
Smart women, in their relationships with men, will never tell these 3 secrets

3 little secrets that women beat to death and don't say, men never know


I believe that each of us has our own little secrets in our hearts,

These little secrets may not be known to others for the rest of their lives.

Many men feel that women are often very simple and very emotional,

The things in her heart will definitely be said to herself, in fact, women also have some small secrets in their hearts that they do not say.

A lot of women are a mystery to men.

Therefore, when men pursue women, they always feel trapped in a mystery.

In order to see through the inner world of women, men are willing to continue to explore.

In this way, there is a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of women,

So a lot of smart women in relationships never tell men about this privacy, only stupid women.

Smart women, in their relationships with men, will never tell these 3 secrets

"Too many secrets and too few secrets show spiritual weakness."

People without secrets are actually like a blank piece of paper, and there is no way to give others more imagination and exploration.

On the contrary, those who have too many secrets will have too much burden in their hearts.

The reason why secrets become secrets is because many people can't bear it.

So I'd rather keep this secret all my life than tell others.

I believe that each of us will feel that the more we grow up, the more secrets we can't say,

Eventually the heart will become heavy.

Because when we were young, we were most afraid of our parents saying that we were beaten.

When I grew up, I found that I couldn't tell the secret because I was afraid of losing the love of the people around me.

Everyone has secrets, and today we'll talk about three secrets that women will never say in their relationships with men.

1. Sneak over men's belongings

In fact, most women have doubts in their hearts, which often stems from women's natural lack of security.

Many times, it is clear that their other half is already very good to themselves, and they will unconsciously want to look through men's belongings.

I want to judge from all aspects whether this man is sincere about himself or not.

No matter how smart women are, they have the habit of letting go of men's things.

Because women tend to pay great attention to details and like to look for traces of love and being loved in the details.

Once in love, women will become suffering from gain and loss,

So a man who loves a woman must give him enough security, otherwise the relationship will only make two people more and more tired.

There are not a few women who secretly look at men's belongings, but men don't know.

Smart women, in their relationships with men, will never tell these 3 secrets

2. Always duplicitous

Duplicity is the characteristic of every woman, saying one set on the surface, but thinking of another set in the heart.

Lip service, do not care, in fact, the heart is very concerned is just unwilling to express directly.

If at this time the man does not understand the woman's thoughts, the woman will be very angry.

This is because women often lack self-confidence in their relationships and want to be cared for by men.

So when men interact with women, don't be mistaken,

We must stand in the other person's point of view for her sake, so that the woman will feel at ease.

Smart women, in their relationships with men, will never tell these 3 secrets

3. The one whose heart cannot forget

Everyone goes through a lot of relationships to find someone who loves themselves.

Maybe the person who married isn't the one he loves the most.

There was probably a very unforgettable love that could not come together for various reasons.

This creates an obsession in both people's hearts.

Many women still can't let go of their exs after marriage,

In fact, the mouth does not say the heart but has always remembered, which is also the secret that most women have been hiding in their hearts, which can accompany them to old age.

In fact, the above three are the little secrets that women do not say to kill,

Many women are past the age when they can be touched by a piece of sugar.

Most women want a man who can conquer themselves.

In fact, in the relationship, a woman understands the inner needs of men very well,

After all, people are very realistic between people, all for their own needs.

Therefore, some secrets are good to put in the heart, there is no need to say them, but it will affect the feelings.

Smart women, in their relationships with men, will never tell these 3 secrets


These secrets do not involve betrayal or deception, but speaking out will definitely affect each other's feelings.

Therefore, burying them in the bottom of my heart is not a rational choice.

A truly intelligent woman doesn't easily say the above three things to a man.

Because they know a lot of things, more words will be lost.

I believe that every woman hopes that she can have a perfect image in the heart of the other half,

But we must know that the image needs to be shaped by ourselves.

Because few people are born perfect, they must grasp the measure of their own speech at any time in life.

Smart women will later tell men the above three secrets.

Smart women, in their relationships with men, will never tell these 3 secrets


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Smart women don't tell those secrets in their relationships with men?

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References | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

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