
If you want more milk after giving birth, these minefields should be avoided

Breast milk is the best ration for babies, but many people's breastfeeding journeys are not so smooth. In order to provide the baby with sufficient rations, many mothers are riveted in order to milk, but they do not know, but they have taken the wrong approach.

Today Xiaobian takes you to take stock of the common 2 lower milk minefields:

Minefield 1: The more you eat, the more nutritious you are, and the more milk you have

People of the older generation will suggest that mothers drink crucian carp soup, pig's trotter soup, eat wine and brew, big fish and big meat every day, and even mistakenly think that "eat more, eat nutritious, more milk", the truth is: milk is not eaten, but sucked by the baby!

When the baby sucks on the nipple, the nipple will transmit sensory signals to the brain, and the brain will issue prolactin and oxytocin as the "start instruction" of the entire milk production system after receiving it, and the breast acinar bubbles will begin to produce milk!

Crucian carp soup, pig's trotter soup and other soups do contain a lot of protein and fat, can become a component of milk, but they do not have the effect of milk, drinking a large amount of milk every day will only make the human body protein and fat intake excessive, increase the burden on the digestive system and kidneys, but also cause excess energy leading to obesity.

Not to mention wine, breastfeeding mothers can't touch any alcohol! Alcohol can cause problems such as sleep disturbances and developmental delays in your baby.

Minefield 2: Eat less vegetables and fruits, eat more meat, and be able to milk

The older generation believes that eating too many vegetables and fruits will occupy the space in the stomach, so that protein absorption is not enough, which is actually a misunderstanding for nursing mothers, and the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.

Insufficient intake of vegetables, fruits, etc. will reduce the intake of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, affect the amount of milk secretion and the content of vitamins and minerals in milk, and increase the incidence of constipation, hemorrhoids and so on.

If you want more milk after giving birth, these minefields should be avoided

Of course, the correct way to breastfeed xiaobian also offers one by one:

1. Reasonable intake of high-quality protein

Fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, etc. are the best sources of high-quality protein, and can also provide a variety of important minerals and vitamins, but do not need to be big fish and meat every meal, and about 80-100g of fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat are enough to increase by about 80-100g per day than before pregnancy.

2. Drink more milk and increase calcium intake

It is recommended that mothers drink 400-500mL of milk per day so that they can get about 540mg of calcium, plus calcium from other food sources, to meet the daily calcium needs.

3. Eat more animal foods rich in vitamin A

Mothers can choose more vitamin A-rich foods, such as retinol-rich animal liver, egg yolks, milk, vitamin A-rich dark green and red-yellow vegetables and fruits. Eating animal liver once or twice a week can both promote lactation and supplement zinc.

4. Use iodized salt to increase the intake of seafood

Mothers need to increase their intake of iodine-rich seafood such as kelp, seaweed and fish and shrimp, and eat seafood such as marine fish, kelp, seaweed, shellfish and so on at least once a week.

5. Diet is diversified and pays attention to dietary balance

Eat a balanced diet, ensure that you can eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and various vegetables and fruits every day, and ensure that you can consume 500g of vegetables per day.

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