
Wan Shujing banner strong Lukou, a lifetime of meritorious deeds three Wu - strategic LuSu

If Wu Guo in the Three Kingdoms could find a great talent of the same rank as Zhuge Liang and Xun Yu, it was definitely not Zhou Yu, let alone Zhang Zhao, but Lu Su. A person's contribution is not in how many things are done, but in the quality of those few things.

Wan Shujing banner strong Lukou, a lifetime of meritorious deeds three Wu - strategic LuSu

A policy on the bed

Lu Su is a rich third generation, his father died when he was born, it was his grandmother who raised him, and the family is very rich. The little young master's greatest pleasure is to scatter the family's money to the neighbors around him, which may be the doting of the next generation's relatives, and no one cares about him, anyway, some of them are money, just be happy. One day, an army came from the village, and when they heard that Lu Su's family had a great cause, they wanted to ask him to borrow some grain, saying that they could borrow what to get back, and there was no fixed place to live in the war years, and no one knew where tomorrow would be. Lu Su had two granaries in his house at that time, piled high with grain, and he pointed to one of them and said to the people who came, "Take it." "This person is Zhou Yu." Zhou Yu later gained his wish, but still did not forget Lu Su's original great favor, and felt that this person was different, so he recommended it to his lord Gongsun Quan.

The first time Sun Quan summoned Lu Su, he also thought that this person was good, and after the meeting, he specially left Lu Su alone, took out the good wine that he had hidden for many years, and the two of them sat on the bed to drink, and a posture of not getting drunk and not returning had been set up. After a few glasses of wine, the two finally let go and said, Sun Quan said that I see the world is chaotic now, just like in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, I want to dominate one side like the Qi Huan Gong Jin Wen Gong in those years, how do you see? Lu Su was also a little fluttery, saying that where is the line, you forgot Liu Bang and wanted to be a prince under the emperor, but Xiang Yu didn't do it. Cao Cao now is like Xiang Yu in those days, how can you succeed? Now there are not many big Han qi, Cao Cao can not be extinguished for a while and a half, you only now have to build this acre and three points of land in Jiangdong first, take advantage of Cao Cao's inability to fight in the north, no one has time to take care of you, slowly eliminate Huang Zu, compete for Liu Biao's territory, and strive to fight south of the Yangtze River.

This is Lu Su's "bed strategy", far earlier than Kong Ming's Longzhong, he just can't predict how many feet will stand in the future, but the connotations are the same.

Lian Liu resisted Cao

This strategy actually consists of two parts - Lian Liu and Kang Cao.

Sun Jian died at the hands of Liu Biao, of course, not because he was ambushed because of the robbery of the jade seal as mentioned in the novel, but Sun Jian went to requisition Liu Biao and was shot to death by Liu Biao's sergeants. Therefore, the Sun family and the Liu family had a grudge for many years and often fought wars. After Liu Biao's death, the two sons fought for the inheritance of the old master, and Liu Bei, the uncle, was also watching whether he could get a piece of the pie. Just when the people in Eastern Wu were all rejoicing, Lu Su said to Sun Quan that we should go over and persuade them to fight with us, otherwise Cao Cao should clean us up after they have finished making trouble.

Sure enough, Liu Biao's son Liu Chun surrendered to Cao Cao, and it was Jiangdong's turn to face war and grand plans. Everyone advised Sun Quan to surrender, but Lu Su did not speak. Sun Quan got up to go to the toilet, and Lu Su chased him out, saying, "Don't listen to this group of people who are grinning, what is not to be destroyed by living beings, for the good of the people, they are afraid of death." They can all surrender, and so can I, but you alone can't! We surrendered, Cao Cao will still let us be officials, who to work for is not to earn wages, but you, how will he treat you, you can see Liu Chun's fate. Sun Quan suddenly realized, so he made up his mind to unite with Liu Kangcao, opening the prelude to the Chibi War.

Wan Shujing banner strong Lukou, a lifetime of meritorious deeds three Wu - strategic LuSu

The Alliance of Xiangshui

Lu Su was the founder of the Sun Liu Alliance and the most loyal supporter. Compared with the rat-eyed people in Jiangdong, he looked at the overall situation and proposed to lend Jingzhou to Liu Bei in time in order to jointly resist Cao Cao. It turned out that he was right, the three-legged stand was unbreakable, and even Cao Cao knew about it and was writing a letter with a frightened pen.

The world only knew that Guan Yunchang went to the meeting with a single knife, but they did not know that Lu Su took half of Jingzhou at this meeting. When Liu Bei took Xichuan, he still did not return Jingzhou, so Sun Quan ordered Lü Meng to capture the three counties of Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang. In the face of Guan Yu sent by Liu Bei, Lu Su was not humble and unassuming, and he knew that one of the great righteousnesses was responsible for justice, and finally the negotiations agreed to take Xiangshui as the boundary, and the two families divided Jingzhou equally.


Unfortunately, shortly after the Xiangshui Alliance, Lu Su died at the age of forty-six, and the Alliance with his grandson Liu was destroyed. Without Lu Su, Jiangdong began to deviate from the track, taking advantage of Liu Bei's great battle with Cao Cao to sneak up on Guan Yu, and then led to Liu Bei's revenge battle, both of which were defeated and wounded, and finally destroyed by the Northern Army. Cao Cao swept away the north because of Xun Yu's strategy of feng tianzi, Liu Zhuge Liang bowed down to continue the life of the Great Han, and if Sun Quan could adhere to Lu Su's long-term strategy, he would not have had this ending.

Wan Shujing banner strong Lukou, a lifetime of meritorious deeds three Wu - strategic LuSu

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