
Daily lesson 丨 Zhuzi reading method 43 Reading method realized in the bath

Daily lesson 丨 Zhuzi reading method 43 Reading method realized in the bath

One lesson a day to read the classics, this is the Erya Book Garden. Today we begin lecture 43 of the Zhuzi Reading Method. Welcome to leave a message to communicate.

The reading must be single-minded, reading this sentence and paying attention to this sentence, reading this chapter and paying attention to this chapter, it must be seen that this chapter is thorough, and then you can see other chapters. I don't have to think about other chapters and sentences, but I just look at it here with a calm mind.

Suitable for bathing. If you want to take the bath from the head, you can save the force and the dirt can be removed. If you make a few strokes here and a few strokes elsewhere, you will be useless. The same is true of learning. If you can't pay attention to it, and if you want to pay more attention to it, it will not help in the end. Mo (said) the Tao saw (got) and then rested, and now look at it a thousand times to see it and see it differently, and look at it ten thousand times to see it again. When there is no such book, many programs and sub-programs have fallen into their own stomachs. (Supplementary Compilation Section: Step by Step 28)

Be sure to be single-minded in your reading. To read this sentence is to understand only this one sentence; to read this chapter, to understand only this chapter, and to understand this chapter thoroughly, we must look at other chapters. Don't think about the contents of the next chapter before you finish reading it, just look at the current part calmly.

Just now because of the bath, there is a new view. Generally speaking, the bath should be rubbed from the head down, which not only saves effort, but also rubs the dirt clean. If you rub a few times here and there, you may be useless. The same is true of doing scholarship. If this is not understood, you want to understand something else, and in the end you can't understand anyone.

Don't think that this time you understand it, everything will be fine, if you look at it a thousand times, your understanding of the content must be different from before; if you look at it ten thousand times again, it is different from when you look at it a thousand times. If the book is thrown aside, the key places in the book can be stored in your stomach in an orderly and clear manner, and that's pretty much it.

We have finished studying the Analects, Mencius, University, Zhongyong, Tao Te Ching, Congxun Zhaiyu, Chenghuaiyuan Language, Zeng Guofan Teachings, and Vocal Enlightenment word by word. "Xunzi Daily Lesson" and "Zhuzi Reading Method" were officially launched. You are welcome to join.

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