
Jiangsu Week 丨 Party History Study and EducationNext Step: Consolidate Achievements and Take a New Road to Catch up with the Examination

author:Jintai information

From the special democratic life meeting on party history study and education to the summary meeting on party history study and education, from the provinces to the cities, in the past week, "party history study and education" has become a high-frequency word in the work of all parts of Jiangsu. Wu Zhenglong, secretary of the provincial party committee, stressed: To study and make good use of party history, it is necessary to integrate it into daily life, grasp it on a regular basis, establish a normalized and long-term system and mechanism, and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to learn from time to time, to learn and understand frequently, and to learn and gain frequently.

There will be a common theme in democratic life on the special topic of party history study and education, that is, "vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, uphold and develop the party's historical experience in the struggle of the past century, strengthen historical self-confidence, practice the mission of the times, cultivate the feelings of the people, have the courage to take action, and unite and lead the people to take the new road of catching up with the examination."

On January 9, the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee spent a day holding a special democratic life meeting on party history study and education. Subsequently, on January 9, 14 and 15, the party group of the provincial government, the party group of the provincial CPPCC committee, and the party group of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress successively held a special democratic life meeting on the study and education of party history. At these four special democratic life meetings on party history study and education, the leaders of the four sets of provincial leading bodies made comparative inspections and made statements.

Wu Zhenglong, secretary of the provincial party committee, stressed: It is necessary to carry forward the great spirit of party building, keep firmly in mind the mission of the original heart, establish a normalized and long-term system and mechanism, consolidate and expand the achievements in the study and education of party history, constantly increase historical self-confidence, enhance unity and unity, enhance the spirit of struggle, build a solid foundation of faith, forge a loyal soul, cultivate the heart of the people, firmly forge ahead, adhere to the people's stand, have a general pattern and great feelings, worry about the world before the world, and enjoy the happiness of the world after the world, always attach importance to the cause of the party and the people, always share the hearts of the people, and rely on each other in life and death. Fate is shared, in the face of pressure, we know the heavy burden, face difficulties in the face of contradictions, stand up in the face of crises, dare to struggle, be good at struggle, dare to take responsibility, do good deeds, unite and lead the people of the province to forge ahead in a new journey with confidence, write a new chapter, and create a happier and better life.

Xu Kunlin, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, acting governor, and secretary of the provincial government's leading party group, pointed out: It is necessary to take the current meeting on democratic life on the special topic of party history study and education as a new starting point, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, thoroughly implement the central arrangements and the requirements of the provincial party committee, pinpoint the work focus and breakthrough point of the glorious mission of "striving to be an example, striving to be an example, and walking in the forefront" on the new journey, implement in detail all key tasks of high-quality economic and social development, seek truth and be pragmatic, immerse oneself in hard work, do a solid job in all aspects of government work, and "be strong, rich, and high." The modernization of the new Jiangsu is constantly advancing.

Zhang Yizhen, secretary of the provincial CPPCC leading group, said that it is necessary to strengthen historical self-confidence, better grasp historical experience, and draw wisdom and strength; take the initiative to take action, give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC, and extensively unite the people; keep firmly in mind the original mission, always adhere to the people's supremacy, and consciously perform their duties for the people; comprehensively and strictly administer the party, so that the people are pragmatic and honest, loyal and clean, and shoulder the glorious mission of service and write a new chapter.

Li Xiaomin, executive deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and deputy secretary of the party leading group, said that with regard to the problems discovered in the study and education of party history, the opinions and suggestions solicited before the meeting, and the criticisms raised by each other at the meeting, it is necessary to improve the rectification and reform plan, implement rectification and reform measures, ensure that the rectification and reform achieve practical results, and better shoulder the responsibility of the people's congress on the new journey of the modernization of the new Jiangsu province with the excellent results of the standing committee's party group's own construction.

As the Xinhua Daily commentator's article put it, "Looking back is to get a better start." The People's Network noted that the day after the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee held a special democratic life meeting on party history study and education, a summary meeting on party history study and education in Jiangsu Province was held.

Reviewing the achievements of party history study and education, Wu Zhenglong pointed out that the party members and cadres in the province have received a comprehensive and profound political education, ideological refinement, and spiritual baptism, further enhanced the political consciousness of loyalty to the core, trust in the core, closely follow the core, and safeguard the core, further deepened the understanding and grasp of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, further stabilized the people's stand, planted the feelings of the people, further rejuvenated the spirit of forging ahead and forging ahead, and further strengthened the spirit of building meritorious service. Mission to create the future.

Facing the future, Wu Zhenglong stressed: On a new journey, we must carry a sober understanding and persistent adherence to the fundamental issue of what the CPC is and what it is going to do, consolidate and expand the achievements of party history study and education, continue to deepen historical understanding, strengthen historical self-confidence, strengthen historical responsibility, take a new road of catching up with the examination, and strive for new and greater glory for the party and the people.

After successive meetings on party history study and education were held at the provincial level, Jiangsu cities followed suit, successively holding democratic life meetings on party history study and education and summarizing meetings on party history study and education.

In addition to these two "prescribed actions," local meetings and activities also have the theme of party history study and education. For example, on January 12, Chen Jinhu, secretary of the Changzhou Municipal PARTY Committee, conducted a special investigation on the construction of the "I Do Practical Things for the Masses" project, saying that it is necessary to consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, establish and improve the long-term mechanism of "I do practical things for the masses", promote the solution of the most realistic interest problems that the masses are most concerned about, and let the people have a better sense of achievement, a more sustainable sense of happiness, and a more secure sense of security. On January 13, the Standing Committee of the Huai'an Municipal Party Committee held a meeting to deliberate on the implementation opinions on promoting the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education and the summary meeting plan for the city's party history study and education; on the same day, Lianyungang City held a meeting of the Municipal Party Committee Party History Study and Education Leading Group, and Fang Wei, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, stressed the need to consolidate and expand the achievements, improve the long-term mechanism, strengthen historical self-confidence, strengthen historical responsibility, immerse oneself in hard work, and move forward courageously.

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