
Why are babies now becoming more and more prone to anemia? Hear what the pediatrician has to say

Every moment after the baby is born, mom and dad are eager to record it, what is the first grin, the first time to babble, the first time to turn over, the first time to crawl... And the baby also brings too many surprises to the family, especially in the first few months, almost one day at a time, new skills are constantly emerging. In the face of the newborn baby, many parents are both happy and helpless, happy that the baby has finally come to this world, and the helpless is that they do not know how to take care of this weak and fragile life. These parents are right to worry, the baby is really delicate, and once the baby has various conditions, the parents are more anxious.

Many mothers are asking: What should I do if my baby is anemic? There are many reasons for the baby's anemia, and parents want to treat the baby's anemia, first of all, they must find out the cause of the baby's anemia.

Causes of anemia in your baby

First, the growth and development is fast. Children grow and develop the fastest in infancy and childhood, and with weight gain, blood volume also increases rapidly, and the faster the growth rate, the greater the iron demand, and the more prone to iron deficiency. Infants weigh 2 times as much as they were born at 3-5 months, increase their weight to 3 times that of their first birth by one year, and increase to 5 to 6 times that of premature babies.

Second, too much iron is lost, and normal infants excrete more iron every day than adults. In addition, chronic diarrhea and recurrent infections can affect the absorption, utilization and increased consumption of iron, resulting in anemia.

Third, the main cause of iron deficiency is insufficient iron intake in babies. First, the innate iron reserves are insufficient. The baby's iron storage from the mother is at most in the last 3 months of the fetal period, if the mother is deficient in pregnancy, it may also lead to insufficient iron reserves in the baby, while premature babies, double fetuses have less iron storage, if not replenished in time after birth, iron deficiency is inevitable. Second, the day after tomorrow is not replenished in time. After 4-6 months of normal term, the iron stored in the body has been gradually consumed, such as breastfeeding with only a small iron content, not adding iron-rich, easily absorbed complementary foods in time, or the baby is picky and partial to eating, which can easily lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Why are babies now becoming more and more prone to anemia? Hear what the pediatrician has to say

Baby anemia, how to care?

First, the most direct way to determine whether the baby is anemia is to give the baby a blood test.

Second, how to replenish iron. After 1 month, if the hemoglobin does not improve and then take iron, iron should be taken. Small month-old babies can start from eating iron-containing rice noodles, and older babies can follow the method of "mixing noodles with sesame sauce, eating red dates often, wood ear fungus often showing noodles, adding algae to soup, eating meat every day, and eating liver every week". When iron supplementation is required, it is best to take the drug between meals, and oral vitamin C can promote the absorption of iron to supplement the storage of iron.

Why are babies now becoming more and more prone to anemia? Hear what the pediatrician has to say

Because each child's development progress is different, all opinions are for reference only, and parents should make appropriate adjustments according to their children's specific situation. Parents are the guardians of their children, I believe that under the meticulous care and care of mothers, the baby will become more and more healthy and happy!

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