
Why is Xingrui selling well? In the ice and snow, press the sagittarius to the ground and rub it

In December last year, Geely Xingrui sold 13,115 vehicles.

Throughout 2021, the cumulative sales of Geely Xingrui exceeded 130,000 vehicles, achieving a good result of an average monthly sales of more than 10,000.

As the current flagship sedan of Geely Automobile, Geely Xingrui has shouldered the heavy responsibility of subversive car since its listing.

To be precise, it is a subversive of the joint venture brand family car.

Why is Xingrui selling well? In the ice and snow, press the sagittarius to the ground and rub it

Because at present, with the positioning of Geely Xingrui, among all the independent brand cars at the same level, the comprehensive strength is the strongest.

From this point, it can be clearly judged that the most direct competitor of Geely Xingrui is the same level of joint venture brand cars with relatively good sales. Including Nissan Xuanyi, Volkswagen Langyi, Toyota Corolla and Volkswagen Sagittarius and other mainstream joint venture brand cars.

Judging from the current market performance of Geely Xingrui, the cumulative sales volume of 14 months after listing exceeded 150,000 vehicles, which is undoubtedly successful.

You might say that this sales figure is not too good.

Why is Xingrui selling well? In the ice and snow, press the sagittarius to the ground and rub it

Let's look at another set of data.

In terms of selling price, the average transaction price of Nissan Xuanyi is 121,000 yuan, the average transaction price of Volkswagen Langyi is 112,000 yuan, and the average transaction price of Toyota Corolla is 111,000 yuan.

The average transaction price of Geely Star has exceeded 134,000 yuan.

According to statistical data, the proportion of users who buy Geely Xingrui high-end models accounts for 66%.

This fully shows that from the perspective of premium capabilities, Geely Xingrui has surpassed the joint venture brand models of the same level.

Why is Xingrui selling well? In the ice and snow, press the sagittarius to the ground and rub it

Recently, in Suihua City, Heilongjiang, where the temperature is as low as minus 20 degrees, geely Xingrui and Volkswagen Sagittarius have conducted an all-round competition under the witness of dozens of media.

In extremely low temperature conditions, two vehicles in the AEB test drove at the same speed towards the fixed obstacle of the fake car.

As a result, at a speed of 40 km/h, Sagitar failed due to contact with the obstacle of the fake car. Xingrui completed a speed of 45km/h, successfully braking without touching the fake car.

Why is Xingrui selling well? In the ice and snow, press the sagittarius to the ground and rub it

In addition, in the extreme weight handling project, when the load exceeded 1000 pounds, Sagitar dropped the challenge due to serious deviation and slippage in the body during the acceleration process, and Xingrui successfully completed the challenge of carrying a maximum weight of 1400 pounds.

Obviously, the comprehensive strength of Xingrui is to crush Sagittarius.

For such test results, it is also expected.

In addition, the data shows that in the first- and second-tier cities, Sagitar City accounts for 33%, and Xingrui City accounts for 34%, slightly higher than Sagitar.

Why is Xingrui selling well? In the ice and snow, press the sagittarius to the ground and rub it

It can be seen that Geely Xingrui can become a rising star in the car market, and the steady growth of sales is not unrelated to its own strong product strength.

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