
Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

Chinese medicine is broad and profound, with a long history, which can be traced back to Shennong tasting hundred herbs. In order to cure the disease and save people, shennong personally tasted hundreds of herbs and tried which herbs were poisonous and which ones were cured.

In the history of China, there have been several divine doctors who have been passed down through the ages, namely Hua Tuo, the "divine doctor", Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical saint", Li Shizhen, and so on.

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

These divine doctors not only treated diseases and saved people at that time, but more importantly, the medical works they left behind were the treasures of the Chinese nation, and they also saved countless Chinese people.

Many incurable diseases are recorded in books, and there are clear treatments, they are great, they are immortal. However, among the many divine doctors, there is one divine doctor who has been ignored by people, and he is the "medicine king" Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

Sun Simiao was born in the seventh year of the Western Wei Dynasty (541 AD), he was born in a poor family, but others were not short-minded, determined to grow up to have a career.

Sun Simiao had a disease when he was young, this disease is very strange, find a lot of doctors can not cure it, and finally a respected old Chinese medicine doctor to cure it. Although Sun Simiao's physical illness was better, his heart disease came again.

He knows that there are many difficult and complicated diseases in this world that cannot be cured, and many people have lost their lives, so he is determined to practice medicine and grow up to be a doctor to treat diseases and save people.

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

Sun Simiao was very intelligent and studied very quickly, and people in the village called him a child prodigy. Everyone advised Sun Simiao to take the road, and Emperor Yang Jian of Sui also invited him to become an official, but he did not go, and there was only one dream in his heart, that is, to cure the disease and save people.

Don't forget your original intention, it's precious! Sun Simiao felt that opening a medical center could only save this generation, not ten thousand generations, so he followed the example of his predecessors and wrote a book of ancient medicine that would be passed on to future generations so that more people could treat diseases.

In order to expand his knowledge, Sun Simiao visited the people, collected various prescriptions, and finally wrote the "Thousand Golden Recipes".

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

"Qianjin Fang" is the first clinical medical encyclopedia in Chinese history, which involves detoxification, first aid, acupuncture, massage, etc., with rich content and all-encompassing, and a comprehensive summary of Chinese medicine.

Sun Simiao is not only very skilled in internal medicine, but also attaches great importance to gynecology and pediatrics, and for the first time in traditional Chinese medicine, he advocated the establishment of separate departments and treatment of women's and children's diseases.

His concept is very advanced, women and children because of the difference in physical fitness with men, so they can not follow the traditional prescription to treat the disease, but to see another doctor.

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

Among the ancient Chinese prescriptions, there is one prescription that is different, and this prescription is "five stones scatter". Although Wushishan can cure diseases and save people, it can also harm people.

If you take a large amount of five stones, it will paralyze people's nerves, make people hallucinate, and it will also be addictive. Once addicted, the eater will use it frantically and eventually die of poisoning.

The harm of the five stones was very great, and he wanted to find the antidote to restrain the five stones, but he still couldn't find it.

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

Therefore, before Sun Simiao died, he instructed his disciples that they must destroy the five-stone scattering recipe, not let people know of its existence, and this thing could not remain in the human world, otherwise, it would cause endless disasters.

Sun Simiao was a benevolent healer throughout his life, saved countless people, and also left a masterpiece of the world, so that future generations were overshadowed. In the first year of Tang Yongchun (682 AD), Sun Simiao died at the age of 142.

Sun Simiao lived to the age of 142, and before he died, he told his apprentices that they must destroy this prescription and not let people know

References: Old Book of Tang, Taiping Guangji, Complete Book of Famous Chinese Doctors, etc

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