
Li Xian married his daughter to Wu Zetian's nephew, and his empress had an affair with Wu Sansi, pretending that it did not happen

Wu Zetian deposed her two sons and made herself emperor, which also ended the Li Tang Dynasty, but she was a woman after all, and after her death, who would inherit the throne has always bothered her.

In the early days, Wu Zetian looked down on her own mother's family, she did not get any good treatment in her mother's family, so after she gained power, she immediately exiled these mothers, but to be emperor, she still needed these mother's family, she promoted a lot of Wu family, of which Wu Sansi as her nephew, was even more trusted by her, and she almost took Wu Sansi as the crown prince.

Li Xian married his daughter to Wu Zetian's nephew, and his empress had an affair with Wu Sansi, pretending that it did not happen

But Zhang Kamzhi and others launched a coup d'état, so that Wu Sansi's dream of becoming emperor was disappointed, when he was in power before, but he persecuted a lot of Li Tangzong's room, and also opposed Li Xian, but did not expect that after Li Xian succeeded to the throne, not only did not kill Wu Sansi, his empress Wei Shi also had a private affair with Wu Sansi, Li Xian was aware of these things, but he also acted as if it did not happen, Li Xian, this is the green hat worn to the end, any normal man, may not necessarily do this like him, why li Xian not only forgave the previous political enemy Wu Sansi, Do you still turn a blind eye to the empress's adultery with Wu Sansi?

What the hell was he thinking?

First of all, Li Xian and Wu Sansi were relatives, and his favorite daughter, Princess Anle, was married to Wu Sansi's son. For this daughter, Li Xian was willing to do anything, and even almost let his daughter succeed to the throne, so he could not bear to let his daughter become a widow, so he forgave Wu Sansi.

Li Xian married his daughter to Wu Zetian's nephew, and his empress had an affair with Wu Sansi, pretending that it did not happen

Wu Sansi also felt that there was no hope of succeeding to the throne, he went all out to please Li Xian and Wei Hou, Li Xian, this person actually had no idea, the real master was his wife Wei Shi, although Wei Hou was ambitious, but her power in the DPRK was not so big, she needed to slowly cultivate power, at the beginning Zhang Kam Zhi and others became an obstacle to her administration, Wei Hou needed Wu Sansi's help to deal with Zhang Kamzhi's people.

Wei Hou was very obsessed with power, her husband was too cowardly, and listened to her everything, she had the idea of learning Wu Zetian, naturally in the relationship between men and women is not so censored, she and Wu Sansi have a relationship, but also in order to be able to further win Wu Sansi.

Li Xian married his daughter to Wu Zetian's nephew, and his empress had an affair with Wu Sansi, pretending that it did not happen

These aristocratic women of the Tang Dynasty did not pay much attention in this regard, Li Xian may know that his wife put a green hat on himself, but he really can't bear to blame his wife, and if he wants to stabilize the throne, he also needs the help of his wife and Wu Sansi, and it is very normal for him to make such a ridiculous move.

Wu Sansi's bold moves were all due to Wei Hou's support for him, at first Wei Hou had to face these enemies of Zhang Kamzhi, and later she wanted to abolish Li Chongjun, who was not her own child, these things must be assisted by someone in the outer court, Wu Sansi has great power in the DPRK, with his help, it is more convenient for him to take power in the DPRK, for the sake of power, all kinds of absurd things can happen.

Li Xian married his daughter to Wu Zetian's nephew, and his empress had an affair with Wu Sansi, pretending that it did not happen

The Tang Dynasty was in the stage of frequent coups d'état at that time, and their power was not very stable after Wei, so for them, as long as they could help their own people, they could make good use of it, and she and Wu Sansi were actually political cooperation, and their cooperation was also good for Li Xian's throne.

Therefore, Li Xian also acquiesced to this behavior, in fact, Wei Hou himself could play openly, Li Xian played very openly, he accepted Shangguan Wan'er and these people, and even openly shared Wei Hou with Wu Sansi, perhaps the long-term imprisonment life has made Li Xian's heart a little abnormal.

Li Xian married his daughter to Wu Zetian's nephew, and his empress had an affair with Wu Sansi, pretending that it did not happen

However, the Li Tang imperial family has not paid attention to this aspect, before Tang Taizong, Gaozong all kinds of absurd things happened, which also made them criticized by posterity.

The Li Tang royal family has the blood of the Hu people, the ancient Hu people did not value this aspect as much as the Han people, and it is normal for these things to appear, and the royal family is a special class, due to the influence of power, it is impossible to speculate on their behavior with normal thinking, if you look closely, you can find that there are more things in the royal family than this.

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