
Grace will take revenge! More than 200 years ago, the nascent United States was suppressed by great powers, and it was We China who extended a helping hand

At the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1784 AD, the United States, which had just emerged from British colonialism, was as fragile as a newborn baby. In China, which is thousands of miles away, not only has the glorious civilization lasted for thousands of years, but it also coincided with the famous Qianlong heyday of the Qing Dynasty.

Grace will take revenge! More than 200 years ago, the nascent United States was suppressed by great powers, and it was We China who extended a helping hand

Nearly a decade of war with the British Empire put the newly independent United States in an embarrassing situation of internal and external troubles. In order to get out of this predicament as soon as possible, the United States first thought of trading with the old European powers at that time. As a result, not only was the business not done, but it was also taught a harsh lesson by others. Britain, the "brother of Europe", not only had itself been exploiting and suppressing the nascent United States, but had also united with another ally, the Kingdom of Spain, and blockaded the mississippi estuary to strictly prohibit the passage of American ships. Even the Kingdom of France, which had joined forces with the United States to "resist the British" at that time, only reluctantly opened a few small ports to the United States, and stipulated that only ships under 60 tons were allowed to enter and leave.

Faced with such a difficult situation, the United States pinned all its hopes on China in the far east.

Grace will take revenge! More than 200 years ago, the nascent United States was suppressed by great powers, and it was We China who extended a helping hand

On February 22 of that year (Washington's birthday), the United States sent a sailing ship called the Empress of China, laden with sweaters, pepper, cotton and other goods, to travel thousands of miles to China to seek trade. After six months of wandering, the Empress of China finally reached Macau after many obstacles. After a short rest there, he was allowed to enter the Pearl River after obtaining a "pass", and after another day's voyage, the "Empress of China" finally arrived at huangpu port in Guangzhou. According to historical records, thirteen salutes were fired after the "Queen of China" docked, which represented the first thirteen independent States in North America after the American Revolutionary War, and other merchant ships moored in the harbor at that time also fired cannons in response.

A few months later, the "Empress of China" sold out all the goods brought by the ship, and also purchased a large number of tea, porcelain, silk and other well-known Chinese specialties in the world, and departed for New York on May 11, 1785. When the "Queen of China" arrived at the port of New York, there were many people who had already received the news on the shore to snap up the goods brought back from China on the ship. Even washington, then president of the United States, sent people to buy hundreds of pieces of porcelain and ivory products, and its popularity can be imagined.

Grace will take revenge! More than 200 years ago, the nascent United States was suppressed by great powers, and it was We China who extended a helping hand

A report in the May 1785 issue of the New York News Letter read: "This heralds a bright future and a broad economic prospect... It will all inspire citizens to emulate or even catch up with their own business adversaries for the benefit of the entire United States.

At this point, the United States has also been in a backward trend and has carried out frequent trade with China, and its total amount has even surpassed that of Britain. According to statistics, in the nearly 50 years from 1786 to 1833, there were 1104 American ships to trade with China. This figure is almost half of the total number of ships coming to China in British history, and it is far more than four times the total number of ships from other European countries at that time. And it is precisely because the United States has successfully established trade relations with China that it directly broke the blockade plan of Europe, led by britain, against the United States at that time.

Grace will take revenge! More than 200 years ago, the nascent United States was suppressed by great powers, and it was We China who extended a helping hand

However, looking at the present, the various trade policies of the United States with China can be described as falling into a downfall, and the truth embodied in the history from ancient times to the present can only achieve win-win results through cooperation. Moreover, the United States' vain attempt to use these disgraceful means to contain China's attainment of its own ulterior motives is not only ridiculous but also ridiculous, and even more impossible to achieve in any case.

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