
The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

According to the "Biography of Song Shi Yue Fei", "Flying northern expedition, the army to zhuxian town in Bieliang, there was a zhaoban division, flying to answer the edict, loyal words, flowing from the heart, there was really the wind of Zhuge Kongming, and the pawn died at the hands of Qin Juniper." Gai Fei and Juniper are not at odds with each other, so that if you fly to zhi, you can get revenge and Song shame can be snow; if you have Juniper Zhi, you can fly and die. ”

As a famous military general during the Southern Song Dynasty in China, Yue Fei was known for his loyalty, patriotism, courage and good fighting, and he has always been loyal to the country. On the battlefield, the army he led made a lot of achievements. During his military career, he was obsessed with reviving his country and driving invaders out of his country's territory.

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

However, it was such a loyal general who made the enemy feel frightened on the battlefield, but was eventually framed by his own people. Although he was framed by the courtiers, his story was still widely circulated.

Nowadays, in order to commemorate the national hero Yue Fei, people have built Yue Fei temples throughout the country. In front of these Yue Fei temples, most of them had five kneeling iron men. Among these iron men, there is no doubt that one of them is qin juniper, the main culprit who framed Yue Fei and others.

So, who were the people who accompanied Yue Fei in front of his tomb, in addition to Qin Juniper, who were the four other people?

First, the unjustly killed hero must finally be rehabilitated

As a famous anti-Jin hero and national hero during the Song Dynasty, Yue Fei's deeds have been praised by the world for thousands of years. In the eyes of the Chinese people, he is the embodiment of loyalty and justice. However, Yue Fei, who did his best to defend the Song Dynasty against the invaders, did not have a good ending in the end, and was even killed in the Fengbo Pavilion for false accusations!

As we all know, the person who harmed Yue Fei was the traitor Qin Juniper, and the common people at that time were deeply favored by Yue Fei, and how could they not know his loyalty, but they were helpless to speak softly, including many officials who knew Yue Fei, although they were well aware of Yue Fei's loyalty, but they dared to be angry and dare not speak out against Qin Juniper, who had a huge power.

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

Fortunately, when Song Xiaozong succeeded to the throne, the hero Yue Fei was rehabilitated, and the traitor Qin Ju became a sinner who had been scorned for thousands of years! At that time, as soon as the common people heard that Yue Fei had been rehabilitated, they immediately buried his body properly and built a temple of Yue Fei for posterity to admire.

Qin Juniper, as a sinner, was dead at this time, but the crime he committed was really impossible to atone for by death, so in front of Yue Fei's tomb, we can see the statue of Qin Juniper kneeling on the ground. Kneel before this hero of history, be scolded by the world, repent to the hero, repent to the people.

However, it was found that there were actually five statues kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb, and who were the other four except Qin Juniper? What sins have they committed?

1. Mr. and Mrs. Qin Stefan

For another person besides Qin Juniper, I believe that many readers have guessed it, yes, she is Qin Juniper's wife, as the only woman among the five, Qin Juniper's wife is also impressive, and what many people don't understand is that the viciousness of this woman is really gritted teeth!

Yue Fei was deeply frightened by the consequences of the battle, and at the same time he also had a huge influence in the country and was deeply loved. It can be said that Yue Fei at that time had the ability to change the dynasty, but Yue Fei was a loyal and patriotic person, determined to eliminate the enemy and protect the people, and did not have the slightest covetousness for the throne.

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

However, at that time, not only the powerful minister Qin Ju believed that his position was threatened, but even emperor Zhao Shuo was jealous of him, so with Zhao Shuo's acquiescence, Qin Ju tried to poison Yue Fei.

At that time, Qin Ju was very jealous of Yue Fei's name of loyalty, so he was worried that if Zhao Zhuo repented for a while, then he would be eliminated. It can be said that at this time, Qin Ju was still hesitant, and if he gave up because of timidity, then Yue Fei would not die tragically because he was wronged. However, at this time, Qin Juniper's vicious wife appeared.

Qin Jun's wife Wang Shi saw that she was so worried, she suggested that yue fei be eliminated, so that yue fei would not have to worry about Yue Fei's counterattack. As soon as Qin Ju heard that he had "suddenly realized", he designed to murder Yue Fei.

It can be said that the reason why Yue Fei was murdered was that Qin Juniper's wife Wang Shi could not be separated, if it were not for her words, perhaps Yue Fei's ending would be different.

So, who are the other three?

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

2. Wan Qianjie

This person was a Korean and Chinese official, who was dependent on Qin Juniper in the early days of his officialship, so he later became a member of the Main Peace Faction under the influence of Qin Juniper, and was instructed by Qin Juniper to attack the Main War Faction.

This person conspired with Qin Ju to falsely imprison Yue Fei. And when Yue Fei was thrown into prison, he tried his best to harass him in prison. He insulted Yue Fei with words, the hero, and even arbitrarily inflicted punishment on Yue Fei, which was really abominable!

When he identified Yue Fei's charges, he was also one of the framers, resulting in Yue Fei's father and son, as well as Zhang Xian and others being killed on trumped-up charges.

However, in the end, Wan Qianbi fell behind due to the struggle for power with Qin Ju in the dprk, which led to his deposing and deposing, which was also deserved.

It can be said that the sins he committed are not much worse than Qin Juniper's, and they are all unforgivable evil people who have unjustly killed the hero!

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

3. Zhang Jun

This person was a military general, and also a close confidant of Emperor Gaozong of Song, one of the figures who had supported Emperor Gaozong of Song's ascension to the throne, and was also quite influential in the military, and was one of the four people who were known as the four generals of the Southern Song Dynasty and known as the Four Generals of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In fact, as a military general, Zhang Jun, like Yue Fei, was the main war faction that hoped to protect the country through war.

However, for the sake of his own selfish desires, Zhang Jun, pandering to Zhao Zhuo and Qin Ju, became the lord and faction, and became one of the accomplices in the murder of Yue Fei!

At that time, Zhang Jun was old, he became greedy and wealthy, and he was not at all at ease about the rise and fall of the country, and when he learned that Emperor Gaozong of Song and the powerful minister Qin Ju planned to achieve the purpose of implementing the beggar policy by restricting Yue Fei, in order to gain benefits and protect himself, Zhang Jun joined their camp.

At that time, Zhang Jun, in order to achieve his goal, automatically relieved himself of his military power, and Song Gaozong took this opportunity to remove Yue Fei and Han Shizhong's military power, thus beginning a key step to suppress Yue Fei.

Subsequently, in the process of Qin Ju's creation of Yue Fei's father's and son's unjust case, Zhang Jun helped him create perjury, thus contributing to Yue Fei's unjust imprisonment, so he became one of the accomplices in the murder of Yue Fei.

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

For the sake of profit, yue fei was wronged by all means, and eventually contributed to Yue Fei's tragic death, it can be said that Zhang Jun's statue kneeling in front of Yue Fei for a thousand years is not unjust at all.

4. Wang Jun

Speaking of this person is even more hateful, Wang Jun was originally Yue Fei's partial general, but in the end he became an accomplice to Yue Fei's wrongful killing, which was really hateful!

So, why did this person wrongfully accuse Yue Fei? It turned out that because of his repeated corruption and repeated corruption, and Yue Fei's strict administration of the army, his interests were "damaged", so he was eventually bribed by Qin Juniper's henchmen, and fabricated lies and framed, and even made up confessions to falsely accuse Yue Fei of plotting rebellion.

As a subordinate of Yue Fei, the "evidence" provided by him was naturally used by Qin Ju and others, and eventually promoted Yue Fei's unjust death. Kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb was not an excessive punishment.

brief summary

Since Yue Fei was mutilated by Qin Juniper, for a long time, the name of Chinese has hardly appeared in the word "Juniper", which shows people's hatred for Qin Juniper and their gratitude for Yue Fei.

The people who accompanied yue fei in front of his tomb, besides Qin Juniper, there were four other people, who were they?

As for why Yue Fei was killed, there are also many opinions in various history books, some believe that it is because Yue Fei and Qin Jun's political views were different at that time, so Yue Fei of the main war faction was finally killed by Qin Juniper of the main war faction. In addition, there is also a theory that the emperor at that time, Song Gaozong, wanted to kill Yue Fei, and Qin Ju only acted as a pawn of Song Gaozong and carried a black cauldron for him for thousands of years.

However, no matter what the real reason was, the tragic death of Yue Fei, a thirty-nine-year-old loyal jun, was really a sigh.

In addition to Qin Jun's husband and wife, the actions of Zhang Jun, Wan Qianbi, and Wang Jun in Yue Fei's unjust death case also made the three of them kneel in front of Yue Fei's statue for a thousand years together with Qin Juniper and his wife, which can be described as a thousand years of stench. Although the infamy of the three of them was not as great as that of Qin Ju and his wife, the scorn they had endured for thousands of years as accomplices was enough to make future generations unable to lift their heads. If they knew all this, would they not regret it?

And it can be said that "Aoyama has the honor to bury loyal bones, and the white iron innocently casts the servants!" "After the statue of their atonement was built, it has been continuously destroyed by people for thousands of years, and for these sinners who have died, the people who remember Yue Fei can only express their resentment in this way." It is the poor white iron that was used to cast their statues, who have committed their sins, but they must be allowed to bear them together.

Reference: The Biography of Song Shi Yue Fei

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