
Li Hongzhang went abroad to invite foreigners to eat Chinese food, and half of the dishes were not enough, and he hurriedly came up with a dish that is now famous

As we all know, Li Hongzhang was one of the four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty, and although he left many bad reputations in history, in fact, this person was extremely wise, otherwise he would not have been favored by the current dynasty, and he could have sent foreign envoys and done all kinds of things on behalf of the Qing Dynasty. And he was also the apprentice of Zeng Guofan, who was a great sage of the late Qing Dynasty, so the apprentice was naturally no less than that. And according to legend, when Li Hongzhang used Chinese food to invite foreigners, he was eating enough dishes when he was happy, he invented a dish in an emergency, and now it has become a famous dish, so what is this dish? Let's take a look.

Li Hongzhang went abroad to invite foreigners to eat Chinese food, and half of the dishes were not enough, and he hurriedly came up with a dish that is now famous

Legend has it that during the Guangxu Emperor's reign, Li Hongzhang was sent out to visit the nations, and he was also interviewed by a local newspaper, and his reputation rose for a while, and foreigners also respected him, so Li Hongzhang set up a banquet in a foreign country to entertain foreign envoys. Although these crooked nuts know China, they rarely eat Chinese food, and as a result, they did not expect to taste authentic Chinese food at Li Hongzhang's banquet, and they felt that it was very delicious, which was very different from the Western food they ate, so they ate it with great pleasure and relish.

Li Hongzhang went abroad to invite foreigners to eat Chinese food, and half of the dishes were not enough, and he hurriedly came up with a dish that is now famous

This should have been a perfect feast, but what Li Hongzhang did not expect was that these foreigners were greedily eating the dishes because they tasted authentic Chinese food for the first time, but this feast was only halfway through, so Li Hongzhang used his ingenuity to order his men to cook the leftovers together into a smorgasbord and bring them to the table, which perfectly carried out the feast to the end, and the foreigners felt that it was a delicacy in the world after tasting the smorgasbord, and they gave a thumbs up.

Li Hongzhang went abroad to invite foreigners to eat Chinese food, and half of the dishes were not enough, and he hurriedly came up with a dish that is now famous

Therefore, this smorgasbord has also been passed down to the present and is famous in the world, but I did not expect that Li Hongzhang's quick and wise move produced a famous dish. However, now the smorgasbord is not to bring the leftovers together and heat them, but to use a variety of ingredients to make, which is actually very delicious.

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