
Why didn't Chongzhen move the capital to Nanjing? Expert: It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the reason behind it is too helpless

Taste the history and culture, reveal the truth behind the secret! Hello everyone, welcome to this issue of the history of the article, today, and share with you the content is: Why chongzhen did not move the capital nanjing? Expert: It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the reason behind it is too helpless.

Why didn't Chongzhen move the capital to Nanjing? Expert: It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the reason behind it is too helpless

In 1644 AD, the late Ming Emperor Chongzhen insisted on holding the city of Beijing, and Li Zicheng attacked Datong, and the soldiers killed the city of Beijing, the situation was not optimistic, plus outside of Shanhaiguan, the eighth phase of the iron horse was staring at the tiger, and it would also invade the city of Beijing at any time!

For the city of Beijing, in fact, there is no possibility of sticking to it, and Chongzhen, as the king of a country, as well as those civil and military officials in the dynasty, actually understand this truth, but many people will still have doubts when they see this history, that is, when Li Zicheng was about to fight in Beijing, why did Chongzhen not study like the Song Dynasty and move the capital?

As we all know, Nanjing is the founding capital of Daming, it was Zhu Di who moved the capital to Beijing after he became emperor, and Nanjing has always been the second choice of the capital, in addition, more importantly, at that time, the southeast region was not affected by the rebel army, the economy was also very rich, plus there is a natural danger of the Yangtze River, if Chongzhen can hold out here, presumably it will not be a problem to hold out for a while!

Why didn't Chongzhen move the capital to Nanjing? Expert: It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the reason behind it is too helpless

In the Ming Dynasty in 1644, the climate was also abnormal, and the crops in the Central Plains were even more grainless, and this reason was also an important factor in the rise of Li Zicheng's rebel army, if Chongzhen could temporarily leave the north of the Yangtze River to the Manchu Qing and Shun troops to compete, and Chongzhen chose to wait and wait for the tired time of the two of them to fight and then surprise the Northern Expedition, there may be a great chance to restore the Ming Dynasty!

When the Chongzhen Emperor was at a loss, the chancellor Li Mingrui said to him: "The thief is arrogant and arrogant, and he is directly approaching the Capital Division, and in the autumn of this critical survival, only by moving the capital to Nanjing can the current urgency be relieved, and thus try to suppress the merits." In fact, to put it simply, it is to tell the Chongzhen Emperor that the city of Beijing cannot stay for the time being, only to move the capital to Nanjing first, and the future may rise again!

Why didn't Chongzhen move the capital to Nanjing? Expert: It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the reason behind it is too helpless

In fact, regarding the matter of moving the capital to Nanjing, when Chongzhen was 16 years old, Empress Zhou had proposed it, but Chongzhen had not been correctly confronted, and when Li Mingrui clearly proposed it, Chongzhen felt that the method of moving the capital was feasible, but the ministers refused.

As a result, Chongzhen began to listen to the suggestions of his courtiers extensively, but this behavior of Chongzhen was criticized, and even later generations felt that he cherished his reputation and did not want to bear the reputation of escapism, so he asked for the advice of the ministers, so that the ministers could be the back of the pot!

In fact, this is a misunderstanding, because if the Chongzhen Emperor wants to move the capital, he must get the nod of the cabinet ministers and the officials of the six ministries, after all, the power in the hands of the emperor in the middle and late Ming Dynasty is weakening more and more!

Why didn't Chongzhen move the capital to Nanjing? Expert: It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the reason behind it is too helpless

As soon as Chongzhen proposed to move the capital, the voices of opposition in the imperial court rose one after another, and some people even said that the matter of moving the capital was a kind of heresy, in fact, Chongzhen was very helpless!

Therefore, in the end, the matter of moving the capital to the south was gone, and Chongzhen finally chose to hang himself in Coal Mountain!

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