
The poetry conference and famous teacher observers | read ancient poems, and Teacher Wang Yangjun, who has 7 million fans, has a trick

Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Jin Dandan sorted out

This year's "Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference" not only attracted the active participation of students who love ancient poetry in the province, but also received manual praise from many teachers. Since last week, the "Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference" has launched a new section of the "Famous Teachers Observation Group", inviting famous language teachers from all over the province as observers of famous teachers to guide students to learn poetry, and talk to everyone about how they understand poetry (words) and which poet (word) person they love the most.

This week's "Famous Teacher Observer", we invited Wang Yangjun, a Chinese teacher at Dinglan Experimental Middle School in Hangzhou, whose Chinese classrooms are vivid and interesting, extremely creative, and the teaching design of "not taking the usual road" has been widely borrowed and imitated by secondary school classrooms across the country. He is also the creator of the well-known education short video account "Language Landscape", sharing the magic of language and text and the taste of poetry couplets on short videos, with nearly 7 million fans and more than 20 million likes.

Teacher Wang Yangjun shared his story with ancient poetry, how to feel the temperature of poetry, read ancient poetry in walking, and use ancient poetry fashionably in the present.

"How painful it is to use the subtle words carefully deliberated by the ancients to describe their own voices!"

The poetry conference and famous teacher observers | read ancient poems, and Teacher Wang Yangjun, who has 7 million fans, has a trick

Famous division observer Wang Yangjun

Chinese teacher of Dinglan Experimental Middle School in Hangzhou, creator of the well-known education short video account "Language Landscape".

Feel the temperature of the poem with your voice

Remember the first ancient poem you read? Maybe it's Luo Binwang's "Wing Goose", maybe Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts", maybe Meng Haoran's "Spring Dawn", or maybe Li Sheng's "Mercy Nong"... The first one I read was probably Shao Yong's "Mountain Village Yonghuai": "One to two or three miles, four or five yancun." There are six or seven pavilions, eight or ninety flowers. "Even a string of numbers can be put into poetry, and it is so interesting!" As a young man, I discovered for the first time that words could be like eating sugar gourds, bringing me a sense of joy.

In fact, when children read ancient poems, because they are young and have shallow experience, it is more difficult to understand the philosophical connotations in them, so the fun of reading poems at that time was mostly at the level of language sense. Ancient poems are often in a regular form, paying attention to the rhyme of the flat, and the recitation is catchy and endless, and it seems that the throat has a kind of singing like a sound, and the lips and teeth are fragrant. Sometimes I have to learn the ancients to shake their heads and recite it, which feels very good.

Now when some children face poetry, they simply silently read it again, without the habit of reading, which is not enough. Literature is not only the art of words, but also the art of sound. Lu Xun talked about the origin of literature in the "Talks on Foreign Languages": "The primitive people of our ancestors, who could not even speak, had to express their opinions for the sake of common labor, and gradually practiced a complex voice, if at that time everyone lifted the wood, they all felt that it was difficult, but they could not think of publishing, one of them was called 'Hangzhou Yu Hangyu', then this is creation: everyone must also admire, apply, this is equivalent to publication; if what mark is used to survive, this is literature." "The labor trumpet, full of life energy, is one of the origins of poetry. Using your own voice to feel the temperature of poetry is what ancient poetry looks like at the beginning.

My junior high school Chinese teacher often recited the soundtrack poems for us. Ancient poems are interpreted through his voice rich in the vicissitudes of life, and they can enter our hearts even more.

When learning Li Yu's words "Yu Meiren", he sang affectionately, and the song was sometimes poignant and ethereal, sometimes agitated and turned around, and the melancholy in the words was vividly expressed. "How sad can the gentleman have, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward..." When I heard the teacher chanting the last sentence back and forth, I had a great tremor in my heart, and I already felt the pain of a king of a fallen country. What is "afterglow around the beam" and what is "Yangchun white snow", I really feel it from the teacher's voice.

The poems I read when I was a child are buried in my heart

There is a moment when a certain sentence suddenly makes you feel a heartbeat, and you will truly fall in love with ancient poetry from now on. If you haven't had this experience, I'm afraid that memorizing ancient poems is nothing more than a mechanical act to deal with language exams for you.

When I was in elementary school, I especially loved Du Mu's "Mountain Walk", and every time I competed in calligraphy competitions, I had to write this poem as the content of my writing. As a child who grew up in the soil of a mountain village, I was always full of love and fantasy about the mountains. Opening the door is Aoyama, and returning from school is Aoyama. In that childhood, when the material life was much scarcer than it is now, I often looked at the silent green mountains in front of me in a daze, and wanted to write an essay to write its beauty with all the beautiful words, but I felt confused when I lifted the pen. Later, I read these two sentences: "Far up the stone path of the cold mountain, there are people in the depths of the white clouds." "Ah, such a sentence, only a few words, has written all my feelings about the distant mountains, leaving a picturesque beauty." Looking at the mountain again, I chanted this sentence, and I felt that the mountain that I had seen for many years was more beautiful. It was raining, and the green mountains were hidden among the clouds, and I had a lot of feelings about the newly learned "The Seeker Doesn't Meet": "Only in this mountain, the clouds are deep and unknown." ”

I have always been a lover of grass and trees, sneaking around after work, and occasionally going out to visit the mountains and waters. At that time, I found that the ancient poems that sealed the memories would flow out like spring water. Get up early in the morning to walk tonglu forest park, the wild path is deserted, step into a vast bamboo forest, but see the ancient temple in the mountains, found that what you see in front of you is the appearance described by Chang Jian's "Inscription Broken Mountain Temple Back Zen Courtyard", "the first day of gaolin", "winding path", "mountain light", "pond shadow" and other original poetic images are all in line with this scene. At the beginning of the summer vacation, walking around Gaoting Mountain, Li Bai's "Question and Answer in the Mountains" said, "Ask Yu What do you mean to inhabit Bishan Mountain, laugh without answering your heart" in your heart, I really feel that I am the god of the mountain! In the past, I always felt that the last four sentences of Bai Juyi's "Farewell to the Ancient Grass" were not as good as the first four sentences, thinking that "wildfires burned endlessly, and the spring wind blew and grew again" was already the work of the gods, and a few years ago, when I stepped into the Liangzhu Ruins Ancient City Park, I saw the wild grass everywhere, the monuments looming, and I felt that "Yuanfang invaded the ancient road, Qingcui took over the deserted city, and sent Wang Sun to go, and the mood of the dragon was full of farewell" Was even thicker and longer... I recorded the travel scenery and ancient poetry in the form of a short video and posted it on the Internet, and the column was named "Xing yin shan shui".

When students recite ancient poems, do they need to first make a detailed interpretation of the poetry? The study of ancient poetry is only rote memorization, which is naturally not possible, but must be based on poetic understanding. But after all, the age is small, the lack of life experience, may be the guidance of the teacher's profound interpretation of the meaning is futile. It doesn't hurt to be unable to understand, first recite it and let it be digested slowly later. I thought that the recitation at the primary school level could be understood literally; after junior high school, it was gradually and deeply chewed.

In fact, for many ancient poems, we will have new cognitions as we grow older. The older you get, the more you learn. When I read the poems when I was a child, the poetry was buried somewhere in my heart. Until the day in the future, when the fire is bright, you can understand the fun.

Use the poetry of the ancients to sing your own life

What is the use of memorizing so many ancient poems?

When you read ancient poems, you feel beautiful and comfortable in your heart; when you are in a certain life situation, a poem (word) suddenly jumps out of your memory, and you will be eager to travel back to ancient times and drink with the poet. Can this wonderful spiritual touch be measured by matter?

To quote Confucius again from the Book of Poetry, he said: "Poetry can flourish, can be observed, can be grouped, can complain; the father of the things that are far away, the things that are far away are the king; and the names of birds, beasts, plants, and trees are known more." "Sage Kong explained the role of poetry vividly, which can be used to express, observe, make friends, complain, serve parents and kings, and know the names of birds, beasts, plants and trees.

I think that the greatest use of ancient poetry for ordinary people is to use lyricism. Human emotions have been common from ancient times to the present. How painful it is to use the subtle words carefully deliberated by the ancients to describe their own voices! The previous diary, the later blog, and the current circle of friends, if you can borrow a few ancient words to convey your feelings, not only can you feel good in your heart, but also a kind of enjoyment for visitor readers.

Once, the college students were reunited after a long absence, and The class was dead. A classmate said that he felt that something was missing, he took the chopsticks and knocked on the mouth of the bowl to get up, and opened his mouth to chant in the tone of bel canto singing: "Jun is not seen, the water of the Yellow River rises in the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning; Jun is not seen, Gao Tang Mingjing sad white hair, towards the green silk twilight into snow." Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon. ”

I couldn't help but pick up: "I was born to be useful, and I will come back when all the money is gone." ”

The classmate next to him snatched the next sentence: "Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle for pleasure, you will have to drink three hundred cups." ”

I just wanted to pick up the sentence, and the classmate at the beginning snatched the verse back: "Cen Fuzi, Dan Qiusheng, will enter the wine, the cup will not stop." With a song of Jun, please listen to it for me. ”

When the wheel did not come, everyone present went down in unison: "The bells, drums, and jade are not expensive enough, but I hope that I will not wake up after a long time of drunkenness." The ancient sages were lonely, but the drinker kept his name... Five flowers and horses, a thousand gold qiu, Hu'er will be exchanged for fine wine, and Er will sell with the ancient sorrows! "When the song was over, everyone laughed, and the whole restaurant laughed along with it.

Later, when I thought about it again, everyone said that it had never been so painful! Earned, we used the poetry of the ancients in vain, singing our own turbulent and promiscuous life!

The Famous Teachers Observation Mission issued a question

Imitation is a shortcut to writing practice. The second volume of the ninth grade Chinese textbook has two words -

Xingxiangzi (Northern Song Dynasty, Qin Guan)

Trees surround the village, and the water fills the pond. Leaning on the east wind, Haoxing wandered. A few small gardens, harvesting the spring light. There are peach blossom red, plum blossom white, cauliflower yellow.

Far away from the wall, hidden thatched hall. Fluttering green flag, next to the flowing water bridge. By chance, I walked through Higashioka. Warblers are crying, swallows are dancing, butterflies are busy.

"Ugly Slaves, Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall" (Southern Song Dynasty, Xin Abandoned Disease)

The teenager does not know the taste of sorrow and loves to go upstairs. Fall in love with the upper floor, and worry about giving new words.

And now I know all the sorrows, and I want to say goodbye. I wanted to say that I would like to take a break, but I said, "It's a cool autumn"!

These two words, I think, are the best models for students to create ancient words. Smart you, but also play your talents, choose one of the imitations.

The content is suitable for life, and can express its true feelings; the form rhymes at the end of the sentence, and it does not matter.

We will select a batch of the best answers and publish them in the Qianjiang Evening News And Growth Reader, would you like to try it?

Submission method: Pay attention to the WeChat public account "Further Education Treasure", enter the bottom menu "Yuelu Academy", click "Submit" and upload.

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The poetry conference and famous teacher observers | read ancient poems, and Teacher Wang Yangjun, who has 7 million fans, has a trick

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The poetry conference and famous teacher observers | read ancient poems, and Teacher Wang Yangjun, who has 7 million fans, has a trick

If you love ancient poetry, if you like to draw, you can also participate in our activities - taste the meaning of poetry, love in painting. The submission method also needs to pay attention to the WeChat public account "Further Education Treasure", enter the bottom menu "Yuelu Academy", click "Submit" and upload.

Excellent works will be unveiled in the "Growth Reader" and have the opportunity to become the title of the final scene of the "Zhejiang Youth Poetry Conference".

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