
He was the most cattle doctor in ancient times, lived to the age of 141 healthy, and was the first person to propose a "secret recipe" for no tumors

The ancients have always pursued longevity and immortality, and the emperors of previous generations have been crazy about it, but the thing of longevity is not necessarily accurate in modern times, let alone the ancient times when medical technology was backward. In ancient times, the average life expectancy was very low, perhaps some people thought that the divine doctor might live a long life, but in fact, the divine doctor could not decide his life span, but there was an ancient divine doctor who could be called the most cattle, he lived to 142 years old, and was also the first person to propose a secret recipe for no tumors.

He was the most cattle doctor in ancient times, lived to the age of 141 healthy, and was the first person to propose a "secret recipe" for no tumors

This divine doctor was Sun Simiao, known as the Medicine King, who was born in the seventh year of the Western Wei Dynasty (541), and he was very intelligent from an early age. But unfortunately, God gave him a clever brain, but did not give him a good body. Suffering from a serious illness, he invited a lot of famous doctors to treat him uselessly, and also spent a lot of silver, probably in order to cure himself and not to spend too much money, Sun Simiao began to study medicine on his own. As mentioned earlier, he is very smart, and he is very quick to learn medicine, but in two years he can treat others.

He was the most cattle doctor in ancient times, lived to the age of 141 healthy, and was the first person to propose a "secret recipe" for no tumors

The medical skills were very superb, and after the emperor heard about it, he invited him to become a doctor of Guozi, but Sun Simiao was unwilling, so he kept hiding. Speaking of "lead diagnosis pulse" should still be considered to be invented by him, Sun Simiao was still alive during the Zhenguan period. At that time, the eldest grandson of the empress was ten months pregnant and could not have children, and many tai doctors did not heal them. The last resort was to invite the elderly Sun Simiao, who paid special attention to etiquette in ancient times, especially for men and women.

The jade body of the empress could not be easily touched, and Sun Simiao first inquired about the condition, and then took out a red thread for the maid to tie the red thread to the queen's wrist. Sun Simiao pinched the thread at this end and began to take the pulse, so that he could also see the crux of the problem. A needle pierced an acupuncture point in the queen's left hand, and the child was born. Tang Taizong was so happy that he wanted him to take charge of the Tai Hospital, but Sun Simiao was still reluctant to become an official.

He was the most cattle doctor in ancient times, lived to the age of 141 healthy, and was the first person to propose a "secret recipe" for no tumors

He was highly skilled in medicine, but he only treated the people in the folk, and his medical ethics were very noble. Moreover, Sun Simiao has never been willing to use animals to enter medicine, saying that animals are also life, so they are not used to enter medicine. His medical book "Qianjin Fang" was the first clinical medical encyclopedia in Chinese history, and he was respected by later generations. It is also the first time that Sun Simiao has proposed the secret recipe for no tumors, believing that the accumulation of tumors can be solved by being indifferent to the heart.

He was the most cattle doctor in ancient times, lived to the age of 141 healthy, and was the first person to propose a "secret recipe" for no tumors

In his later years, Sun Simiao began to live in Chang'an for a while, and then returned to his hometown of Jingzhao Huayuan to concentrate on writing books. In the first year of Tang Yongchun (682), the 142-year-old medicine king Sun Simiao died. Sun Simiao's longevity is also estimated to be related to his advocating health, his hearing and vision are still very good when he is one hundred years old, and he has proposed many feasible health care methods according to the health knowledge of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, etc. and the health theory of Traditional Chinese medicine. Modern mental balance and dietary moderation are almost all proposed by him.

He was the most cattle doctor in ancient times, lived to the age of 141 healthy, and was the first person to propose a "secret recipe" for no tumors

Although there is controversy about his age comparison, most of them say that Sun Simiao probably died at the age of 142. He can be said to be the most cattle divine doctor in ancient times, saving countless people in his life and living a long life. It is also more convenient to leave a thousand gold squares to make it more convenient for future generations to study, and Sun Simiao's reputation is also quite prestigious in Japan.

References: Old Book of Tang, Biography of Sun Simiao, Qianjin Essentials, Outline of the History of Chinese Medicine, History of the North, Book of Zhou

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