
The son of the deputy director of the Shandong First Education and Sports Bureau was exposed to beating his classmates, and the Education and Sports Bureau: an investigation team has been set up

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Li Ruiyang) Recently, the son of the deputy director of the Shandong First Education and Sports Bureau was exposed to beating his classmates to the point of almost blindness. On the morning of January 12, the staff of the Education and Sports Bureau of Binzhou City's Zhuanhua District told the Beijing News reporter that the "Wang Mou" mentioned in Mr. Fu's article on the Internet was indeed the deputy director of the bureau, and at present, the Zhanhua District has set up an investigation team on this matter to investigate and deal with the incident in accordance with laws and regulations.

On January 7, a Mr. Fu, who claimed to live in Binzhou City's ZhanHua District, posted online that his son was in the second grade of the Yucai Experimental Second Primary School in Zhanhua District, and at noon on November 28, 2021, the child was beaten by the son of Wang Mou, deputy director of the Education Bureau of ZhanHua District, and was violently kicked in the head and eyes by the other party with his foot, and the beating lasted for nearly 2 minutes, and the child's left eye was almost blind.

On January 10, Mr. Fu said through the media that after the injury, the child had been transferred to Beijing Tongren Hospital for surgery, and had returned to Binzhou after the operation, but the child still needed to go to the hospital every day for rehabilitation treatment.

As for the cause of the injury, Mr. Fu said in an article published on the Internet, "The reason for the child was asked afterwards, probably because the dormitory had turned off the lights and rested the night before, and the other party still took other classmates to make noise in the dormitory, and my son persuaded his friend to leave on the grounds of affecting everyone's rest, so that he held a grudge and wantonly retaliated." ”

On the morning of January 12, the Beijing News reporter called the Education and Sports Bureau of Binzhou City's Zhanhua District to inquire about the matter, and the staff said that the "Wang Mou" mentioned in Mr. Fu's article on the Internet was indeed the deputy director of the bureau, "The district attaches great importance to this matter, and an investigation team has been set up to deal with this matter, and the staff of the investigation team is investigating and handling the incident in accordance with laws and regulations." ”

The police on duty at the Fuguo police station in the school's territory told the Beijing News reporter that after receiving the police on the day of the incident, the police immediately rushed to the scene and accepted the case on the same day. Officer Liu, the police officer who handled the case, told reporters that the case is currently under further investigation, "but because it involves minors, it needs to be kept confidential, and it is not convenient to disclose specific details." ”

At 3 p.m. on January 12, the staff of the Education and Sports Bureau of Binzhou City's Zhanhua District told the Beijing News reporter that the school and parents of both sides are actively communicating, and have now reached a compensation and settlement agreement, agreeing to first help the child to carry out rehabilitation treatment, homework remediation and psychological counseling, and then compensate according to the law and regulations according to the injury appraisal and other conditions.

Edited by Liu Qian

Proofread by Wu Xingfa

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