
What the hell is going on with the Nine Sons? Why did yongzheng win, not the stronger Eight Ye Party

In recent years, Qing palace dramas can be said to have often dominated major screens, and everyone has some understanding of the history of the Ming Dynasty. To say that the most dramatic period in the history of the Qing Dynasty was the "Nine Sons and Concubines" incident that occurred during the Kangxi Dynasty, which can be said to have caused an unprecedented political storm, and the cause of everything was the "abolition of the prince" incident.

What the hell is going on with the Nine Sons? Why did yongzheng win, not the stronger Eight Ye Party

We know that in ancient times, both princes and royal families followed the primogeniture system of succession, in order to avoid brothers competing for power and fratricidal power. In the fourteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1675), he made the second brother Yinrong, who was only 2 years old, crown prince. Everyone did not have any objections, after all, Yin Rong's mother was Empress Renxiao, and her identity and generation could also be made crown prince.

However, after Yin Rong was made crown prince, he was very arrogant, often forming parties for personal gain, and did not pay any attention to the emperor Kangxi. Kangxi did not stop doing two things, and in 1708 he publicly announced the abolition of the crown prince Yinrong, when Kangxi was already very old. It can almost be said that as long as anyone is made crown prince again, it will not be long before the throne is yours.

What the hell is going on with the Nine Sons? Why did yongzheng win, not the stronger Eight Ye Party

As a result, many brothers began to fight for each other and form a private party to gain the support of Kangxi's ministers. In order to suppress competitors, some princes even do not hesitate to "splash dirty water". For example, the eldest brother Yin Zhen said that he would kill Yin Rong for his father, on the grounds that he had a disobedient heart. It made Kangxi extremely chilled.

In short, Kangxi had 24 sons, 9 of whom were involved in the conquest of the concubine. These nine people are: The Eldest Brother Yinzhen, the Second Brother Yinzhen, the Third Brother Yinzhi, the Fourth Brother Yinchen, the Eighth Brother Yinzhen, the Ninth Brother Yinzhen, and the Tenth Brother Yin? , Thirteen Brother Yinxiang, Fourteen Brother Yinyu.

What the hell is going on with the Nine Sons? Why did yongzheng win, not the stronger Eight Ye Party

What is even more frightening is that these nine people have also formed their own interest groups, which can be roughly divided into three groups, the first group is the princeling party headed by the second brother Yinrong, the second group is the fourth master party headed by the fourth brother Yinchen, and the third group is the eight masters party headed by the eighth brother Yinchen.

In fact, after the second brother was deposed, he was restored as crown prince in March of the 48th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1709). However, in October of the fifty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1712), he was not restored after being deposed again. The rest are the Four Masters Party headed by the Four Brothers Yinchen and the Eight Masters Party headed by the Eight Brothers Yinchen.

What the hell is going on with the Nine Sons? Why did yongzheng win, not the stronger Eight Ye Party

If we say that in terms of the number of people gathered by the crown prince, the "Eight Masters Party" is undoubtedly more powerful. But we know that the person who won in the end was the fourth brother Yinchen. As for why, there are two reasons, first of all, although there are many supporters of the Eight Brothers, the decision is in the hands of Kangxi.

It was precisely because officials often recommended Yin Yu to Kangxi that Kangxi was disgusted and put a black hat in his heart as "forming a party for personal gain." On the contrary, Yongzheng's approach was much softer, and once Kangxi was invited to play in Yongzheng Province. When the two talked about the rise, Yongzheng mentioned his two sons.

What the hell is going on with the Nine Sons? Why did yongzheng win, not the stronger Eight Ye Party

Kangxi Grandpa was indeed very busy, and some of his grandchildren were too old to see each other. Since Yongzheng proposed it, Kangxi was naturally very happy to let the two children come out to meet. Unexpectedly, the Yongzheng Fourth Brother Hongli was very popular with Kangxi, and later received the guidance of personally raising in the palace. The two grandsons established a cordial relationship, and Kangxi wanted to wear the throne to Yongzheng, so he had to pass the throne to Yongzheng, and finally the three generations of grandchildren joined forces to create the prosperity of the three dynasties of Kang Yongqian.

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