
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, most of China was invaded and occupied by the Japanese army, so why did Fujian not fall?

When it comes to Japan, I think many readers are also very angry now, after all, the Japanese have committed countless heinous crimes against our country decades ago, and even though so many years have passed, these crimes still make it difficult for many Chinese to let go.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, most of China was invaded and occupied by the Japanese army, so why did Fujian not fall?

And they once set up Unit 731 in the northeast of our country and used our countrymen to do human experiments, which sounded really angry. I will introduce to you next, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army once hooked most of China, why did Fujian Province not fall?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, most of China was invaded and occupied by the Japanese army, so why did Fujian not fall?

First, Fujian lacks useful resources. Fujian is not as rich as other places, such as northeast China and Shanxi coal; nor is it like Wuhan, Guangzhou, Jinan, Xuzhou and other strategic places, which have important railways; nor is it like Nanjing, Shanghai and other places where the economy is prosperous and important.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, most of China was invaded and occupied by the Japanese army, so why did Fujian not fall?

Secondly, Fujian's terrain is also difficult to bite in the front. The mountains and hills inside account for nearly 80% of the entire province, and the river valleys, basins and hills are densely interspersed. Moreover, in the south, there are many rainy seasons, and the water vapor fog is difficult to dissipate in time, which will lead to the stagnation of material transportation. Therefore, in the face of such a vast China, it is simply a fool's dream for the Japanese army to want to occupy it for the whole people.

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