
Without a little madness, life is not worth living

author:One poem at a time
Without a little madness, life is not worth living

Every day's original poems and dreams, don't rub shoulders with me anymore

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Without a little madness, life is not worth living

◎ A person will learn a lot of things in the journey of life. Courage, commitment, tolerance, forgiveness, these words come together to be kind. It is a kind of light that a person brings with it in any environment.

Don't waste your golden years, don't listen to boring things, don't try to save doomed failures. Nor should you waste your life on ignorant, ordinary or vulgar people. These things are nothing more than the pathological goals and illusory ideals of this era.

【Group poems】Text/Black Fence

"Wait for a Snow"

Like snow, nothing more than love

The world is full of white, like a dream, but also like a fantasy


This year's snow came too late

Honeysuckle on the side of the riverside road, holding red fruits

In a posture of anticipation, standing in the arms of winter

Honeysuckle after snow is an ultimate beauty

White and red, drunk all winter

A heart, haggard in watch

The snow hasn't come yet, probably lost

This bustling city is easy to give people hallucinations

Without a little madness, life is not worth living

◎ You never care about the missed time, just care to be brave, to go straight, to stand tall before fighting the blue sky. You hold the descended rose, turn around and pick up the sword, both firm and soft.

You are so proud, how can you meet me but you lower your eyebrows. - Yun Xi

Schopenhauer said that "everyone regards the limit of their vision as the limit of the world."

Therefore, people's understanding of things is limited. No matter how one claims that one sees the problem as comprehensive, do not easily believe it. In fact, when he emphasizes a particular point of the salient argument, he in itself ignores anything other than the one he emphasizes. From this point of view, the essence of cognition is one-sided. Because a lot of the conclusions come from perspective.

"I'm a Spoiled Child by the Night"

Stepping on the shadow of the setting sun, night came

Precede the footsteps of the moon, occasionally

Wrapped in the wind, or left behind by clouds

Until the street lights come on, dying the hustle and bustle yellow

I love talking to the stars on nights like this

Hide the scars into the darkness, and those

In the daytime, the eagerness to be ashamed to speak, and humble

I have dreamed many times that I am a snowflake

It fell in the night and buried it

At this time, I would fold a dead branch and paint in the snow

I think I was a spoiled child by the night

All crazy long, tireless

Wait for the east to turn white and wake up from the hustle and bustle

I counted the names of the stars and went to sleep quietly

Without a little madness, life is not worth living

Most people in the world do not think with their own heads, and the more people who do not think, the more reluctant they are to listen to others.

◎ The higher the cognition, the more objective they are when they see things, and they follow the essence and laws. The lower the cognition of people, the more subjective things are, easy to be confused by appearances, easy to be biased, like blind people, easy to be controlled. Once people's cognition is broken, the thinking will be completely opened, not only can see a more thorough and real world, but also see the essence at a glance and grasp the main points in an instant.

"What I Found in Yantai"

Text/Hlove Wang Yahui

The road in the development area, named the most special

North and south are mountains

Taishan Road, Huangshan Road, Hengshan Road...

Rivers run east-west

Jinshajiang Road, Zhujiang Road, Changjiang Road...

When I am idle, I always like to go to the street and take a look around

It's like climbing all over the mountains of the motherland

Overlooking the rivers

Without a little madness, life is not worth living

◎ The pride and prejudice of teenagers will eventually become the needle of regret, and on the night of the wind, the people who are suddenly stabbed are restless and shed the blood of guilt.

People rarely do what they believe is right, they do what is more convenient and then regret it. --Bob Dylan

◎ Psychology has a theory called "confirmatory bias": that is, once you believe in a fact, you will subconsciously look for evidence to support your own point of view, selectively pay attention to and collect information, and reject those phenomena that contradict your point of view, so as to come up with a fact or truth that meets your wishes. When a person is brainwashed into forming a "preconceived" cognition, no matter how many examples are given and what the reasoning is, it is difficult for him to wake up.

【Group poems】Text/Jianmu


A green tree

A red flower

Then there is my world

It doesn't have to be noisy and cumbersome

It's not a promise

Mundane, unpretentious

Coarse tea and light rice are decorated

A square dining table

It was accompanied by a candle

The white of this piece of paper

Stained with ink

Put all innocence into legend

Only a loss is left for me


Without a little madness, life is not worth living

◎ Without a little madness, life is not worth living. - Milan Kundera

◎ The biggest difference between people is not appearance, nor wealth status; but taste... It is a person's disposition and quality, which is something that has been shaped for a long time and is rooted in the bones...

"Unspeakable Ambition"

Poetry and wine are difficult to say in the heart, and the old dreams of mountains and rivers are known.

Where the dust is gone, when will the clothes return home?

Without a little madness, life is not worth living

◎ Later I knew,

There are many things that can be worked on,

But not between people,

Can go to the end,

In fact, from the beginning, it was a fellow traveler,

There is a reason for the encounter, either a gift or a lesson.

——"Real" NetEase cloud hot review

"The Night Is Deep"

I don't smell the flowers blooming this morning, and the wind breaks the gods in the evening.

Old dreams are fragile and deep at night, scattered into the rivers and lakes and no one asks.


Without a little madness, life is not worth living
◎ In addition to gentleness, there is also a trait that attracts me, and there is also "steadiness". This kind of stability, regardless of experience, mentality, or knowledge literacy, has fascinated me. That kind of calmness in my bones, not hanging emotions on my face, and the perseverance when dealing with things are the state that I will always achieve. Life is always so naughty, long and difficult, and the irritability is gone and returns. And stable people must take a cut alone.

"Life always silences me, fate always humbles me"

Text/Yunfei (China. Henan)

I often, late at night, do not want to go to sleep

Often, taste the long nights

Listen to your own breathing

Often, re-recognize yourself

Often blame yourself for some small regrets

Life always silences me

Even longer trees grow

It will also break in unison

White as bone stubble

Even, try to move towards the whole spring

Still, still buried in a piece of soil

I was silent and contemplative

How, count the time not to be thrown away

Fate always humbles me

Often, I am made to repent

It's not just a matter of simply bowing your head and admitting mistakes

It's irretrievable again and again

His palms were as strong as the waves

And I couldn't believe it was as tall as a mountain

In this way, I became more humble

At dusk, there is always worry

Some of the grass that had lost its sunlight died

Such as when the cold winter in the north falls

There are always people who leave and never return

The Nobody was armed with the courage of the day

Screaming and rushing ahead

Break through the darkness of the empty dawn

Rush to the golden lie

I'm in the autumn when a leaf falls

See the splendor of spring and the splendor of summer

Silently accept Qiu's arrangement

Quiet fall to the ground

Tonight, I will light the fire of my soul

Enjoy the peace of night

Enjoy the ordinary

Without a little madness, life is not worth living
◎ No longer insist on things that do not need to be insisted on, no longer stubborn reasons that cannot be attached. You let go of all attachments, and you become very relaxed and free. Nothing more can anger or hurt you...

"White Plum Like Snow"


White plums are like snow

Warm as snow

Purity is like snow

Snow walked by

The white plums turned into snow again

Lapa has passed

The taste of the year is getting stronger

Sticky to the fireworks of the world

The fragrance of white plums

Has become more mellow

With a charm that appeals to everything

Watchman reports to the East Wind

The first branch of the white plum

The watch is getting thicker

Human fireworks

It will be in the long years

Live without complaint or regret

Without a little madness, life is not worth living

◎ Don't live for others, don't be limited by dogma, don't live in the ideas of others. Don't let other people's opinions sway your own inner voice. The most important thing is to bravely follow your own heart and intuition, only the heart and intuition know your true thoughts, and everything else can be ignored.

◎ Hope you are good, I hope you are successful.

Even if there are small bumps and bumps, occasionally encounter difficulties,

It will eventually be able to turn the danger into a disaster.

"Between One Thought" (Outer One)

Text/Fang Tian

Aging has become irreversible

Fleeting youth

Already hiding in some gloomy corner


We are still living in a conflict of interest

All in one thought

We look forward to the warm spring blossoms

But it was only spring and hurried home

Wind, often disguised as our lovers

Wander around in the cycle of seasons

Every heartbeat is a silent call

We will always be our own kings

Or think of Shadow as queen

We can't be true to ourselves forever

It's like shadows can't follow us forever

If we can't give light to others

Then we can only live in darkness


There is a very cute person in the world, this person is looking at this article, really envious of these words, thousands of mountains and rivers, see you on my behalf. Forward the original poem with sugar to eat ❤:

Is there a very advanced kind of copywriting and poetry?

Everything in the world is as short as a dream, may we, cherish people and things, sit and watch the years, and embrace peace and security

If someone warms up with the warmth of these words, it is also a kind of salvation

Where there are people who miss you, that is where you belong

The two acacias are covered in snow, and this life is also considered to be a common whitehead

Author | Original poetry | Black Fence/ Yunxi / Hlove Wang Yahui / Jianmu / People-Oriented / Fang Tian (in addition to poetry in the text ◎ Quotation sentences Some sentences are derived from the signature and unnamed provenance of the invasion and deletion Thanks to the American masterpiece)

Figure | Zhang Xingxiao (original handwriting of a poem and an article) (Thanksgiving Beauty Picture)

This article is original, please do not copy without permission, plagiarism must be investigated ╭❤~ Thank you for reading, love you. ❤ Every time you click a thumbs up, one more flower blooms on my heart

Without a little madness, life is not worth living

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