
Ao bai held an army of 400,000, why did he not replace Kangxi until his death? Look at who is standing behind him!

Although the Qing Dynasty has been weak for a long time in its later years, it was still very prosperous in the early period, and the famous Kangqian prosperous era appeared, and Kangxi, as an emperor throughout the ages, showed outstanding talent when he was a child, of which the shengjiao worship is something that people have to mention, and it was also from this time that Kangxi came out of Taoguang and showed his political ability. But Ao Bai had an army of 400,000 at that time, and he knew that Kangxi was extremely dissatisfied with him, so why did he not replace Kangxi?

Ao bai held an army of 400,000, why did he not replace Kangxi until his death? Look at who is standing behind him!

Born in 1610 in a shogun family, Aobai learned Bunji martial arts from an early age, and showed extraordinary martial arts at an early age, and when he reached youth, he wanted to use his skills, so he joined the army. Due to the family's xuanhe, he saved people from danger many times, and Ao bai was taken by the Emperor Taiji to fight on the battlefield together.

For a samurai, killing enemies on the battlefield is the greatest pleasure, and defeating enemy troops is the greatest pleasure. At that time, the Qing army had not yet entered the pass, and Huang Taiji and Ao bai often confronted the Ming army, and the Qing soldiers at that time won many battles, but they fell on Phi Dao with a big heel. At first, several generals of the Qing army went to Phi Dao, but the war was stalemated and could not be won.

Ao bai held an army of 400,000, why did he not replace Kangxi until his death? Look at who is standing behind him!

Emperor Taiji could only make another deployment, sending Azig and Ao bai to jointly resist the enemy, who knew that as soon as the attack was launched, the Ming army would fire in unison, and the Ao Bai knew at this time that the other side was ready. Seeing that the Qing army was about to be defeated, Aobai advanced all the way, deep into the hinterland, and confronted the enemy in spite of artillery fire. The Qing soldiers followed his example, and after putting aside their lives and deaths, they finally won the victory, and Ao bai was rewarded for it. In addition to the famous Battle of Phi Dao, Ao Bai also made great contributions to his sweat and blood, and was eventually made an auxiliary minister of Kangxi.

In 1664, Ao Bai, because of a personal grudge, designed to kill Kangxi's close bodyguard Wu He, and later executed Wu He's father, and the family was also tragically destroyed. He also wanted to put Hubu Shangshu and others to death, but the young Kangxi had his own plans in mind, and only ordered them to be beaten with a hundred whips, but he did not expect that Ao bai would falsely preach the holy will and behead them, which also led to Kangxi's dissatisfaction with him.

Ao bai held an army of 400,000, why did he not replace Kangxi until his death? Look at who is standing behind him!

In 1667, Sony wrote a letter requesting Kangxi to take the government, but Aobai did not want to return to power, and even devised a number of crimes to brutally kill another auxiliary minister, Suksaha, and directly controlled the government. In 1669, the long-planned Kangxi faction of more than a dozen teenagers killed Ao bai, ending his dictatorship, and Ao Bai's life ended in this way.

However, Ao bai has been in power for a long time, the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Government are basically his henchmen, and they have 400,000 troops in their hands, so why have they not been on the throne? From a historical point of view, Aobai had two opportunities to ascend the throne in his lifetime, one was that at the time of Dorgon's death, there were no ministers in the DPRK, and shunzhi did not have enough power in his hands, which was undoubtedly a good opportunity. Second, when Shunzhi died, Kangxi was young, and he was also distinguished in military merit.

Ao bai held an army of 400,000, why did he not replace Kangxi until his death? Look at who is standing behind him!

This matter can be glimpsed from the Shunzhi ascension to the throne. When Emperor Taiji died, he ordered the succession of the throne to Shunzhi, at which time Dorgon took control of power and did have the idea of replacing it, and all the ministers were silent. But at this time, only Ao bai jumped out, he was outspoken and determined to support Shunzhi's ascension to the throne, thus dispelling Dorgon's idea of usurping the throne, and even suffered a blow from Dorgon.

What does this have to do with Ao bai not usurping the throne? It can be seen from the Dorgon incident that Aobai was actually a loyal subject, especially loyal to the Emperor Taiji, and shouted "The emperor's kindness to us is as high as the sky and the sea" when confronting Dolgun, which shows that he is full of loyalty in his bones, and this is why he did not usurp the throne for a long time.

Ao bai held an army of 400,000, why did he not replace Kangxi until his death? Look at who is standing behind him!

The current film and television drama image is very negative, but people are three-dimensional, we can not only focus on his bad, but ignore his good, let him become synonymous with arrogance in people's minds.

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