
"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

We often say that "fairy tales are not taboo". Many of the words of children often make us cry and laugh, and it is not to fight, nor is it to fight.

Especially in the current Internet age, they have more and more channels of access to information, and they often have some strange ideas. These ideas often confuse the adults, either to make people laugh or to want to throw them into the Pacific Ocean.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

Although the children are young, but the observation is very keen, and the words are bold, the writing is sharp, and there is no scruples, writing an essay that is clear thinking, rigorous logic, smooth writing, let people read it is more enjoyable.

Many parents often sigh after reading children's essays that they can't say clearly so that a child can say so clearly. Confused and unclear about things, he actually let his children analyze the head of the Tao, and even pointed out the key and core of the problem to the point.

The family life that felt so tasteless and lifeless that I let my children describe it as funny became a very interesting and loving home.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

This time, the teacher assigned an essay title of "Fake Mother". A primary school student wrote in an essay that he had not seen his mother smile for a long time.

I feel that my mother is different from before, she often holds the mobile phone, smiles at the mobile phone, but does not say a word when facing herself.

And mom doesn't eat with herself anymore, she doesn't smile at herself, she may have a fake mom. If my mother saw the main article, she would be sad. Children need the company of their parents, especially their mothers. Now that the child has such thoughts about herself, it shows that her mother is a bit incompetent.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

Another elementary school student said that his mother was very hypocritical, because she was 38 years old, but she always told others that she was only 18 years old.

When she went grocery shopping with her mother once, her mother told her grandmother that she was only 18 years old, and after listening to it, she felt that her mother was very hypocritical and deceitful.

So he secretly told his grandmother that his mother was actually 18 years old. But instead, Grandma stood with her mother and said, "Your mother will always be only 18 years old." So this primary school student was very depressed, obviously 38 years old, but said that he was 18 years old, and key outsiders also deceived themselves with her. Finally concludes: women are hypocritical.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

After reading this essay, everyone will think that this mother must be a young and interesting person. Such mothers are generally easier to get along with their children and will not be estranged from their children.

Another elementary school student wrote an essay on "My Home". In the article, he describes his parents and himself in a very playful tone. All kinds of idioms come and go, and they are used just right, which makes people can't help but be funny.

He said that his family "smelled the same", but they were "a harmonious mess". In particular, when mentioning his poor test scores, he quoted the saying in sports that "women's singles, men's singles, mixed doubles", which made people laugh and sympathize with it. But his mode of thinking is still commendable.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

The inner world of children is actually very simple, that is, "black and white", want to get the attention of their parents, let their parents see themselves, accompany themselves, and get the love of their parents for themselves. As parents, don't think that because your children are young, you don't think they know anything, don't pay attention to them, especially don't care about their inner thoughts.

In this way, it is very easy to ignore the child's psychological education, and the serious one may cause the child's mental health problems. Therefore, in addition to providing them with a good material life, parents should pay more attention to their inner thoughts and let them grow up physically and mentally.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

Through children's small essays, they can often perceive their inner world. They still can't express themselves, and composition becomes a better channel for them to express their ideas.

Although the writing is very childish, it is all a sense of truth and a window to understand them. Therefore, I advise parents not to treat it as just a joke, for children, there is never any joke, everything is "formal", parents should treat them formally.

"My mother is really hypocritical" The composition of the primary school student made the teacher can't help but be funny, and the mother wanted to beat people

Recently, "primary school students' essays" are very popular, and many languages and descriptions are also a good interpretation of what is called "fairy tales". Today's children are really talented and too smart. Crooked Chinese characters, childish tones, praise and criticism, unexpected conclusions, when reading, there is often a childish but serious little adult in front of the eyes.

Many people like to read the popular "primary school student composition" on the Internet in their leisure time, and many reveal a lot of wisdom in life, which makes people sigh: after living for half a lifetime, it is not as transparent as primary school students!

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