
Xunzi Daily Lesson 360丨The world is your own and has nothing to do with others

Xunzi Daily Lesson 360丨The world is your own and has nothing to do with others

One lesson a day to read the classics, this is the Erya Book Garden. Today we begin the study of the 360th lecture of the Xunzi Daily Lesson on the "Correct Name Chapter". Welcome to leave a message to communicate.

If the heart is happy, it is not as good as the maid and can nourish the eyes, the sound is not as good as the maid but can nourish the ears, the vegetables and vegetable soups can be nourished, the coarse cloth clothes, the rough shoes, and the body can be nourished. Bureau room, reed curtain, maple, machine feast, and can be raised. Therefore, although there is no beauty of all things, it can be nourished, and there is no position of power and can be named. If it is added to the world, it is more for the world, and its private pleasure is less. The husband is a heavy servant. (Xunzi Zhengming, Chapter 22, 19)

If the heart is happy, it is not as good as the maid and can nourish the eyes, the sound is not as good as the maid but can nourish the ears, the vegetables and vegetable soups can be nourished, the coarse cloth clothes, the rough shoes, and the body can be nourished. Bureau room, reed curtain, maple, machine feast, and can be raised.

The mood is calm and pleasant, and the color can also nourish the eyes even if it is not as good as the general color; the sound can also nourish the ears even if it is not as good as the general sound; the coarse rice and vegetable soup can also nourish the mouth; the coarse cloth clothes and the coarse hemp rope shoes can also nourish the body; the narrow room, the reed curtain, the grass mat, and the broken table can also be nourished. Crepe, thick hemp rope. Unmasked, worn out. A few cases, that is, several cases.

It is not that it costs money to call it a quality life, but whether you have fun, soul, and creativity in your heart, whether your room is clean and tidy, whether you are reading, whether you are listening to music...

Therefore, although there is no beauty of all things, it can be nourished, and there is no position of power and can be named. If it is added to the world, it is more for the world, and its private pleasure is less. The husband is a heavy servant.

Therefore, although you can still cultivate pleasure without enjoying the beauty of all things, you can still improve your reputation without the status of a powerful knight. Such a person, who entrusts the world to him, will work more for the world and think less about his own pleasures, which is called valuing himself and enslaving foreign objects.

We should value ourselves and should not be enslaved by things. A gentleman is not born different, but is good at faking things. Materialism is not for indulgence, but for assisting us in our work. As Mr. Yang Dai said in the "100-year-old Testimonial":

In this materialistic world, life is really hard enough. You are bent on being an honest person who has no quarrel with the world, and people will use you to bully you. If you have a little talent and moral character, people will be jealous of you and exclude you. If you give in generously, people will invade you and harm you. If you don't have to fight with others, you have to have nothing to ask for from the world, and at the same time you have to maintain your strength and prepare for struggle. If you want to live peacefully with others, you must first deal with them, and you must be prepared to suffer losses at any time.

Teenagers are greedy, young people are obsessed with love, prime-age people are attracted to fame and family, and twilight years are content to deceive themselves.

Life geometry, how much fine gold can be refined by stubborn iron? But different degrees of exercise must have different degrees of achievements; different degrees of indulgence and wantonness will accumulate different degrees of stubbornness.

God does not allow all happiness to be concentrated on someone, and to get love does not necessarily have money; to have money does not necessarily lead to happiness; to get happiness does not necessarily have health; to have health does not necessarily make everything go as desired.

Maintaining a contented and happy mindset is the best way to refine the mind and purify the mind. All the enjoyment of pleasure belongs to the spirit, and this happiness turns the endurance into enjoyment, the victory of the spirit over matter, which is the philosophy of life.

After a person has undergone different degrees of exercise, he will obtain different degrees of cultivation and different degrees of benefits. Like spices, the more crushed they are, the finer they are ground, the more intense the fragrance. We once longed so much for the waves of fate, and in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calm and calm in the heart... We have been so eager for outside recognition that in the end we know that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others.

We have finished studying the Analects, Mencius, University, Zhongyong, Tao Te Ching, the Family Training, the Congxun Zhai language, the Chenghuaiyuan language, the Zeng Guofan Teaching Book, and the recitation of the Vocal Enlightenment. "Xunzi Daily Lesson" and "Zhuzi Reading Method" were officially launched.

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