
Song Yun Communication Think Tank was established, and the first batch of members have been put into storage

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Sun Wen

"In order to better disseminate Song Yun culture, make it vividly integrate into the present, and ferment the beauty of life, Qianjiang Evening News has joined forces with major universities across the country, the Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and other units to establish a Song Yun Communication Think Tank."

On the last day of 2021, at the scene of the 2022 "Books Welcome to the New Reading to the Future" TALK SHOW event hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and sponsored by the Qianjiang Evening News, the host announced that the Song Yun Communication Think Tank led by the Qianjiang Evening News was officially established.

Song Yun Communication Think Tank was established, and the first batch of members have been put into storage

On August 31, 2021, the provincial party committee held a high-level cultural work conference, with special emphasis on the need to systematically carry out the research, inheritance and dissemination of Song Yun culture, and continuously make new breakthroughs in creating a golden business card of Zhejiang's history and culture.

In accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee to "carefully launch the implementation of the Song Yun cultural transmission project", qianjiang Evening News led the construction of the Song Yun communication think tank, through a variety of cultural and artistic activities, the formation of an all-round, high-standing expert and scholar communication team, fully excavate, display and disseminate the value connotation of Song Yun culture.

The 2022 "Books Welcome new reading to the future" TALK SHOW is a beginning.

At the event site, it was not only announced that the Song Yun Communication Think Tank was officially established, but at the same time, one of the six guests, Zhang Jing, professor of the College of Literature of Nankai University and deputy director of the Institute of Chinese Poetry and Classical Culture of Nankai University, became the first batch of expert members of the Song Yun Communication Think Tank.

On the same day, she started from poetry, interpreted song rhyme culture, and told everyone about "Song Rhyme and Poetic Life". She said that the beauty of the west lake is not only at the level of green water and green mountains, but also the traces of celebrities, cultural relics, and more importantly, it is also the hometown of our spirit. Because Hangzhou is the cultural capital of Song Yun.

Song Yun culture is an important part of the spiritual core of Zhejiang's excellent traditional culture, which coexists with the spirit of our times today, and can be perceived, experienced and shared.

So far, the first batch of 10 members, including Zhang Jing, have been put into the library, including Researchers, scholars, and communication experts of Song history, Song Ci, Song painting from Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and other places, Yu Yunguo (scholar of literature and history, professor of Shanghai Normal University), Zhang Jing (professor of the School of Literature of Nankai University, deputy director of the Institute of Chinese Poetry and Classical Culture of Nankai University), and Sun Zhongwang, director of the Ancient Books Department of Suzhou Library;

It also includes Gong Yanming,a well-known archaeologist, scholar of culture and literature and researcher of Song history in the province (professor of Zhejiang University and director of the Song Studies Research Center), Zheng Jiali (deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Archaeology), Li Yuxin (director of the History Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum), Wei Zhuting (deputy research librarian of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum), Wang Zhengyu (deputy director of the Hangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, leader of the Lin'an City Archaeological Team), Shi Hongchao (associate professor of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts), etc.

In the next activities such as the Song Dynasty Jiangnan Search, the Spring Wind Joyful Reading Festival, the Money Newspaper Reading Club, and the Song Yun Festival, we will build and use the "Song Yun Communication Think Tank" well. In addition, we will also unite xinmin evening news, Yangzi evening news, Gusu evening news, gather the communication power of the four major evening newspapers in the Yangtze River Delta, expand the size of think tanks, and increase the intensity of dissemination, so that Song Yun culture can be truly activated in our daily lives.

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