
Why did Li Dan give up the throne three times? It was not that he was weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later

Since ancient times, how many heroes and good men have fought for the throne, and how many royal sons and daughters have fought for the throne, everyone hopes to run the world, but there is only one throne, and in the end, only "the winner is the king, and the loser is the coward." But in history, there is such an emperor who is different, he obviously has the opportunity to ascend to the throne, but he has given up the throne three times in succession, not that he is weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later.

Why did Li Dan give up the throne three times? It was not that he was weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later

The emperor of this "three concessions to the throne" was Li Dan, emperor of Tang Ruizong. Li Dan was the fourth son of Emperor Gaozong of Tang and Wu Zetian, and was deeply loved by Emperor Gaozong because he was the youngest among his brothers, and when Li Dan became an adult, he was humble and studious, proficient in calligraphy, and had a high literary attainment.

Why did Li Dan give up the throne three times? It was not that he was weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later

Since ancient times, Li Chujun has respected the rule of "li concubine and li chang", Li Dan is not the best candidate for the crown prince, Wu Zetian had four sons in his lifetime, the eldest son Li Hong died early; the second son Li Xian was made crown prince, because of his long talent, he was deposed by Wu Zetian for the crime of "conspiracy to rebel"; the third son Li Xian's character was weak, after Tang Gaozong's death, Wu Zetian took advantage of the situation to help him to the throne, but after Li Xian succeeded to the throne, he began to desire dissatisfaction, he wanted to concentrate power in his own hands, and began to vigorously cultivate his own henchmen, Wu Zetian saw that the situation was not good, and immediately deposed Li Xian as the king of Luling. Imprison him. In desperation, Wu Zetian had to push his fourth son Li Dan to the throne, Li Dan had a weak personality and had no interest in power, just in order to fulfill Wu Zetian's wishes, and Wu Zetian took all the important affairs of the government on himself.

Why did Li Dan give up the throne three times? It was not that he was weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later

In 690, Wu Zetian officially ascended the throne as emperor, which was the first emperor. Although Li Dan had no intention of fighting for power, there were still ministers in the DPRK who felt aggrieved for Li Dan and persuaded Li Dan to take power back, and Li Dan knew that Wu Zetian would not let himself go, so he said to the ministers, I (Li Dan) would like to give way to my mother (Wu Zetian).

Why did Li Dan give up the throne three times? It was not that he was weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later

In 705, with the Shenlong coup d'état launched by the chancellor Zhang Kamzhi and others, Wu Zetian passed the throne to Li Xian, and Li Dan once again obediently gave up the throne, because Li Xian's succession to the throne was the people's desire, and if Li Dan did not back down, it would only lead to the disaster of killing himself.

In 710, Li Xian died, Li Dan naturally took over the throne, at this time there was no opposition to Li Dan's claim to the throne, there was no threat in the dynasty, but Li Dan, after sitting on the throne for two years, gave the throne to his son Li Longji, and he was willing to become emperor.

Why did Li Dan give up the throne three times? It was not that he was weak and stupid, and his wisdom was discovered more than 1,000 years later

As for Li Dansan's act of giving up the throne, it is very rare in history, some people say that he is stupid, and some people say that he is cowardly, which is not the case in the century. First of all, Li Dan took over the throne entirely by ability, he was erudite and talented from an early age, his education level was quite high, and he was more than enough to manage the government, and he was not a cowardly and incompetent person. Secondly, Li Dan knew very well what he wanted, he liked a quiet and unrestrained life, and he had no interest in power or status, so he repeatedly abdicated the throne. In fact, there is no right or wrong in any choice, as long as you know what you want in your heart, it is a moth to put out the fire and have no regrets for life, can you live the life you want, is it not a great joy in life?

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