
Central Political and Legal Work Conference: Consolidate and deepen the achievements of education and rectification, and forge a loyal and clean political and legal iron army

author:China News Network

Beijing, 16 Jan (China News Service) -- The Central Political and Legal Work Conference was held in Beijing from 15 to 16 January. In view of the political and legal work in 2022, the meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the importance of promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party and the police, continuously consolidate and deepen the results of the education and rectification of the political and legal team, and strive to forge a loyal and clean political and legal iron army.

The meeting stressed that the first is to consolidate and deepen the achievements of political construction; the second is to consolidate and deepen the results of rectifying the work style and eliminating discipline and fighting corruption; the third is to consolidate and deepen the results of the training of talents; the fourth is to consolidate and deepen the results of positive incentives; and the fifth is to consolidate and deepen the achievements of system construction.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to persistently take a clear-cut stand on politics as the first requirement, improve the various systems for safeguarding the authority of the party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and implement the party's absolute leadership over political and legal work in all aspects and the whole process. It is necessary to resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the poisonous influence of Zhou Yongkang, Sun Lijun, and so on.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to pay attention to grasping the root causes, constantly tighten the cage of the system, and strive to prevent and curb the occurrence of violations of discipline and law from the source. It is necessary to improve the system for the exchange of posts in different places for the "number one" and important deputy posts in political and legal organs, and strengthen the regular rotation and exchange of key posts in law enforcement and judicial posts and key posts in personnel, property, and property. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the system, and truly let the iron regulations exert force and the prohibition become threatening. (End)

Source: China News Network

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