
Deepin Xihai Investigation | an emergency doctor in Qinghai treated 110 children for 10 hours

After the Xihai Metropolis Daily published the article "Why the Number of Pediatric Outpatient Children Doubled" on January 12, it aroused widespread concern among readers. For taking their children to the emergency department, parents have a bitter stomach. However, some readers and netizens have noticed the detail of "5 doctors have to work continuously for more than ten hours a day", and they left a message on the WeChat public account of this newspaper: Tribute to the great medical workers! Yesterday, the reporter visited Qinghai Women and Children's Hospital again, approached the busy emergency doctors, and took you to know these lovely and respectable people.

I haven't drunk a sip of water for more than 5 hours

She said, "It's a regular thing at its peak."

At 8 o'clock on the 12th, after making various preparations, through the noisy waiting area, He Chenlu walked into the emergency department clinic and began to hand over the work with the night shift colleagues, speaking quickly and concisely. "Basically no more than 3 minutes. After a long time, the parents waiting for the treatment will be anxious. ”

Deepin Xihai Investigation | an emergency doctor in Qinghai treated 110 children for 10 hours

He Chenlu, the attending physician of the emergency department, checks the newborn for jaundice.

He Chenlu is an emergency department physician with 13 years of clinical experience. On this day, she went to the day shift.

Clinic open!

The nurses outside the clinic began to call the number, and the parents who were originally sitting stood up and gathered together to guide the consultation desk, afraid of missing the call. "Nurse, how many more numbers are in front of me?" "How long will it take to see it?" ...... Parents keep asking.

In the clinic, a 3-month-old child from Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture was treated. He Chenlu carefully inquired about the parents' children's condition, while putting the stethoscope in the palm of her hand, baking and rubbing, rubbing and rubbing, and then, she put the warm stethoscope on the child's chest to probe, "Parents, the child's lungs have phlegm." ”

During the conversation, the baby girl's face in the young mother's arms suddenly turned blue, and a "purring" sound was emitted between her throats. He Chenlu hurriedly put down the stethoscope, took the child from the young mother's hand, gently patted the child's back with her hand, and after a few pats, the child's rapid breathing became stable.

"The child has a lot of phlegm in his throat and must suck it up. Come, you follow me. The child's mother followed He Chenlu into the rescue room and explained the relevant matters to the staff, He Chenlu quickly returned to the clinic and continued to receive treatment.

"Ah—the little friend's mouth is wide open and his head is lifted up." He Chenlu is examining a child with a flashlight.

"Doctor, the child has a fever of 39 degrees Celsius, and he threw up last night and this morning, can you show him first?" A man rushed into the clinic carrying a child over 1 year old.

"We can understand the children's illness and the anxiety of the parents." Whenever this situation is encountered, He Chenlu always quickly checks the child's condition, determines that the child's vital signs are stable, and then explains to the parents. "As long as the child is not in danger, most parents will understand."

He Chenlu said that pediatrics is a "dumb department", and adult patients are different, children are uncomfortable mostly crying, some children are too young, words can not be clear, not clearly tell where uncomfortable, therefore, pediatricians work pressure is very large.

Fan Yali, the director of the emergency department, once said, "Pediatricians should be bold and careful, and learn to identify critically ill children in the first place." This sentence He Chenlu always remembered.

Deepin Xihai Investigation | an emergency doctor in Qinghai treated 110 children for 10 hours

The hall was full of drip-by-drip children.

He Chenlu said that in addition to understanding the child's symptoms, diet, sleep and other conditions from the parents, it is also necessary to quickly identify from the following aspects: observe whether the child's face is normal; observe whether the child's mental state is good or not; pay attention to the child's peripheral circulation, touch the child's hands and feet whether they are cold or hot; ask or observe the child's defecation to see if the child is dehydrated; observe the child's breathing status.

"Come, next."


Busy in the reception work, unconsciously the hour hand has pointed to 12 o'clock, but He Chenlu still did not stop the work in hand, "There are still patients who have not finished reading it." ”

Deepin Xihai Investigation | an emergency doctor in Qinghai treated 110 children for 10 hours

Medical staff receive the child.

At about 13:00, there were several parents and children in the waiting area.

An old man walked into the clinic carrying his grandson, and the child leaned listlessly into his arms. "Doctor, we have been waiting for a long time, and the child is very uncomfortable, can you take a look at it first?" The old man looked anxiously at He Chenlu earnestly.

At this time, He Chenlu's lips were dry and cracked, and her voice was somewhat hoarse, so she cleared her throat and continued to receive treatment.

There was a cup of hot water on the table that he had received at work in the morning, but He Chenlu did not have time to take a sip. "That's it at its peak. So many parents and children are waiting to see a doctor, who dares to drink water and go to the toilet! ”

Deepin Xihai Investigation | an emergency doctor in Qinghai treated 110 children for 10 hours

The party member pioneer post triage desk facilitates patient consultation.

A bowl of instant noodles solves for lunch

She said" "Parents and children can't wait"

At 13:30, sending out the last child and parent in the morning, He Chenlu took a cup of water and gulped down the water. "My throat is about to smoke." Her tense nerves also relaxed temporarily.

She took a box of instant noodles from the cupboard and poured hot water.

"Eat this at noon?"

"Time is too tight, if you have time to go out to eat, you can only eat instant noodles or bring your own food."

He Chenlu gulped down instant noodles, as if a big meal was in front of him. "I'm really hungry today, there are too many people." She smiled sheepishly, "Every year during the peak period of winter and spring, doctors do not eat on time. Originally the child is sick, the parents are anxious, there are many children and parents from the state and county, and many are the elderly with children to see the doctor, doctors usually will be the morning registered children all read before eating. ”

After eating, she stood up and stretched her waist to move. Before she could sit down, a two-year-old girl walked into the clinic under the guidance of her parents.

"Come, open your mouth for your aunt to see."

"I don't take medicine, I don't take medicine." The wary little girl shook her head like a rattle and covered her mouth with her small hands.

"Auntie doesn't give you medicine, don't you have a sore throat?" Auntie look at if there are small worms in your throat, and Auntie catches it out, okay? ”

The little girl opened her mouth in disbelief. He Chenlu quickly put the tongue depressor into the little girl's mouth, "Okay, the little worms have all run." You are so brave! ”

He Chenlu said that in the eyes of children, doctors are strangers, doctors' work clothes will also make some children afraid, and then think of doctors to give them injections and medicines, more afraid, therefore, pediatricians should pay special attention to the tone when treating children, to coax children, but also to encourage children, master the psychological characteristics of children of all ages, in order to let children cooperate with the treatment.

"Doctor, my grandson has been injected for 3 days and started diarrhea today. Is there something wrong with the medicine? An old man in his sixties asked.

"Uncle, don't worry, think back, what is your grandson's big like, does the child usually not like to wash his hands and have the habit of eating hands?"

"The big is like water, and the child has the habit of eating hands."

"That's right, the child's hand hygiene is not done well, you cooperate with us to give the child a check to see if it is a viral infection."

Sure enough, the child's test results showed diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection.

At about 15:00, He Chenlu gave a 5-year-old child a follow-up consultation, the child had a fever and cough a few days ago, and after drug treatment, the symptoms were significantly alleviated. "Auntie, I didn't feel bad this morning, thank you." As she spoke, the little girl took out a handmade piece from her pocket, a flower made of paper, and placed it in He Chenlu's hand, "This is my gift to you, I made it for a long time in the morning." ”

He Chenlu smiled. Although wearing a mask, her smile is from the heart, which is a kind of recognized happiness.

Until about 18:00, He Chenlu received a total of 110 children.

Night review

Entering the winter, the hospital ushered in the peak of children's medical treatment. The data shows that from December 1, 2021 to January 10, 2022, the average daily number of emergency departments and several outpatient clinics in Qinghai Women and Children's Hospital reached more than 700.

In the face of such a situation, the doctors are even more busy, not even having time to go to the toilet and drink water, and to endure the complaints of individual anxious parents. Even so, these cute white-clad angels still show a high professional quality, "We work hard, but also want to make children suffer less and let parents be less anxious." "Whose child isn't a pearl in the palm of his hand?" I am also a parent and I understand their feelings very well. "They serve with heart and affection, and many parents look in their eyes and are grateful in their hearts."

Between doctors and patients, mutual respect and mutual understanding can achieve a win-win situation. Only in this way can a harmonious doctor-patient relationship be built. (Xihai all-media reporter Zhang Ping)

Xihai all-media reporter Jia Zhongying

News Hotline: 0971-8457123

This article is original by The West Sea Metropolis Daily client news

Unauthorized reproduction is not permitted

( Reporter: Jia Zhongying / Wen Deng Jianqing / Photo Editor: Li Hongxia )

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