
This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.

author:Funny entertainment a sister
This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.

<h1>Longan is also known as Guiyuanla, longan is also known as Guiyuan dried, is a popular nutritional tonic by the majority of consumers, in china there are a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan. </h1>

The practice of lobster balls


Peel the shells of the shrimp to take the shrimp

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Carrots, asparagus and corn are cut into pellets

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Longan is shelled and pitted and set aside for later

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Chop the shrimp and diced vegetables into vegetable and shrimp puree

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Add a pinch of salt to the chopped shrimp puree

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


A little rice wine

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


A pinch of corn starch

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Stir clockwise to combine

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Put the stirred vegetable and shrimp puree into the longan meat with chopsticks

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.


Boil water in a pot, place the dragon's eye stuffed with shrimp paste in a flat dish, and steam for 10 minutes on high heat after steaming

This lobster ball fruit plus seafood nutrition and delicious is really praised longan is also known as guiyuan, dried longan is also known as guiyuan dried, is popular with the majority of consumers of nutritional tonic, in all parts of China have a large consumer market. Longan fruit contains 50%-70% water, and contains various nutrients, such as sugar, protein, vitamins, etc., which is a natural high-quality medium for microorganisms. Take a look at this special dish made with longan.

Tips Nutritional Value Analysis

Longan fruit contains 50%-70% of the water, but also contains glucose, sucrose and vitamins A, B and other nutrients, which contain more protein, fat and various minerals, these are essential nutrients, beneficial qi to replenish blood, return to the heart and spleen, calm the brain effect.

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