
FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

In the current car market, Volkswagen is a choice that many people cannot ignore when buying a car. Deeply rooted in the market for many years, it has won recognition from many parties with its rich product line and excellent product strength, whether it is a market share or a good reputation, representing the German car and the Japanese camp led by Toyota. Volkswagen has a north-south difference in China, among which FAW-Volkswagen is domineering, selling a total of up to 1857777 various models in 2021, winning the annual sales crown of passenger car companies, and many models are tencent automobile's "National God Car" shortlisted models. Although the ranking is further consolidated, it cannot be ignored that its performance of 2.16 million vehicles in 2020 has declined by 13.9% year-on-year, and the development prospects have been overshadowed. In order to stop losses in time and avoid downward trend, FAW-Volkswagen will soon upgrade a number of star models this year, which will inevitably trigger heated discussions from many parties.

The first new car: the new Sagitar

FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

The current generation of Sagitar has been a great success since its introduction in 2019, and even touched a high of 40,000 units in individual months, which can be called a benchmark existence in the field of A+ class cars. The car helped FAW-Volkswagen grab more market share, was favored by many working-class friends, and remained strong in terms of word of mouth. In order to hit the iron while it is hot, the new Sagitar has made a heavy appearance, and the new car has opened a pre-sale mode in total, launching a total of as many as seven new cars, of which the 2022 200TSI manual flyover version is only pre-priced at 133,500 yuan, and the car purchase threshold is relatively close to the people.

FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

Although the new car has not changed much in terms of shape design, the sports atmosphere and fashion attributes have been improved, which is more in line with the current aesthetic trend. It adds a lot of chrome embellishment to the front part of the face, which enhances the delicate look. The interior layout of the new car is still simple and durable, but the scientific and technological atmosphere has been strengthened, and the car machine system has been fully upgraded, which can effectively reduce the trouble of daily use of the car. Of course, its biggest highlight is still in the power part, some models will be equipped with 1.5T EVO engines, bringing a more abundant experience in output. It is expected that after the listing, the new Sagitar will maintain a strong trend in terms of sales, and it is estimated that opponents such as Corolla and Xuanyi will be under pressure.

The second new car: the new Bora

FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

Like Sagitar, Bora is also the sales director of FAW-Volkswagen, which is very powerful in the field of compact family cars, and the monthly sales exceed 10,000 effortlessly. Although the main body contour of the new car is consistent with the current model in terms of shape design, it has been completely adjusted in many aspects. The front face part has been changed a lot, and the headlight group and the middle net have been integrated, and the visual extensibility has been strengthened, so the recognition has been improved. The front and rear bumpers are also shown with a new shape, giving people a strong sense of movement. The new car also supports a variety of optional contents to meet everyone's individual needs.

FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

The new Bora has also made some improvements in the interior layout, highlighting the attributes of technology. After all, consumers are very concerned about the functionality and practicality of the car machine system, and if the new car wants to continue to win attention, it cannot pull the crotch here. In terms of space utilization, it continues to perform well, providing a comfortable driving experience and considerable storage capacity. In terms of powertrain, the new Polaroid will be streamlined into two configurations, 1.2T and 1.4T, and individual models can achieve a maximum power of 110 kilowatts, while controlling fuel economy within a reasonable range. After the official listing, the sales volume of the new Bora should not have to worry too much. After all, the series of models has long accumulated a strong reputation, and customer loyalty is quite good.

The third new car: the new explorer

FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

Perhaps compared with the above two models, the exploration is very ordinary in terms of sales. But after all, it has also broken through the 5,000-vehicle mark in a single month, and its popularity is also outstanding. In order to rekindle consumer enthusiasm for car purchases and help Tanying stand out from the competition in small SUVs, a new model is about to come out, which is expected to help the series out of the predicament. The new car continues to adhere to the family style in the shape design, although the change is not large, and it has not gone out of the volkswagen "matryoshka doll" framework, but many people just like this original taste, and the classic shape is more attractive. However, it also adds some sports elements, keeping up with the current trend and showing a determination to change. The through-line tail light set and bilateral exhaust structure are eye-catching and the recognition is even more outstanding. The new car will offer a variety of options, and it is estimated that the sports wheels will be favored by many people.

FAW-Volkswagen's 2022 new car plan has been exposed, a number of star models have been introduced, and Toyota is nervous

The new Assay is not satisfactory in terms of size, whether it is 4194mm length or 1760mm width is very average, but in the same class of models is not bad, space utilization is also worth affirming. The interior layout of the new car basically continues the current style, and the car and machine system can be readjusted, and the level of technology has been improved. The new car is also streamlined as the new Bora, and according to the current information, the 1.2T version will be launched first, with a maximum power of 85 kilowatts. Although the data may not be eye-catching, the fuel economy of the car is very impressive, and the daily cost of the car is very close to the people. It is expected that after joining the sales war, it is difficult for the new exploration to achieve a substantial increase in the short term, but it is expected to bring surprises with the fermentation of word of mouth in the later stage.

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