
How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

In the evening, I took my baby to the supermarket, and I saw a very familiar face in the supermarket, like a former colleague. But the body shape is not very similar, because the colleague is thinner, and the tonnage of this person in the supermarket is much worse than that of the colleague, which is almost colleague x2. Because the lazy mother has resigned for several years, and I haven't seen my colleagues for more than a year, I don't dare to go up and confess, how embarrassing it is to admit it.

Who knew that the person also saw the lazy mother, straight over to say hello, this is to know, she is really a colleague of the lazy mother, looking at her body shape, the lazy mother can't help but sigh, it is really a fat ruin! The little fairy of the past is now completely transformed into a fat aunt, and she really can't bear to look at it directly.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

After a few words of chat, I learned that the original colleague had just given birth to a baby, and the flesh on the body was hoarded up during pregnancy, and now it is still losing weight, and it was fatter before. [Laughing and crying] [Laughing and crying] [Laughing and crying]

It seems that everyone is still very concerned about the weight gain during pregnancy, especially pregnant mothers who have gained more weight, it is a nightmare.

So how much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy?

If the pregnant mother is too light during pregnancy, we will always worry about the lack of nutrition of the fetus, worry about the weight of the fetus, worry about the slow growth of the fetus.

If the pregnant mother is overweight, she has to worry about other things, worry about being too fat, the big change in body shape after childbirth, worry about gestational diabetes coming to the door, worry about the surge in stretch marks, worry about the fetus being too large and difficult to give birth, and so on.

So we all want to be that standard weight pregnant woman, and then the right weight gain.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

So how much weight should I gain?

Under normal circumstances, we can roughly understand it as:

When the weight of the mother before pregnancy is light, it is best to gain about 15 kg during pregnancy;

When the mother's weight is normal before pregnancy, it is appropriate to gain about 12.5kg during pregnancy;

When the mother is overweight before pregnancy, it is best to gain less than 8 kg during pregnancy.

There are three stages during pregnancy:

Gain about 2 to 2.5 kg in the first trimester;

Gain about 5 kg in the second trimester;

Gain about 5Kg in the third trimester.

A total weight gain of about 12.5kg, so the stage of weight gain is more ideal.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

Of course, we can be more rigorous, first calculate the BMI before the pregnancy of the pregnant woman:

FMI, also known as body mass index, can be used to estimate the criteria for weight gain during pregnancy.

The specific algorithm is as follows, BMI = pregnant woman weight (KG) ÷ square (m) of height.

When the BMI is below 18.5, it means that the pregnant mother is lean, that is to say, the weight gain during pregnancy is recommended to be 15 to 18 kg;

If the BMI is between 18.5 and 22.9, which is the standard type of body weight, it is recommended to gain 10 to 13 kg of weight during pregnancy;

If the BMI is above 23, it means that the pregnant mother is obese before pregnancy, and it is important to pay attention to weight gain during pregnancy, preferably no more than 8Kg.

For example, a pregnant mother with a height of 160cm and a weight of 100 kg before pregnancy, BMI = 50kg÷ 1.6㎡ = 19.53, belongs to the standard weight, and it is very appropriate to increase the weight of 10 to 13kg during the entire pregnancy.

Well, now everyone knows how much they should gain during their entire pregnancy, and for pregnant mothers who are light or heavy, it is time to start to control their weight.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

What should I do if I want to control my weight during pregnancy?

Adjust your diet

Whether it is underweight or heavy, you can achieve a certain purpose by adjusting the diet structure.

Pregnant mothers with light weight: you can eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, calcium, iron, such as chicken, beef, eggs, milk soy products, etc., and eat some fat-containing foods, such as sesame seeds, which are rich in calcium and also contain certain fats, and there are other nuts, and you can also eat more appropriately.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

Heavy pregnant mothers: Such pregnant mothers should reduce the intake of carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta, etc., and eat more foods rich in dietary fiber; food should be light, less oil, less salt, less sugar, such as sweets, fatty meat, fried foods, etc. Do not eat.

But no matter what the weight is, it is still necessary to pay attention to the intake of nutrients, pay attention to the balanced diet, and ensure that there is enough nutrition to supply the fetus.

In fact, for the matter of weight control during pregnancy, lazy mothers still have a say. When pregnant with the second treasure, due to the seriousness of morning sickness, the weight lost three or four pounds in the first trimester, but when doing nutritional monitoring at 22 weeks, it was found that the weight increase was too fast, and the weight actually grew by almost 20 pounds for a period of time, all thanks to the soup water such as pig's trotter soup and chicken soup, which was given by the mother once another day.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

Seeing this data, I was really frightened of my mother, so I adjusted the diet structure under the advice of the doctor, drank less broth, reduced the amount of rice noodles, appropriately ate more grains, green vegetables, and then increased my weight by 2 kg during the 28-week obstetric examination, increased by 2 kg during the 32 weeks of obstetric examination, and then the diet control was not so strict, in addition to not drinking soup, the others were eaten normally, but the weight behind it did not change, and the weight at 32 weeks was maintained.

The most important thing is that the baby is not small at all when he is born, with 7.2 pounds.

Therefore, lazy mothers feel that if pregnant mothers are not particularly fat, as long as they drink less greasy soup such as pig's trotter soup, and then eat less greasy food and sweets, weight gain will not be particularly fast.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

Exercise appropriately

Regardless of weight, proper exercise will help.

Appropriate exercise for pregnant mothers with low weight can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and increase appetite;

Moderate exercise for overweight pregnant mothers can help expend a portion of excess energy and control weight.

But for pregnant women, walking is the best way to exercise, of course, if there is a professional guidance, pregnant mothers can do pregnant women yoga or swimming.

If you often climb the stairs, it hurts your knees a little, especially if you are pregnant mothers with pubic pain, it is not recommended here.

How much weight gain is appropriate during pregnancy? Teach you how to count and how to adjust your weight

The control of weight during pregnancy is also a topic that pregnant mothers discuss more, and I hope that this article will be helpful to pregnant mothers and happily conceive a healthy and cute fetus.

I'm a lazy mom and like please follow me. The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

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