
Pay attention to CES2022 Changhong 120-inch tri-color laser TV continues to exert force on the real color large-screen market

On January 5, 2022, Beijing time, the 2022 International Consumer Electronics Exhibition (CES2022) returned to Las Vegas. Domestic and foreign technology manufacturers will take this opportunity to show the new trends of consumer electronics and the new trend of technological development to the world.

Pay attention to CES2022 Changhong 120-inch tri-color laser TV continues to exert force on the real color large-screen market

Image from CES

It is reported that as one of the senior enterprises of laser TV in China, Changhong has made its debut with CES2022 a new generation of 120-inch three-color laser TV, and has achieved innovative breakthroughs in optical engine, picture quality, color gamut, brightness, intelligent experience and other aspects.

From 2015 to 2020, the compound annual growth rate of the market size reached 181%, which has maintained rapid growth. Laser TV has the advantages of ultra-high-definition display, true color, high visual comfort, low-carbon environmental protection, etc., which can well meet the pursuit of new consumers for larger screens, higher definition and healthier movies. In just four or five years, laser TV has experienced the development stage of monochrome, two-color and three-color, and now the monochrome laser TV products have matured, and the marketization speed of tri-color laser TV products is also accelerating, and it is in the "Belle Epoque" heat period.

Tri-color laser display is the development trend and milestone of laser display technology, is a qualitative leap in laser display technology, can reach the visual limit of color resolution of the human eye, and is currently the only display technology that can 100% meet the ultra-high-definition BT.2020 color gamut standard.

Changhong launched the research of laser display technology in 2008, successfully launched the industry's first monochrome home laser TV in 2014, and has continued to invest heavily in the research of laser optical machine since then, leading the technological innovation and development of tricolor laser. In 2018, the world's first three-color laser TV achieved a breakthrough from "0" to "1"; in 2019, the three-color laser TV was upgraded, leading the industry in brightness, color gamut and comfort experience, and won the 2020 CES Global Annual Laser Display Technology Award.

According to reports, Changhong has launched a new STLD three-color laser display technology, based on the partition coating multi-wavelength integrated light source combination solution, the brightness is 30% leading the industry platform, the color gamut is leading by 10%, the speck contrast ratio is reduced by 95%, and the Fresnel screen breaks through 120 inches for the first time, realizing the shocking experience of super large, ultra-bright and ultra-true color.

Pay attention to CES2022 Changhong 120-inch tri-color laser TV continues to exert force on the real color large-screen market

It is believed that with the joint efforts of the core camp of laser display represented by Changhong, Hisense and Guangfeng, the technological innovation and iteration of laser TV will be faster and faster, and will better and better meet the high-quality consumer demand in the new era, and promote the laser display industry to develop in a better, faster and farther direction.


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