
Why didn't the Soviet Union dare to move in the war of self-defense against Vietnam? Hear what the President of the United States has to say

As we all know, when Vietnam was engaged in the War of Independence, in order to support Vietnam and resist the US military, China not only sent a lot of resources to Vietnam, but also most of the military resources used by the Vietnamese army, such as weapons and equipment, bullets, etc., were also given by China. Due to China's strong help, the US military was eventually defeated, and Vietnam also moved from division to unification and became a free and independent country. However, after this victory, Vietnam has become more and more inflated, coupled with the Soviet Union behind the back, it feels that it is already very strong, its military strength can rank third in the world, and its intention to invade and occupy the Indochina Peninsula is well known, not only invading Cambodia, but also constantly doing things on the border of our country and continuing to provoke.

Why didn't the Soviet Union dare to move in the war of self-defense against Vietnam? Hear what the President of the United States has to say

As two major powers, the Soviet Union and the United States were still in the shadow of the losses brought about by the losses in World War II, and various countries vigorously developed their economies, and the US military was very jealous of each other, and they were suspicious of each other, and did not want to let war break out again. Originally, the Soviet Union wanted to use Vietnam as a gun to deal with China, but it did not happen that China and the United States would break the ice and establish diplomatic relations at this time, and in the same year that China and the United States established diplomatic relations, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping visited the United States on behalf of China. During this period, Deng Xiaoping pointed out one thing: the Soviet Union was the world's greatest destabilizing factor, and That China was willing to stand with the United States and confront the Soviet Union. In the case of increasingly tense relations between the Soviet Union and the United States, US President Carter also specifically contacted the Soviet Union, warning it not to carry out acts that may have a further deteriorating effect on the current situation, to prevent the Soviet Union's intention to act against China, the United States this factor, the Soviet Union had to consider, and the United States also deployed in Europe, compared with Europe is an important region for the Soviet Union and the United States to compete for hegemony, so at that time China launched a self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam, and the Soviet Union did not do too much military intervention.

Why didn't the Soviet Union dare to move in the war of self-defense against Vietnam? Hear what the President of the United States has to say

When our army first made military deployments to Vietnam, in fact, the Soviet Union took it into account. However, the Soviet army was basically concentrated in Europe at that time, and it would take at least a month to gather troops from Europe to support, and this month, our army could defeat Vietnam and return to Korea. In addition, it is absolutely impossible for the Soviet Union to directly send troops to attack the Sino-Soviet border area after the Soviet Union was attacked. Because of the influence of the geographical environment, if the Soviet army wanted to reach the border area of our country at that time, it first needed to cross a zone with not very good terrain, so it is unlikely that a large-scale deployment of troops is possible, and the border of our army has long been under martial law, ready to fight with the invaders.

Why didn't the Soviet Union dare to move in the war of self-defense against Vietnam? Hear what the President of the United States has to say

The significance of the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam for our country is that it not only gave our country a sense of existence in the international community and established friendly relations with all countries in the world, but also exposed some problems of our People's Liberation Army, and we have sufficient time to correct these problems. In this battle in 1979, the PLA troops found themselves with more or less defects in their combat methods and military skills, so that in the subsequent ten years of round battles, our army began to use this war to temper the combat ability of the troops, so that the major military regions took turns to participate in the front line. On the battlefield, the reason why we did not encroach on Vietnam's land was not that we could not do it, but for our own better development.

Why didn't the Soviet Union dare to move in the war of self-defense against Vietnam? Hear what the President of the United States has to say

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