
Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation

author:Splendid v Shandong

Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, breathing in the breath of spring

Feel the temperature of spring and taste the taste of spring", and the ingredients in spring are often the most tender in the year. Although fresh vegetables can now be eaten no matter what season, the vegetables in the greenhouse growth environment cannot be compared with the vegetables that have been moistened by spring wind and spring rain! And some dishes are unique varieties in spring, missed, and have to wait for another year! Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar

Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation


500 grams of white radish, 40 grams (4 to 6 scallops), 100 grams of broccoli, 50 grams of garlic, 1 gram of saffron, 500 grams of pork bone broth


Oil, salt, starch to taste


1: Wash the white radish, cut into sections, cut into round shapes, open a round hole in the middle, and set a radish ring for use.

2: Add water to the Yaozhu and steam for 30 minutes, let cool and set aside.

3: Wash the broccoli, cut into small pieces and set aside.

4: Wash the garlic, remove the head and tail and set aside.

5: First cook the radish ring in oil and brine, and brew the cooked Yaozhu into the radish ring.

6: Fry the garlic and fry until fragrant. Broccoli is cooked and plated.

7: Put the radish ring on the steamer and steam the hot plate.

8: Add fried garlic to pork bone broth, lightly cook, season and simmer. The garlic is placed above the Yaozhu radish ring, and the remaining juice is mixed with saffron water to color the steak.

Pepper tofu soaked

Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation


1-2 peppers; half a pound of tofu; 1 small bowl of old soup; vegetable oil, meat, shallots, ginger, soy sauce to taste


Wash the peppers and remove the seeds. Miter cut. Tofu bubbles must be cut in two to taste.

Oil heat. Onion ginger, meat, pepper and tofu soak in turn. Stir-fry over high heat. Add the old soup. salt.

Season with light soy sauce. Color grading plus dark soy sauce. I don't want to adjust it and don't add anything.

Collect the juice. It's about drying the soup. Serve it out. Just eat the rice.

Homemade old vinegar peanuts

Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation

Ingredient preparation: peanut rice, green and red pepper, onion, salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, starch, etc.;

Preparation Method:

1. Put the peanuts in a container, soak in the water that has not been peanuts for 2 minutes, then fish out the peanuts and drain the water; a little green and red pepper is changed to a knife into a grain; a little onion is changed to a knife into a grain;

2, wok on the fire, low heat, add the right amount of bottom oil, cool oil into the drained peanuts for frying, when the pot peanuts make a crackling sound, and then continue to fry for about 60 seconds can be put out of the plate for cooling;

3, the wok is on the heat again, add an appropriate amount of balsamic vinegar, sugar, a little soy sauce, salt, turn on the low heat to boil the sugar, pour a little water starch, until the soup is viscous and pour into the container to cool;

4. Put the cooled peanut rice into the container, add green and red pepper grains, onion grains, pour in the cool sweet and sour sauce, stir well;

Splendid V Shandong Tips:

1, peanuts before making please be carefully selected, the moldy peanuts are not picked out; moldy peanuts contain aflatoxin!

2. If there is a missing peanut mixed into the mouth and accidentally eaten into the mouth, please be sure not to swallow, spit out and rinse the mouth with water repeatedly;

3, peanuts soaked in water, can wash away the surface of impurities; peanut surface absorbs water, can prevent peanuts fried paste and make the color more beautiful; remember not to soak for too long, 2-3 minutes is appropriate;

4. Please add the amount of vinegar and sugar according to your personal preferences;

5, the amount of water starch should not be too much, otherwise it will cause the soup to be too viscous;

6, like spicy friends, you can change the red pepper to millet spicy, the taste is different;

Spinach tossed with vermicelli

Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation

Ingredients required:

Spinach to taste, vermicelli to taste, dried peppers to taste, five cloves of garlic, three spoons of balsamic vinegar, one spoonful of light soy sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, one spoonful of sesame oil, one spoonful of sugar, appropriate amount of cooking oil, appropriate amount of edible salt, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of chicken essence.

Step 1: Wash the spinach to remove the sediment, wash it clean, dice the garlic and cut the dried pepper into sections.

Step 2: Take the appropriate amount of vermicelli, rinse it, put the vermicelli into the pot with cold water, pour the water into the bowl after boiling, soak until the vermicelli becomes soft, and gently break it by hand.

Step 3: Put water in the pot, put a few drops of cooking oil, a small spoonful of salt, put the spinach after the water boils, the spinach changes color and fishes out, put it in cool water and soak.

Step 4: Drain the vermicelli and put it in a large bowl, squeeze the spinach out of the water and put it into the bowl.

Step 5: Add the chopped garlic, dried chili peppers and pour over the heated oil.

Step 6: Put the right amount of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, a spoonful of sesame oil, three spoonfuls of balsamic vinegar, an appropriate amount of pepper and chicken essence, and mix well.

Step 7: Plate, spinach mixed with noodles to make good, noodles sour and spicy, spinach tender, very delicious, family rush to eat.

Splendid V Shandong Tips:

1. Spinach contains oxalic acid, and oxalic acid in spinach will be removed after blanching.

2. Spinach is very tender, spinach can be fished out when blanched.

Fish stew in an iron pan

Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation


Grass carp, frozen tofu, green onion, garlic, ginger slices, dried chili peppers, Pixian bean paste, coriander, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, cooking oil, cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt, yeast, warm water

1. Wash the processed fish, cut into pieces, cut the frozen tofu into slices, cut the green onion into green onions, and cut the parsley into minced pieces.

2. Put cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt and yeast powder into a basin, add an appropriate amount of warm water, and form a smooth dough, and wake up to 2 times the size.

3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, after the oil is heated, add the green onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili pepper, Pixian bean paste, and fry the aroma.

4. Place the fish in a pan and fry until golden brown on both sides.

5. Drizzle with cooking wine, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt and boiling water.

6. Add the frozen tofu and simmer together for 30 minutes.

7. On the upper edge of the pot, brush with a layer of oil, divide the awakened corn noodles into small agents, put them on the edge of the pot, and press flat.

8. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, sprinkle with green onion and parsley.

Home-cooked and delicious shrimp

Golden garlic jade ring Yao pillar, old vinegar peanuts, pepper tofu bubbles, spinach mixed with vermicelli delicious preparation


15 shrimp


Garlic, chives

Light soy sauce, cooking wine

Salt sugar


1. Wash the shrimp and cut the shrimp line along the back after removing the shrimp whiskers. Add a little salt and marinate the cooking wine for a while! Minced garlic and chopped chives into green onions.

2. Heat the pan with cooking oil, heat the minced garlic, stir-fry the marinated shrimp, add soy sauce, sugar, salt, and cooking wine and cook for about 2 minutes.

3. When the soup is thick, put it on the plate and sprinkle with green onions!

I am the author of the field of gastronomy Splendid V Shandong, if you like my article, welcome to follow me! If you don't know what to eat every day, please pay attention to me and share delicious food with everyone every day. Daily update of the article, not to see the scattered, welcome to forward, let more people who love food share together.

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