
Is it true that your health deteriorates after quitting smoking? Quit smoking for half a year, a year, what changes in the body?

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Mr. Wei is 52 years old and 30 years old, originally he did not plan to quit smoking, but his daughter-in-law said that if he did not quit smoking, he would not agree to him holding his grandson, in order to enjoy the joy of the world, he gritted his teeth and decided to quit smoking. To this end, he also joined a smoking cessation mutual aid group, watching the "family members" in the group share their experience of quitting smoking, he was greatly encouraged and felt that he would be able to succeed.

But less than a week after quitting smoking, Mr. Wei felt that something was wrong, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, palpitations, and his body suddenly became much worse? What's going on? He hurried to question the group.

"Quit smoking for a week and feel uncomfortable, as if my body has deteriorated, what is this all right?"

"Rest assured, this is all normal, just grit your teeth and hold on, don't relapse."

"Don't worry, it's normal, I'm going to be very anxious every day, and I've survived, persistence is victory."

"Don't be in a hurry, find something else to do, divert your attention, it will be over soon, believe in yourself!"


After reading the reply in the group, Mr. Wei had confidence again, and his heart was no longer panicked, and his body was not so uncomfortable.

Is it true that your health deteriorates after quitting smoking? Quit smoking for half a year, a year, what changes in the body?

Will my health deteriorate after quitting smoking? The doctor said: it is a "withdrawal reaction", not "the body has deteriorated"

Originally in good health, after quitting smoking, there is nothing wrong anywhere, and people who have not experienced it will inevitably panic and feel that they should not quit. In fact, it's like feeding a monkey banana, three sticks a day, and suddenly one day when you don't feed it, the monkey will get angry, lose his temper, and keep tossing and turning with you.

The same is true of the body, originally every day there was nicotine into, the brain is very enjoyable, but one day suddenly there is nothing, the brain less excitement will naturally "not be spared", use all means to attract attention, hope to regain attention.

Some people usually smoke more, the discomfort reaction will be more serious, and even depression, anxiety, feeling unable to adapt, always panic, this kind of most of them are old smokers. Some people have a small addiction to smoking, and the smoking time is relatively short, and they may not feel too uncomfortable.

After carrying the most intense half a month, the withdrawal reaction will soon disappear

The stage reaction does not last forever, and when the nicotine in the body is finally metabolized clean, and the monkey racks his brains and does not want to reach the banana, it will stop. Generally it will not exceed 1 month, so if you really want to quit, you must put up with the previous month, and success depends on this time.

It's really uncomfortable, you may wish to watch a movie, shop, go shopping, or simply sleep, talk to your friends about your feelings, of course, you can also go to exercise, vent your heart's boredom.

Is it true that your health deteriorates after quitting smoking? Quit smoking for half a year, a year, what changes in the body?

What are the heartwarming changes after quitting smoking?

→ 1 week later

The previous week was the hardest time, and if you only rely on three minutes of heat, you are likely to give up halfway. If you can bear it, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you exercise, walk and breathe a lot more smoothly, you will not be easily tired, and your face will gradually become rosy.

→ 1 month later

Nasal congestion, dry throat itching, cough symptoms are alleviated, will not often clear the throat, mental state is stable, unlike when I first quit, always irritable, depressed, now the mood is very calm, the motivation to quit smoking is stronger.

→ 6 months later

Sleep better, sleep will not feel tightness, will not suddenly be awakened by cough. Obese people will find breathing more smoothly and sinus hematomas improving.

→ 1 year later

The figure slowly becomes fat, the amount of food gradually increases, and the appetite for eating is fragrant. The teeth are not so yellow, after washing and whitening, the teeth look healthier, and there is no smell of smoke when speaking.

Cigarettes have been completely quit, and will also advise farewell people to quit smoking, check that all indicators of the body are getting better, risk factors are gradually reduced, and the risk of heart, blood vessels, blood pressure, and cancer is gradually the same as that of healthy people.

Is it true that your health deteriorates after quitting smoking? Quit smoking for half a year, a year, what changes in the body?

How long does it take to stay out of smoking to be successful? Is switching to smoking e-cigarettes and tea cigarettes a successful smoking cessation?

I believe that this problem is what everyone who quits smoking wants to know, a year is not long, it is not short, but it is enough to develop a good habit and quit a bad habit. If the old smokers can persist for such a long time, it shows that they have really made a lot of effort, have amazing perseverance, and are worth admiring.

Wait until one day to see the cigarette heart like water, someone gives you a cigarette and calmly refuses, which also shows that you have succeeded.

However, if you just quit smoking cigarettes, but switched to smoking e-cigarettes or tea cigarettes, you still don't successfully quit smoking, because these two kinds of cigarettes are also harmful to the body.

E-cigarettes are not harmless, consuming two milliliters of cigarette oil per day is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes, some people feel that it is harmless, may consume more smoke oil, this "harmless psychology" caused by the impact is greater than cigarettes. If you abandon one kind of cigarette and pick up another, you cannot be considered a successful smoking cessation.

Is it true that your health deteriorates after quitting smoking? Quit smoking for half a year, a year, what changes in the body?

remind! E-cigarettes can not make you quit smoking, or will be addictive, the probability of re-smoking grass in the future is greater.

Tea smoke is not a health cigarette, there are still harmful substances damage to the lungs, and people are prone to substitution psychology, may smoke more tea in order to make up for the lack of tea, and finally cause immeasurable harm to the lungs.

Tea smoking cannot be stopped and cannot be used as a substitute for quitting smoking.

If you always want to eat something during the smoking cessation process, you can eat fruits, nuts, and dried meat, which are healthier than e-cigarettes and tea cigarettes. In order to quit cigarettes and switch to other cigarettes is not right, I hope you remember. In short, your physical condition will get better after quitting smoking, there will be gratifying changes at every stage of quitting smoking, and you will be grateful for making this decision in the near future.


[1] Reminder from the National Health Commission! harmful. Guangming Network.2021-05-28

[2] After quitting smoking, the body is getting worse and worse? The doctor told the truth.

[3] 7 tricks to help you survive the withdrawal reaction. Guangming Network.2020-06-01

[4] Curb your addiction, do these four things, and successfully quit smoking. Health Times.2020-09-02

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