
Song Bo stressed at the Donghai County Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Conference that it is necessary to strengthen the understanding of the responsibility of compaction and make every effort to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

author:Information News

On January 9, Song Bo, secretary of the county party committee, presided over a meeting on epidemic prevention and control in Donghai County. Zhang Qibing, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and other leaders of the four groups of the county attended the meeting.

The meeting reported on the current epidemic prevention and control work and deployed the recent epidemic prevention and control work.

Song Bo stressed: It is necessary to strengthen ideological understanding. At present, the national epidemic situation is still severe and complex, and the virus variants show the characteristics of fast transmission speed, strong concealment and strong penetration. As the Spring Festival approaches, a large number of people will return to their hometowns for the festival, and business activities and family gatherings will also increase. At the time when the "two sessions" of the county is approaching, Donghai County should attach great importance to it, fully realize the importance of epidemic prevention and control, and must not take it lightly or have the slightest paralysis, and must respond to the relevant situation actively, calmly and calmly.

Song Bo demanded that the work measures be compacted. It is necessary to implement the control requirements of key personnel, and do a good job of tracking and checking personnel from medium- and high-risk areas in China. It is necessary to do a good job in controlling and controlling overseas returnees and implement a strict centralized isolation system. It is necessary to strictly disinfect high-risk items entering the country, including the sampling and disinfection of the luggage and carry-on items of overseas returnees, and implement the epidemic prevention and control requirements for logistics, express delivery, and imported cold chain food. It is necessary to do a good job in the orderly flow of personnel, strengthen the management of travel personnel, and in principle, the staff of enterprises and institutions should not go out of the province unnecessarily, guide the masses to celebrate the festival on the spot during the Spring Festival, and reduce the gathering of personnel. It is necessary to strengthen grid management, give full play to the role of grass-roots organizations as "sentinel points", take villages (communities) as units, strictly implement the "five guarantees and one" system, and implement gridded and carpet-style comprehensive mapping. It is necessary to actively promote vaccination, accelerate the promotion of vaccination against the new crown virus vaccine, and achieve full access to key populations. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership and implement the responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, the joint prevention and control mechanisms should always be in an active state, all work classes should maintain 24-hour emergency duty, and all traffic inspection points should be strictly inspected. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection, strengthen supervision and notification, and organizational discipline. It is necessary to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control during the county's "two sessions", implement various epidemic prevention and control measures, and ensure the smooth convening of the county "two sessions".

Zhang Qibing demanded that we really tighten up. All levels of Donghai County should regard epidemic prevention and control as a political task, fully understand the current severe situation and special period, further strengthen the joint prevention and control mechanism of foreign-related epidemics, and carry out various work in a timely, orderly and efficient manner. We must truly perform our duties. All localities, departments, and epidemic prevention and control groups should strictly implement the duty system, clarify the responsibilities and tasks of the group, and do a good job in the division of labor within the group. It is necessary to fully mobilize the strength of the grass-roots units and give play to the role of "ten household chiefs", "building chiefs" and grid members. All departments, townships, and towns should strengthen coordination and cooperation, take the initiative to come forward, support each other, and form a strong work force. It is necessary to truly implement prevention and control measures. It is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of key personnel and key places, adhere to the "people, things, and environment" defense, strengthen the control of isolation points, and compact the responsibility of long positions. It is necessary to strengthen the linkage of departments, make good preparations for personnel and materials, carry out epidemic disposal drills, and improve emergency response and combat capabilities. It is necessary to strengthen propaganda and guidance work, do a good job in guaranteeing the masses' living materials, and carry out all work in a sound and orderly manner to ensure a stable and stable social order.

Yesterday, Song Bo, secretary of the county party committee, presided over a meeting on epidemic prevention and control in Donghai County, redeployed and promoted the epidemic prevention and control work in Donghai County, and ensured that the epidemic prevention and control work was done in detail and in place. Zhang Qibing, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and county leaders You Yongjiang, Yin Xianglun, Chen Fang, Wei Wei, and Huo Weiqun attended the meeting.

The meeting reported the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control. Song Bo pointed out that it is necessary to correctly guide and properly handle public opinion and maintain a good and stable working state. It is necessary to further improve the ability to prevent and control the epidemic, strengthen the preparation of isolation rooms and the team of medical personnel, clarify the detailed responsibilities of each component of the epidemic emergency response command system, and implement the "four early" requirements. It is necessary to do a good job in the investigation and testing of personnel coming to the county in key areas such as Tianjin and Henan, strictly implement measures for isolation of medical observation, health management, and nucleic acid testing of overseas personnel and personnel from medium- and high-risk areas in China, reduce personnel gathering activities, and strictly manage the management of key personnel and control measures for key places such as supermarkets, theaters, and bathrooms. It is necessary to make overall plans to promote the current epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development work, strengthen the management of travel personnel, and do a good job in the assessment of the year, letters and visits, and spring festival visits and condolences.

(Source: Donghai County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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