
What should I do if my child has strabismus amblyopia?

As the winter vacation approaches, the number of children who come to the hospital to check their eyes is gradually increasing. According to some parents who take their children to the examination, many young children suffer from strabismus amblyopia during the examination. Children with strabismus amblyopia, what should parents pay attention to?

What should I do if my child has strabismus amblyopia?

What are the dangers of strabismus amblyopia?

Strabismus is a visual dysfunction that not only affects the industry in which the child will work and work in the future, but also bring inconvenience to life. More seriously, it will also lead to a decrease in visual function, there is no way to form three-dimensional vision, no matter what glasses are worn, there is no way to recover.

What should I do if I have strabismus amblyopia?

Strabismus amblyopia treatment must be done as early as possible. Because amblyopia generally occurs before school age, the younger the age, the better the treatment effect, and vice versa. If the treatment is not timely or delayed, it will bring a lot of inconvenience to the children's learning and life in the future.

What should I do if my child has strabismus amblyopia?

What should I do if my child has amblyopia, and how can parents cooperate with treatment?

Treatment of amblyopia takes a long time, not overnight. It is difficult to see results in a short period of time, and in the longer treatment process, parents not only have to receive treatment with their children, but also do a lot of auxiliary exercises with doctors.

What should I do if Amblyopia recurs after recovery? How to consolidate the treatment?

After the recovery of amblyopia, symptoms such as unclear vision occur, that is, recurrence, and visual development can be perfected for a long time. Amblyopia is a chronic disease, treatment is slow, parents and children should have confidence and patience, do not be afraid of trouble, do not stop treatment because it has not worked for a period of time. In order to prevent recurrence, the treatment can be continued for a period of time after recovery to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

It is not terrible for children to have amblyopia, the key is that parents should pay attention. Children with amblyopia can be restored through training. The best age for treatment of amblyopia is 3-7 years of age, and the effect is not good for people over 12 years of age. Therefore, the treatment of amblyopia requires early detection, early intervention and rehabilitation training.

What should I do if my child has strabismus amblyopia?

Remind the majority of parents, in order to treat strabismus, must be treated in regular hospitals and medical institutions, do not credulously believe the publicity and misleading of some massage shops on the street, miss the best recovery age, and bring a lifetime of regret to the child! Every winter and summer vacation is the best recovery period for children to undergo rehabilitation training. I hope that parents will pay attention to their children's eye health and give their children a pair of healthy and bright eyes!

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