
Why do you always dream of passing away relatives? Does Torre really exist? The doctor told the harsh truth

"Since my father's death, I have often dreamed of him, dreaming that my father came home and told us that he was just lost and now he has finally found his home."

"I've been dreaming about him all the last few days, we're all silent, nothing has changed in my dreams, I haven't lost him, he's never left... But when I woke up from the dream, I realized that all this was fake, and the feeling of being lost was really too uncomfortable. ”

Maybe you also wonder why your relatives rarely dream of each other when they are alive. But once a loved one dies, I will frequently dream of him...

For this kind of dream, some people say that you miss your relatives too much, and your relatives have a perception, so they will come to meet you in the dream. From a perceptual point of view, this statement can not only perfectly interpret this dream, but also make the living move. From the point of view of reason and science, all this seems untenable.

Why do you always dream of passing away relatives? Does Torre really exist? The doctor told the harsh truth

So, dreaming of a deceased relative, is it because the thoughts are too strong or the dreams of the deceased?

After the death of a loved one, will it really dream?

Dreams are inherently mysterious, coupled with longing and fear, and if they are tinged with death, dreams become even more mysterious. But from a scientific point of view, dreaming is only a normal physiological and psychological phenomenon.

First, from a psychological point of view. The person who appears in our dream can understand it as part of the potential personality of the dreamer himself.

For example, someone who has experienced the death of someone close to him will have more or less the feeling that a part of his body has been taken away.

Why is that? Because when we have an intimate relationship with this person, we generally map a part of our own potential personality to this person. In other words, when a loved one dies around us, this accustomed mapping is interrupted.

Why do you always dream of passing away relatives? Does Torre really exist? The doctor told the harsh truth

At this time, a sudden sense of absence strikes, and in addition to facing a substantial interruption in relationship, we also need to regain our complete personality, that is, to find back a part of the self that we have taken from our deceased relatives. Therefore, our dreaming of relatives who have passed away is actually a process of constantly finding ourselves.

From a physiological point of view, it is better understood.

Although we are asleep, there are still some brain cells active, which is the basis for making up dreams. The content of our dreams is actually inseparable from our own memories, lives, experiences, etc.

From a scientific point of view, there are two factors that make up dreams.

Perceptions inside and outside the body stimulate and stimulate the subconscious mind to constitute the relative dream

For example, when you are looking for a toilet everywhere in your dreams, in fact, you are also urinating urgently; when you feel fear or suffocation in your dreams, in fact, in reality you may be sleeping with your head covered and unable to breathe; when you feel the heat in your dreams, in reality you may also be thirsty...

Think about it day and dream about it

As we said earlier, the content of dreams is related to mental activities and experiences during the day. When you are obsessed with something during the day, or think more about it, your cerebral cortex will leave deep marks, and it will be easier to dream about it when you go to bed at night.

Why do you always dream of passing away relatives? Does Torre really exist? The doctor told the harsh truth

Many people should have experienced this, during the day when the mood is not good, it is easy to have nightmares at night; during the day, the mood is happy, and the night dream will be very pleasant.

Therefore, we often dream of a relative who has passed away, not a relative's "dream", but also a remembrance and remembrance of this relative.

This is also why most people dream of relatives who have passed away, always shortly after their deaths. After all, during this period, all the attention of our brains is focused on this relative, and all the relevant memories are around this relative, so this relative will appear frequently in your dreams.

Why do I dream of a deceased relative, but the other person does not speak?

To put it bluntly, people who die don't speak, so they don't talk in dreams.

However, to put it more strictly, it should be that the person dreaming has subconsciously known that the object of the dream has died, so the person in the dream generally does not speak.

More strictly, dreams are usually soundless, and if you hear anything in your dreams, it should be heard in your ears, and when the dream is distorted, it becomes.

Why do you still dream about the other person after a long death?

This still has to be explained by "thinking about dreams day and night", the vast majority of dreams occur between people who are very close to each other, basically close relatives.

As a result of this relationship, we pay more attention to the person in the dream. Maybe a certain scene in the usual time, seeing something, etc. can think of the other party, maybe you don't realize it yourself, but your subconscious has indeed set off emotions for the other party.

Why do you always dream of passing away relatives? Does Torre really exist? The doctor told the harsh truth

In layman's terms, you don't usually think much of that person, but your subconscious mind has been paying attention to the other person. Therefore, even if the other party has died for a long time, they will still dream of each other!

Nietzsche once said, "He who does not respect death does not know how to fear life." ”

I hope that everyone who reads this article can understand the meaning of life, but also strive to cherish life and understand the meaning of death.

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