
Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed

In fact, many people are accustomed to remembering one side and ignoring the other side, as we all know, the Qing Dynasty collapsed in 1912, but when did the Qing Dynasty prosper and not many people know, and for the late Qing Dynasty minister Li Hongzhang, everyone also knows that he died in 1901, but do you know what year he was born? Or what did he say before he died? This is all little known.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed

In 1823, Li Hongzhang was born in Hefei, Anhui, so there is also a nickname "Li Hefei", his father has been working hard to enter the jinshi, but the exam has not been passed for a long time, only to be admitted at the age of 37, in fact, this year was admitted to the jinshi, as if it was arranged by heaven, and it was even more heaven to take care of Li Hongzhang, because in this year his father Li Wen'an met a person - Zeng Guofan. Originally, the two people had no connection, but after this examination, let the two people know each other, but also experienced the imperial examination together, and in the same year of high school, there was a lot of fate, and because they had a good relationship, so in 1844, after Li Hongzhang was admitted to the examination, he went to Zeng Guofan's home to continue studying, so he was also taught by Zeng Guofan, and he also made great progress in his studies.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed

But Li Hongzhang was not famous at the beginning, always full of hope for the future, wanted to show his grand plans, but unfortunately never had the opportunity, and then later admitted to the jinshi also became an official in the DPRK, but there was no opportunity to rise, even Zeng Guofan asked for an official position for him several times, and the imperial court did not take care of it. Later, Li Hongzhang finally waited for the opportunity, and when he was almost forty years old, his official career began to go smoothly, and he went to the battlefield to have military merit, which allowed him to be promoted all the way, and finally he could stand on the same level as Zeng Guofan.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed

At that time, the affairs between the Manchu Qing and the foreigners were very cumbersome, so Li Hongzhang talked as an intermediary and a foreigner, and signed many treaties, at that time he had already held great power in the DPRK, which was completely different from the weak scholar at that time, but he also felt helpless and depressed at that time, and he once said that the last thing he wanted to write in this world was his own name. It is also because he often interacts with foreigners, so he has a preliminary understanding of people in many countries.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed

He knew that the two countries of Tsarist Russia and Japan would threaten the rule of the Qing Dynasty in the future, and if the Qing Dynasty wanted to continue to develop, it would have to destroy this country first, and this country was Japan, which had been staring at China. The Manchu Qing Dynasty has long since faded with the passage of time, and today's China is no longer at the forefront of the world as it was. ????

Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed


Li Hongzhang's life is so legendary, but posterity has mixed evaluations of him, but few people know that when he first signed the treaty, he was not happy, but in the end he chose to carry the pot of being scolded by posterity, and he had already thought about how the posterity would evaluate himself after he signed the treaty.

Before his death, Li Hongzhang warned his descendants: This country is an obstacle to China's development, and if it wants to be strong, it must be destroyed

But he had to do it again, and who else could sign this treaty except for him standing up? But when he saw the prosperous world now, he should also smile at the Nine Springs.

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