
Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

Lin Biao, who made outstanding contributions in the War of Resistance Against Japan and served as vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee after the founding of New China, also had a family influence that contributed to his success.

The world knows Grand Marshal Lin Biao, but few people know his father Lin Mingqing

In the third year of the Guangxu Dynasty' Guangxu Emperor, that is, in 1877, the Qing Empire, which regarded itself as a heavenly kingdom, was repeatedly defeated in the torrent of the times, internal and external troubles, and the foundation of the Qing Dynasty's rule was already crumbling, and opportunities, confusion, vitality, suffering, and all converged on this land.

Lin Mingqing was born here in the Lin Family Embankment in Huilongshan, Huanggang County, Hubei Province, infecting the last generation of decadent dynasties with the last stubbornness, while also absorbing the brilliance of the new era and witnessing the ups and downs of China's transition to modernization.

In his family, conservatism and pre-revolution coexist, and it can be said that from his family, we can see the entire era.

Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

Lin Mingqing was born in a peasant family, because he was the fourth oldest in the family, so he was called "Lin Siye". Since childhood, Lin Mingqing has shown a appearance that is incompatible with the authoritarian and decadent society, and in the face of the land allocated to him by his elders, Lin Mingqing has no interest in the slightest, so that he cannot cultivate the land.

His hobbies and attention were all paid to reading, and he taught himself to recognize literature and ink, read newspapers, and practice calligraphy diligently, making him famous. Lin Mingqing planted an icon of Confucius at home and established himself as a family motto to show respect for traditional culture and the importance of reading. Perhaps because he absorbed the influence of open thinking on many current events, his respect for traditional culture did not show the blind obedience that most farmers would have.

Lin Mingqing because he can not farm, after their respective separation, in the face of the responsibility to a family of wives and children of nine people, life is very difficult, but he still firmly believes in the importance of reading, for children from an early age, regardless of boys and girls, on the contrary, try to let them accept the cultural edification and upbringing, even on the way to escape, Lin Mingqing does not slacken off, let the children transfer to study.

Under his strict management and teaching of the children in the early stages, the children had a relatively advanced and open mind, got rid of the jurisdiction and confusion of authoritarian thought, and provided new strength and vitality for the revolution of later generations.

Among his sons, the most famous is the second eldest Lin Yurong, which is the Lin Biao we know today.

Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

In 1937, Japan's aggression intensified the tension of the chinese situation, stirred up the people in the depths of the waters, and the internal and external troubles were even more intense. In September of that year, Lin Biao commanded the Eighth Route Army to launch an ambush with the Japanese army at Pingxingguan in Shanxi, which won the eighth route army's first victory after the battle and boosted morale. When this news reached Lin Mingqing's ears, Lin Mingqing's heart, in addition to his pride in the second son Lin Biao, also had worries, worried that he and his family would become the soft underbelly of the second war.

In order not to become a burden to the second eldest, Lin Mingqing resolutely led his family to the road of escape, avoiding the pursuit of the Japanese army and possible encounters, and laid a shot of tranquility for Lin Biao.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in February 1949, Peiping was peacefully liberated, Lin Biao took the family to Beiping, and the father and son were finally reunited. Father and son hugged and cried, stared at each other for a long time, their feelings were incomparably complicated, because in addition to the endless joy, there was also helplessness and loss of the passage of time, it turned out that At this time, Lin Mingqing's family had long been fragmented with war and accidents, no longer complete...

In 1962, Lin Mingqing unfortunately died, in order to commemorate him, Lin Biao personally erected a monument for his father in the name of his original name Lin Yurong.

Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

Glorious revolutionary family

Under the profound influence and teaching of Lin Mingqing, his son has made certain achievements in the revolutionary era, found the meaning of life, and realized value.

Among his children, Lin Xiangrong, Lin Zirong, Lin Chunfang, and Lin Zhenghua sacrificed for the revolution, and their iron bones, while regretting, could not help but make people feel awe and full of respect.

Among the four martyrs who died, the more famous is Lin Xiangrong, the brother of Lin Biao, born in 1916, who served as a company commander, a staff officer, a regimental chief of staff, and the commander of the 590 regiment of the 66th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and finally spilled the last drop of blood in the War of Liberation of Taiyuan in April 1949, and unfortunately died.

Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

But if you want to talk about the glorious achievements of the Lin family, you have to look at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao was an extremely controversial figure who was spurned and insulted by posterity for his vain attempt to launch a counter-revolutionary struggle after the founding of New China and plotted to kill Chairman Mao in order to seize power.

But it is undeniable that its contribution and strength to the revolution before the founding of New China was also very important. While spurning their faults, we should also keep their merits in mind and evaluate them objectively.

It is said that Lin Biao has shown outstanding learning ability, military ability and foresight since he was a child, and he has read through the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" several times, showing great fanaticism for serving the country and the people, being loyal and filial to the people, and being a hero of horses.

When he wanted to apply for the Whampoa Military Academy with an anticipatory mood, but was vetoed by his father Lin Mingqing, Lin Mingqing was well aware of the difficulties and difficulties of this road, for the safety of the second elder, he hoped that the second brother could seek a relatively stable teaching profession nearby, take care of family life, and live a simple and stable life. However, Lin Biao insisted on his own opinion, resolutely wanted to abandon the religion and follow the rong, repay the country and reform the old, and finally with the support of his cousins Lin Yunan and Lin Yuying, persuaded his father, was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, and joined the army all his life.

When we look at it from today's perspective, we will find that Lin Biao's decision is undoubtedly correct, his military service contributed outstanding strength to the Chinese revolution, and he followed Mao Zedong's southern conquest of the Northern War, born into death, and rose step by step In addition to Lin Biao's personal status, there is also China's status and the direction of the revolutionary situation.

Lin Mingqing: My son is the vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and his family sacrificed four people for the revolution

Emphasis on family education and leading by example.

From Lin Mingqing's deeds, we can find that family education is extremely important for a child's life. Although Lin Biao's father was born in line with the old era and the new era, when his thinking is undoubtedly advanced and far-sighted, his emphasis on children's reading and education has laid the foundation for the child's later life, and his non-stubborn, flexible attitude also provides the son with the opportunity to choose life, so that his talent is just right.

Coupled with his foresight in the situation, he foresaw in advance the possible retaliation and exploitation of his family by the Japanese, so as to prepare for the rain and lay a shot of tranquility for Lin Biao.

It can be seen that perhaps the reason why Lin Biao was able to achieve great success in his career (before the founding of New China) may also be inseparable from the influence of family education.

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