
When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

In real life, everyone should have heard of "menopause", and many people mistakenly believe that menopause refers to women's menopause. In fact, in clinical terms, menopause and menopause are two medical concepts with completely different meanings.

The so-called menopause refers to the transition period in which the gonadal function gradually declines to complete loss after a woman enters the aging period. That is to say, women already have a stage of gradual ovarian decline before menopause.

When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

You know, the reason why women have a big aunt is because at the age of 12-15 years old, the girl's ovaries gradually develop and mature, it has ovulation and endocrine functions, and forms a cyclical change.

With the effects of ovulation and a sudden increase in hormone secretion, the endometrium also begins to thicken periodically, preparing the fertilized egg for implantation.

When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

After the ovaries are excreted, they generally stay in the woman's body for about 24-48 hours. If the egg does not wait for the sperm to combine, or if the fertilized egg is affected by other factors, it does not implant smoothly in the womb.

The level of estrogen and progesterone in the woman's body will drop rapidly, and it can no longer support the thickened endometrium, so the endometrium begins to fall off, and mixed blood is excreted, which forms menstruation.

When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

Once the function of the ovaries is completely lost, it means that the endometrium can no longer be periodically thickened and shed with ovulation, and women naturally enter the menopause period.

That is to say, female menopause is a gradual process, it will go through the premenopausal period, menopause and later stages. Because of this, the clinic named menopause "perimenopause".

So the question is, at what age is it normal for women to be menopausal?

When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

As far as the current clinical data and related content are concerned, there is no clear age limit and fixed data for women's menopause in China. Because every woman's genes, physical fitness, and the early and late arrival of menarche are different.

Therefore, the clinical scope of menopause is only given, that is, the age group of 45-55 years old, and the vast majority of women in China have complete menopause before the age of 50;

However, as mentioned above, menopause does not occur suddenly, and when the ovaries begin to gradually decline and enter the premenopausal period, it will take about 2-4 years, after which women can enter menopause. After menopause, the ovarian function is more low, but it may not disappear completely, and it generally takes about 2-3 years for the ovarian function to be completely lost.

When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

Many people mistakenly believe that menopause will accelerate the aging process of women's bodies, so some people will forcibly intervene in menopause, or even blindly take various hormone drugs.

But in fact, everyone has confused a concept, menopause has never accelerated human aging, it is just a cascading reaction to the aging and loss of ovarian function. In other words, menopause is the symptom of your aging period, and it means that you have completely said goodbye to fertility!

When is menopause normal for women? Doctor: It's normal in this age

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that menopause at normal ages is a healthy manifestation. If you have menopause before the age of 40, this is often caused by premature ovarian failure, thyroid disease, and endocrine abnormalities.

If you have not had menopause after the age of 60, it is likely to be related to endocrine disorders, which may increase your chances of future ovarian cancer and breast cancer. In both cases, we need to be vigilant and seek medical attention for relevant screening as soon as possible.

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