
Can a three-generation IVF hospital give birth to twins?

The advent of IVF has made many people who are difficult to conceive realize the dream of having children, and clinically, in order to increase the success rate, two embryos are generally transferred, but this increases the chance of conceiving twins. However, even if you do conceive twins, it should not be too joyful, because the risk of pregnant women and fetuses increases during pregnancy, so it is better to be careful. Hengjian overseas finished the following.

Can a three-generation IVF hospital give birth to twins?

Having twins is a good thing, but there are many risks for both the fetus and the pregnant woman. Pregnant twins are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy, and even the possibility of bleeding is high. For the twin fetus, it is likely that there will be pregnancy failures, etc., which will accompany the child's life, which not only increases the economic burden of the family, but also has a certain burden on society. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of ivy infant pregnant twins, patients should do the following:

Can a three-generation IVF hospital give birth to twins?

1, pay attention to the absorption of nutrients, this time not only to meet their own nutritional needs, but also to meet the nutritional needs of the twins. Anemia is prone to occur, leading to stunted fetal growth. Therefore, pregnant women pregnant with twins must pay attention to a reasonable diet, timely intake of sufficient vitamins, proteins and minerals, usually can eat more fish, milk, eggs, lean meat and so on.

2. Timely obstetric examination, whether pregnant with a single or twin, obstetric examination is indispensable. Especially pregnant women who are pregnant with twins. Therefore, at this time, timely obstetric examination can play a certain role, and abnormalities can be found in time and sought medical treatment in time to avoid accidents.

3, usually pay attention to more rest, because the twins have more needs for nutrition, so pregnant women should let them fully grow and develop, so as to avoid premature birth. In addition to supplementing nutrition to avoid premature birth, we must also pay attention to more rest and not overwork.

Being pregnant with twins is certainly a good thing, but there are more risks, and these dangers exist for both pregnant women and fetuses. Therefore, if your own conditions do not allow it, or do not force it, so as not to affect your physical health.

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