
"Therapeutic diet" soybean pork liver soup can cure iron deficiency anemia

author:The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
"Therapeutic diet" soybean pork liver soup can cure iron deficiency anemia
"Therapeutic diet" soybean pork liver soup can cure iron deficiency anemia

Soybean pork liver soup can treat iron deficiency anemia

Comment expert: Huang Chuyan, a Chinese medicine master in charge of the Department of Pharmacy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

Reporter Chen Xiaokun Correspondent Zhang Qiuxia Lock Zhuoqi

The incidence of anemia in the elderly is as high as 35%, so the elderly should pay special attention to the problem of anemia. For mild iron deficiency anemia, we can take therapeutic dietary conditioning, and soybean pork liver soup is a good choice.


Prepare 100 grams of soybeans and pork liver. First soak the washed soybeans in boiling water for a while, then wash and slice the pork liver, then mix well with salt and starch; wash the green onions and ginger, and cut well. Bring water to a boil, add sliced ginger, green onion and a small amount of cooking oil, and after a few minutes, add the pork liver and soybeans. Cook until cooked thoroughly, season to taste. Taken twice daily for 2 weeks, it can be used as an adjunct to the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. (Ms. Hezhou Hu)

Expert Comments:

Huang Chuyan, a Chinese medicine master in charge of the Department of Pharmacy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, said that pig liver is rich in iron, and regular consumption can improve the physiological function of the hematopoietic system of the elderly. Soybeans are rich in protein and essential amino acids, and have a lot of iron content, which is easily absorbed by the human body and has a certain effect on iron deficiency anemia.

It can be said that soybean is the natural nemesis of cholesterol, and its contains phytosterols that can compete with cholesterol in the intestine for binding sites, thereby reducing the absorption of cholesterol. The two are cooked together, which can play a role in strengthening the spleen, digesting food and nourishing the blood, and can also supplement iron and nourish the blood, especially suitable for women and children. It is worth noting that the high content of pig liver cholesterol is an indisputable fact, and each 100 grams of pig liver contains 368 mg of cholesterol, which is very close to the recommended daily intake of cholesterol (300 mg). Therefore, while replenishing blood, the elderly should also pay attention to controlling the amount of pig liver.

In addition, pork liver is best "detoxified" before cooking: soak in light salt water for 2 to 3 hours, and then soak it in water for a while; pork liver can also be cut into slices, gently scratched and washed in the basin, rinsed and then cooked. However, the cooking time should not be too short, otherwise it is difficult to kill some germs and parasitic eggs in the pig liver, and it should be cooked until it is cooked thoroughly before eating.

"Therapeutic diet" soybean pork liver soup can cure iron deficiency anemia

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"Therapeutic diet" soybean pork liver soup can cure iron deficiency anemia

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