
Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

"Those who follow us prosper and those who oppose us perish." For the person who controls the general situation, once he finds that the person who hinders him appears, then he will kill him with lightning speed and blindness, so as to complete his great cause. There is no doubt about this, and those who accomplish great things are by no means soft-hearted.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

Since ancient times, emperors have been the supreme holders of power, they are the leaders of a country,

It is the planner of the future of the country, and the emperor with such a huge power naturally needs to pay some price to have such power, so they sell their feelings for the sake of power.

"Heaven is the most ruthless". Throughout Chinese history, the Qing Dynasty reached its highest level of ruthlessness in the Tianjia. In the Heavenly Family, both the emperor and the imperial family had a very strict set of rules for their own rank.

In the Qing Dynasty, there were two people who could familiarize themselves with this set of rules, Yongzheng and Kangxi.

Yongzheng's routine

Those who can make good use of the rules have a very high talent for a skill- the Imperial Heart Technique. Yongzheng and Kangxi were the best emperors in the Qing Dynasty who made good use of the imperial mind technique, after all, they were both the main participants and leaders in the conquest of the ninth son of the Kangxi Dynasty in the last years.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

The Kangxi Emperor was the longest-reigning emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and he was not only the one who reigned the most long, but also the emperor with the most heirs. During the kangxi emperor's lifetime, he had a total of thirty-three brothers and twenty-two gege, although most of the brothers and gege died prematurely.

But he is worthy of being a "planter on earth". The Kangxi Emperor had so many heirs that it was inevitable that there would be some unimaginable surprises. Although the Kangxi Emperor had many brothers, the Qing Dynasty had only one throne, so there was a situation in which there were more monks and less meat.

And most of these brothers inherited the ambitions of the Kangxi Emperor, so they would never be willing to be ordinary, they all wanted to sit on the throne.

Prompted by the ambitions of multiple brothers, the so-called primogeniture system became a decoration, and the ambitious brothers were determined to compete for the ultimate ownership of the throne.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

When the ambitious brothers meet the eldest son Yin Rong, who is not qualified enough, such a situation will only have one result - Yin Rong has become the target of the brothers. In the end, yin rong's result was like the thoughts of many brothers, and yin rong was permanently imprisoned and never had the throne again.

As soon as Yin Rong's throne fell short, the various brothers began to consistently flatter the Kangxi Emperor, and among these brothers who showed their abilities, it was the eight brothers who were the most favored by the Kangxi Emperor, who had been appointed by the Kangxi Emperor as the head of the internal affairs office, giving high hopes.

Compared with Yin Yu, the path taken by the Fourth Brother Yin Chan can be described as diametrically opposed.

During the period of the Ninth Son's Conquest, Yin Chan was always in an undisputed position, and would not ally with any of them, which meant that Yin Chan had always remained neutral and lived his own life.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

As for Yin Chan's neutral state, no brother did not like it, and they all agreed that Yin Chan valued brotherhood and righteousness, so he did not interfere in the struggle for imperial power. Not only that, yin chan, in addition to not taking sides,

He is also known as "the world's first scattered person"

In this way, Yin Chan's image of not liking power is established.

But did Yin Chan really not like imperial power? History tells us that yin chan who does not like imperial power is all acting, and the third emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs is Ai Xin Jue Luo Yin Chan, that is, the Yongzheng Emperor. Yongzheng can get the final fruit, is it because of the indisputable heart?

Obviously, all this was Yin Chan's imperial heart technique, and the Yongzheng Emperor's indisputable appearance was used to confuse his brothers, and he showed his true talent and hard work to the Kangxi Emperor in the open and in the dark. Yin Chan, who acted in this way, was far stronger than those brothers who blindly flattered Kangxi.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

The Yongzheng Emperor was not only extremely deep in the city, but also jealous.

When the Kangxi Emperor handed over the position of head of the Internal Affairs Office to Yin Yu, Yongzheng panicked, so he showed his unique personal charm even harder. After showing his muscles many times, Yongzheng took the throne, and then expressed his jealousy of his brothers in his own way.

After the Yongzheng Emperor took the throne of the Qing Dynasty, the Yongzheng Emperor eliminated his potential competitors one by one. Those princes who committed crimes were punished by Yongzheng, and those princes who did not stand in a good line were imprisoned to death.

In any case, most of the yongzheng emperor's brothers did not have good results in the end. The Yongzheng Emperor's fierce heart seems to be very different from the Kangxi Emperor, who advocated leniency and benevolence, but in fact it is not.

Just as the so-called "tiger father has no dog", the Yongzheng Emperor is so fierce, kangxi will be worse than Yongzheng?

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

Kangxi's Imperial Mind Technique

The Kangxi Emperor was one of the greatest emperors of the Qing Dynasty, he was famous for his martial arts, and with the strength of one person, he took care of the war-torn Qing Dynasty in an orderly manner, creating the first prosperous era of the Qing Dynasty after entering the Customs - the Kangxi Dynasty. But people who achieve such great things also make mistakes.

In his later years, Kangxi was notoriously and faint, and during his later years of rule over the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty was full of corrupt officials, and Yongzheng, who took over the baton of the Kangxi Emperor, once said: The cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty are all corrupt officials.

The once wise and heroic Kangxi Emperor, in his later years, put his energy into the harem.

In his later years, the Kangxi Emperor lived all day on the belly of a woman, and not only that, he also put his mind on his own children. The so-called nine sons and concubines seem to be a war between the heirs of the imperial family, but in fact it is the Kangxi Emperor's behavior of raising clams.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

In terms of the power of the Kangxi Emperor, he could have established the crown prince early and supported the prince of his choice without hesitation. However, he did not do this, and after he completely abolished Yin Rong, he used the position of prince to make the brothers compete with each other.

The Kangxi Emperor knew that the final result would not be good, but he still chose to let the brothers fight between the brothers, rather than slightly preventing them, so that the conflict between the brothers became more and more serious.

In addition to indulging the brothers to fight on their own, the Kangxi Emperor would also put forward candidates who were not emperors in advance, and would not let anyone see his intentions.

The Fourteen Brothers are the most vivid examples.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

Yin Chan was Yin Chan's half-brother, and he not only inherited the leading talent of Kangxi, but also had the same courage as his brother Yin Chan. However, for unknown reasons, the Kangxi Emperor kicked Yin Yu out of the war of the heir to the imperial power early with a position.

In the fifty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1718), there was a turmoil in the north of the Qing Dynasty, and the Kangxi Emperor sent Yin Yu to the northwest to quell the rebellion in order to quell the unrest, and appointed him as an expeditionary general and let him lead 300,000 troops.

This position, which seems to hold real power, is a proof of the Kangxi Emperor's "red card down".

During the reign of the Kangxi Emperor, the Qing Dynasty entered a period of stable development, whether military or economic, the Qing Dynasty was unprecedentedly powerful. Under such a basic strength, how could the future emperor personally go to the northwest to quell chaos? Either campaign is risky.

Yongzheng Yinyu was jealous, and the old fourteen did not understand until his death, and this title showed that Kangxi had kicked him out

And if Yin Yuzhen was regarded by the Kangxi Emperor as a future crown prince, then the possibility of threatening his life would inevitably be erased. However, the result was that Yin Yu was appointed as the general of the expedition, and no matter how successful the expedition was, there was still a risk of death.

In summary, Yin Yu had actually been "kicked out of the game with a red card" by the Kangxi Emperor earlier, and the so-called tianzi pro-conquest ceremony was only to let Yin Yu have more confidence on the way of the expedition. All of this is the manifestation of the Kangxi Emperor's imperial heart technique.

brief summary

Neither the Kangxi Emperor nor the Yongzheng Emperor was a kind-hearted person, one could watch his heirs fire cold guns at each other, and the other could imprison his own brothers to death.

These two Qing emperors were undoubtedly the spokesmen of the Heavenly Family, the Heavenly Family ruthless.

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