
What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

Most patients with liver disease will be accompanied by symptoms such as insomnia, poor mood, and fatigue.


The main reasons include the following aspects;

1. Psychological pressure.

Acute and chronic anxiety, sadness, excessive excitement, anger, or excessive health requirements and excessive attention of insomnia patients caused by various unpleasant events in life and work can cause insomnia and even aggravate insomnia. Liver disease patients often have a heavy mental burden, they think that in the crowd of exclusion and snubbed, resulting in emotional depression, psychological pressure, often before going to bed whims, cranial nerves too excited will also affect the quality of sleep. Psychological factors have an important impact on insomnia, accounting for about half of insomnia patients.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

2. There is inflammatory damage in the liver.

Sleep has a lot to do with the liver because the surface of the liver has a layer of autonomic nerves that dominate sleep, and it affects people's sleep. If the inflammation of the liver intensifies, the autonomic nerves on the surface of the liver will also be abnormal, and people will often not be able to sleep and sleep unsteadily.

In addition, when the liver is damaged, patients are prone to feel fatigue, and in the state of long-term fatigue, the quality of sleep will naturally be affected.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

3. Indigestion caused by liver disease, abdominal discomfort, etc.

Such as hunger, over-fullness, fatigue, excitement, etc. can also cause insomnia. Chinese medicine says that "stomach disharmony is restlessness", liver disease will affect the digestive function of patients, gastrointestinal discomfort, during the day exercise and activity, distraction, these discomforts are often ignored. It is evident at night when it is quiet and can also affect the patient's rest.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

4. Surrounding environmental factors

The living environment is noisy, the housing is crowded, air pollution or sudden changes in the sleeping environment, as well as noise, strong light stimulation, temperature overheating and mosquitoes, rats, fleas and other infestations will affect sleep.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

5. Sleep rhythm changes

The main reason is that some patients with liver disease often work day and night shifts or long-term night work, and mobility work such as business trips. In addition, some patients have irregular life, untimely falling asleep, excessive entertainment and jet lag across time zones, which can cause changes in the rhythm of the body's biological clock and insomnia.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

6. Age factor

Insomnia is closely related to age, and the older you get, the easier it is to insomnia. Elderly patients with chronic liver disease often have a prolonged sleep time, coupled with nocturia, shallow sleep, easy to wake up and other reasons, so the incidence of liver disease in the elderly is much higher than that of young people.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

TCM's understanding of insomnia.

Insomnia is called "sleeplessness" in Chinese medicine.

Sleeplessness refers to "no sleep, no lying down, no eyesight", that is, it means that it is difficult to fall asleep, sleep without soundness, sleep when awake, can no longer fall asleep after waking up, and cannot fall asleep all night.

Insomnia is mainly in the heart, and is related to the spleen, stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs.

The causes are mostly mental loss or evil disturbing the mind; the internal organs are dysfunctional, and the main pathogen is the imbalance of yin and yang.

If anger, thoughts, depression, fatigue, etc. hurt the organs, sperm and blood are consumed, affecting each other, and forming stubbornness and sleeplessness.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

How can people with liver disease promote sleep and sleep better?

1. Communicate with family members

Family members need to patiently listen to the patient's talk, strengthen communication with the patient, understand the patient's psychological dynamics and psychological needs, give the patient comfort and full support, and eliminate the patient's ideological concerns. If patients are found to have mood disorders such as long-term depression, patients should be encouraged to actively seek psychotherapeutic interventions.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

2. Actively treat liver disease

Patients who are eligible for antiviral therapy are given antiviral, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, etc. corresponding treatment in a timely manner to block the progression of the disease and eliminate the impact of disease activity on the body.

3, do not drink coffee, strong tea before going to bed

As we all know, coffee and strong tea are easy to make people feel excited, which will affect the quality of sleep.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

4. Soak your feet in hot water

Soaking your feet with hot water before going to bed can relieve fatigue and improve the quality of sleep.

5. Ensure the environment of sleep

Create a good sleeping environment, choose a pillow suitable for yourself, the bedroom should be quiet, the air should be kept fresh, the light should be soft, the temperature should not be too high or too low, to avoid the outside world's vision, smell, hearing, touch and other sensory organs of the adverse stimulation.

What to do when liver disease suffers from insomnia

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