
Some people have severe morning sickness, some people do not respond, what does this have to do with fetal development?

Morning sickness is the most common reaction in early pregnancy, but we also know that not everyone's morning sickness reaction is the same, some people are serious, some people have a small reaction, and some people do not have any reaction, what is the relationship between these different morning sickness reactions and fetal development? The following is a related introduction by the treasure sister of Aibaolai for everyone.

Some people have severe morning sickness, some people do not respond, what does this have to do with fetal development?

According to clinical experts, there is no direct relationship between the reaction of morning sickness and the development of the fetus, mainly depending on the hormone level and self-constitution of the pregnant mother after pregnancy.

In general, pregnant mothers begin to have morning sickness reactions from about 5 weeks of pregnancy, and the more HCG is secreted, the greater the morning sickness reaction of pregnant women. When HCG peaks, it is the most severe time of morning sickness, usually 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, after which, as HCG decreases, morning sickness will gradually decrease until it disappears (there are also a few pregnant women who vomit from the beginning of pregnancy until they are born).

Some people have severe morning sickness, some people do not respond, what does this have to do with fetal development?

Every pregnant mother's constitution is different, so the reaction to morning sickness will be different. as:

1. Psychological pressure

With the increase in infertility population now, many women will have various worries and tensions since confirming pregnancy, worried about whether the fetal baby is developing well or not. Will the tire stop? Can the obstetric examination pass? Some even get nervous before each obstetric check-up, afraid that there will be something wrong with the fetus. This tension invisibly aggravates morning sickness.

2. Sensitive sense of smell

In women with a sensitive sense of smell, morning sickness is also relatively serious, which is due to the fact that the taste and smell nerves are too sensitive and thus stimulate the digestive system to make a vomiting response that is usually sensitive to various odors, and women will become more sensitive after pregnancy. As soon as you smell smoke, perfume, essential oils, and even the smell of greasy food, it will cause a strong feeling of nausea, even if there is no food in the stomach, it will vomit a few times, which is really uncomfortable.

Some people have severe morning sickness, some people do not respond, what does this have to do with fetal development?

3. Weak physique

Women with weak constitutions will also have a large response to morning sickness, because it is often difficult for women with weaker constitutions to adapt to changes in hormones in the body after pregnancy, and then there will be a serious pregnancy reaction. In addition to the more serious pregnancy reactions, pregnant women with weaker physical fitness are also more likely to get sick before pregnancy, so such women should pay attention to pregnancy care, and also pay attention to strengthening nutrition.

Iberian Baomei warm tips: the reaction of morning sickness is not directly related to the development of the fetus, mainly depending on the changes in hormone levels in the body and its own constitution after pregnancy, therefore, pregnant mothers after pregnancy do not pay too much attention to the reaction of morning sickness, as long as the relevant examinations during pregnancy can be done.

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