
It is his old age, and he is still working hard for the inheritance of Han Tong Er Huang

Han tone Erhuang, also known as Shaanxi Erhuang, Shan Erhuang, "Mountain Yellow", "Erhuang Opera", is one of the Han opera dramas in Shaanxi Province, formed by the Erhuang cavity tune from Hubei along the Han River into Shaanxi, han tone Erhuang because it is formed in the Han River Basin by the combination of Xipi and Erhuang, so it is also called "Han Tone". Nowadays, Hantuo Erhuang has become a business card of Ankang City's foreign cultural exchanges, and its development is inseparable from the efforts of generations of people. In 2006, Hantuo Erhuang was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by the State Council, and Gong Shangwu was designated as the inheritor of Hantuo Erhuang.

It is his old age, and he is still working hard for the inheritance of Han Tong Er Huang

A tortuous artistic experience

In 1937, Gong Shangwu was born in a poor family in Hanyin County, Ankang City, and after two years of study for family reasons, he went to collect firewood and herd cattle for an owner, when he was only 8 years old.

At the age of 10, one thing changed his destiny. On that day, as usual, he got up before dawn to herd the cattle, only to fall asleep unconsciously on the mountain, and when he woke up, he found that the other cattle herding partners were gone, leaving him alone. So he searched all over the mountains, but he couldn't find the cattle, so he was afraid to go home and tell his mother, so he had to wander alone.

"I ran to the place where Hanyin was called Pingliangpu at that time, and there happened to be a temple fair there, and someone was acting, so I went to see it, and unconsciously watched a big drama." Gong Shangwu said. After the play was over, the people in the venue slowly dispersed, he had nowhere to go but to stand on the side of the stage, he asked the drama class if there were still people, the drama class said yes, from then on, he began to learn percussion with the master of the drama class, and he studied for four or five years.

As soon as the time turned, it was 1952, when there was a play called "Dingsheng Snow Sweeping", but the young actor who played "Dingsheng" joined the army, and no one came to perform, so the teacher let Gong Shangwu perform on stage.

"At that time, I was nervous and I couldn't remember the words, so the teachers handed me the words, so I immediately dressed up and finished the play." Since then, Master said you should become an actor, and I will become an actor. Gong Shangwu said: "When actors want to practice, the conditions in that era were bitter, and at that time there was no concept of the word 'future', that is, to eat and how to eat." There is no way, in order to survive, work hard and learn the art. ”

By 1956, at that time, he already had some fame in Ankang, and he starred in the classical drama "Double Wheel Lu Wenlong", "Lü Bu" of Baimen Lou, "Zhao Zilong" of Changshanpo, "Lü Bu" of Yuanmen Shooting, "Zhang Sheng" in chasing fish, etc. quite influential, known as "Living Lü Bu", and many works won excellent commendations in the country and Shaanxi Province.

It is his old age, and he is still working hard for the inheritance of Han Tong Er Huang

Dedicated to the inheritance, he became a national non-hereditary inheritor

At the age of ten, he has been practicing art for decades, so that he can familiarize himself with hundreds of Chinese tune erhuang repertoire, familiar with the performance program of Han tone erhuang, and recite the lines, singing voices and performances of many traditional dramas. Because he has performed on the same stage with many famous artists since he was a child, he has enjoyed the performance styles of various Chinese tones and two yellow genres. And all of this subtly remained in his heart.

"Han Tune Erhuang has a history of hundreds of years, there is a saying called 'Tang Sanqian, Song Eight Hundred', that is to say, there are three thousand plays of the Tang Dynasty, eight hundred of the Song Dynasty, and there are other sequels and the like, countless, the repertoire is numerous and rich, in the national opera, it is also the most preserved repertoire, and many plays have been lost." Gong Shangwu said: "I watched a lot of the programs of my predecessors, took their essence and studied them again, constantly pondered and studied, the more I learned, the happier I became, and I also loved Chinese opera very much. ”

In 2006, Hantuo Erhuang was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by the State Council, and he was designated as the inheritor of Hantuo Erhuang. Due to his dedication and inheritance, in 2009, he was awarded the honorary title of National Advanced Individual in Intangible Culture by the Central Ministry of Culture and awarded certificates and medals.

It is his old age, and he is still working hard for the inheritance of Han Tong Er Huang

Non-genetic inheritance into the campus

In order to carry forward the traditional opera culture and inherit the national essence of art, in recent years, in addition to creating high-quality projects, participating in large-scale performance activities such as the Ankang Hanjiang Dragon Boat Festival and the Ankang New Year Party, the Ankang New Year's Eve Celebration, etc., the Hantuo Erhuang Research Institute has also continuously carried out public welfare cultural activities to benefit the people and opera into the campus, so that opera can blossom and bear fruit on campus.

"We have carried out a series of opera into the community, into the campus activities, and now in some schools in Ankang, every year, every session, every week we have activities to guide the work of Han tune er huang into the campus, so that students can understand han tune er huang, learn from an early age, and fall in love with han tone er huang." Gong Shangwu said. "Now our troupe is two generations of young people, in 2001 more than 60 people, now they are the pillar of the troupe, a few years ago we have accepted a group of students, now we have been studying for eight years, we old people are also teaching by hand."

"Being able to pass on our Han tune from generation to generation is an important task for me." Although Gong Shangwu has long since retired, his heart has always remained on the stage.

Huashang Daily reporter Cheng Bin Editor Guo Zhongyan Liu Qing

It is his old age, and he is still working hard for the inheritance of Han Tong Er Huang

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