so he connived at other sons to cultivate private forces to compete with the prince for the throne, which led to the so-called "Kowloon Conquest" chaos in the court. On the one hand, the ministers had to deal with the co-optation of the various princes, and on the other hand, because they could not see the future situation clearly, they did not dare to easily turn to or reject which side, so they had to constantly speculate on Kangxi's thoughts. This created good conditions for Kangxi to manipulate the ministers and play with power.

However, although this enabled him to consolidate his rule, it made the country's government affairs chaotic, the forces of the various princes fell on each other, the ministers formed parties with each other for personal gain, and the various groups did whatever they wanted either to protect themselves or to seize the concubine, and even deliberately withheld grain and wages, resulting in the total annihilation of the front army, and the lives of tens of thousands of troops were used to destroy the political foundation of the opponents.

As a result, by the time Yongzheng ascended the throne, the country's government was already extremely corrupt.

If it wasn't for the fourth master's conscientious efforts to forcibly renew his life for the Qing Dynasty, could he have persisted for so long?

Kangxi, Wenzhi martial arts comparable to Yao Shun Han Wu Li Shimin, why did the nine sons of the late period appear to take the concubine?

To sum up, Kangxi is just an ordinary person level, objectively speaking, in the ancient emperors can be mixed with a midstream level, nothing more.

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