
"Focus on the "First-in-Command" Dialogue of the Party Congress In the past five years, the urban management system has promoted the high-quality development of Dongguan from five aspects

author:Yangcheng faction

Text, photo/ Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Qin Xiaohui correspondent Guan Jia

On the morning of January 5, the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Dongguan City opened. The conference pointed out that in the past five years, Dongguan has made remarkable changes in seven major areas, such as comprehensively and strictly governing the party, deepening reform and opening up, innovation-driven development, industrial development advantages, urban quality connotation, ecological environment quality, and people's livelihood and social undertakings, and the pace of high-quality development has become faster and faster, more and more powerful.

In the improvement of urban quality connotation, strengthening urban fine management is not only an important starting point, but also an important breakthrough. On January 5, Liu Yongding, a representative of the Dongguan Municipal Party, secretary of the party group and director of the Dongguan Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, said in an interview with the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that in the past five years, in order to make Dongguan- our homeland better, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the city's urban management system has gone all out, paid wholeheartedly, overcome difficulties, and actively assumed responsibility, won the "three consecutive championships" of the outstanding performance unit of the national "strong foundation, change of style, and tree image", and promoted Dongguan to win the "five consecutive championships" of civilized cities in the country. Effectively provide services and support for the high-quality economic and social development of Dongguan.

"Focus on the "First-in-Command" Dialogue of the Party Congress In the past five years, the urban management system has promoted the high-quality development of Dongguan from five aspects

The scene of the 15th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Dongguan City

Resolutely implement and contribute to the strength of urban management personnel in the overall situation of service center services

Yangcheng Evening News reporter: What are the places that make you feel the most in the report of the Party Congress? Can you tell us about your thoughts after listening to the report?

Liu Yongding: I have conscientiously studied the "Report" made by secretaries of Asia and Africa at the party congress. As a party representative, I feel that the "Report" oversees the overall situation of Dongguan's economic and social development, and puts forward a series of strategic arrangements for the next five years of work, which is to the crux of Dongguan's development, meets the actual needs of Dongguan's "double ten thousand" city's new journey, and goes straight to the thoughts and expectations of Dongguan citizens, which is a good report recognized by the masses and expected by the society.

I believe that the Report has the following distinctive features.

First, based on the new starting point of the "double ten thousand" city, the "Report" dares to break the situation and plan to move. The report proposes that Dongguan City will soon be ranked among the "double ten thousand" cities, in the face of the background of deep urbanization, it is necessary to continue to struggle and write a new chapter in Dongguan's modernization cause, and put forward specific measures in three aspects and 12 projects, requiring focus on scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing, adhere to the cultivation and expansion of new kinetic energy, adhere to co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and strive to achieve deep integration and symbiosis and common prosperity between tens of millions of people and the city. Looking forward to the future, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the party members and cadres and people of the city should follow the established blueprint, really do solid work, and lead Dongguan to compete for the leading position in the new journey and walk in the forefront of the province.

Second, the "Report" directly faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges in reality, prescribes the right medicine, and overcomes difficulties. The "Report" deeply analyzes the shortcomings of Dongguan's industrial structure, talent structure and factor supply, and scientifically puts forward a series of quantitative indicators such as Dongguan's total economic volume, talent structure, environmental level, residents' lives, and social governance in the next five years. At the same time, for the first time, the two-wheel drive city positioning of "scientific and technological innovation + advanced manufacturing" was proposed, calling on the whole city to move and work, catch up with learning, strive to be the first, and work hard to turn the grand blueprint into a beautiful reality. Then I want to promote urban management, but also along this line of thinking, dare to benchmark first-class cities, and create world-class urban comprehensive environmental standards in the Bay Area.

Third, the "Report" adheres to the people-centered approach, benefits the whole people, and supports the guarantee. "Report" grassroots governance innovation and people's livelihood well-being improvement, bringing everyone a full sense of gain and happiness, everyone deeply feels the understanding of the people's excellence, conform to the will of the people, warm people's hearts, such as deepening the construction of the rule of law Dongguan safe Dongguan, proposed to build and improve the 12345 hotline rapid response system, to achieve citizen service No. 1 response; such as fully guarantee the supply of public services, accelerate the completion of the "five bits of people's livelihood" shortcomings; such as vigorously improve the income level of residents, multi-channel increase in residents' income, and other measures, are all concerned about and expected by the citizens. This heavy policy package will surely further polish the city card of Dongguan city of "integration, symbiosis and common prosperity".

At the same time, as a city manager, the "Report" also attaches great importance to urban management work, and has been elaborated in depth in many chapters, affirming the significant improvement of dongguan's urban quality connotation in the past five years, and for the next five years of work, it is required that the urban comprehensive environment should meet the international first-class bay area standards, and the quality of urban and rural living environments should be fundamentally improved, which makes the city's urban management system feel excited and deeply encouraged. Down, we will carry out communication and learning in the whole system, resolutely grasp the implementation, and contribute to the strength of urban management in the service center and the overall situation!

"Focus on the "First-in-Command" Dialogue of the Party Congress In the past five years, the urban management system has promoted the high-quality development of Dongguan from five aspects

Liu Yongding, deputy to the Dongguan Municipal Party, secretary of the party group and director of the Dongguan Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau

In the past five years, we have made every effort to provide support for high-quality development and good services

Yangcheng Evening News reporter: During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Dongguan's economy and society have achieved remarkable development, and the urban management industry has continued to prosper, can you use a set of keywords to summarize the achievements of the past five years?

Liu Yongding: Starlight does not live up to the rushers, and the rivers care for the strivers! In the past five years, in order to make Dongguan- our homeland better, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the city's urban management system has gone all out, paid full attention, overcome difficulties, and actively assumed responsibility, won the "three consecutive championships" of the national "strong foundation, change style, tree image" outstanding performance unit, promoted Dongguan to win the "five consecutive championships" of the national civilized city, and effectively provided services and support for the high-quality economic and social development of Dongguan.

(1) Take party building as the guide, and comprehensively build a warm urban management iron army.

Adhere to the three major concepts of "party building leadership, rigid law enforcement, and flexible service", meet the expectations and requirements of the superiors, through the study and education of party history and the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", analyze the responsibilities and missions of urban management, make real moves, emphasize practical results, and take the "last meter" of serving citizens as the engine to further promote the construction of the city's urban management law enforcement team. Promote the construction of the urban management film length system, promote the sinking of urban management forces to the front line, provide warm services to the public face to face, keep an eye on the implementation of the "three guarantees at the door" responsibility system, and promote citizens to "find the film length with one key" through the layout of urban service codes.

At present, the city has built 228 urban service stations and urban management community workstations, equipped with 156 urban management film chiefs. The Magnolia Women's Service Team was formed, and 209 women walked in the streets and alleys with a professional image, undertaking the three major functions of urban management law enforcement, convenience services and publicity and education, and relieving people's worries, relieving people's difficulties and warming people's hearts in the "silent moisturizing". The establishment of the province's first urban management training college, the establishment of the municipal bureau communist party member emergency commando team, the establishment and improvement of the 24-hour duty preparation system, is the first unit in the Housing Construction System of Guangdong Province to achieve 365 days a day, 24 hours leading cadres with shift duty. Innovative introduction of mass satisfaction evaluation, entrusting a third party to ask the masses to score and evaluate the urban management work through questionnaire surveys and the Internet, telephone and other forms, and the scoring results are included in the "A + S-N" assessment of the city's urban management system, guiding each sub-bureau to make every effort to enhance the sense of gain and happiness of the masses.

"Focus on the "First-in-Command" Dialogue of the Party Congress In the past five years, the urban management system has promoted the high-quality development of Dongguan from five aspects

(2) With the goal of "sweeping clean and tidying up", we will quickly set off a city-wide and all-weather sanitation improvement battle.

Since the mobilization and deployment meeting of Dongguan City to further promote refined management and environmental sanitation re-improvement on September 22, the urban management department has immediately taken action, first, to take the initiative to promote the improvement of environmental sanitation, organize personnel to comprehensively sink the front line to carry out environmental sanitation supervision work, supervise and urge sanitation cleaning and maintenance units and communities to carry out citywide cleaning, find shortcomings street by street, and promote rectification.

The second is to start from the definition of sanitation cleaning areas, the re-clarification of hierarchical classification operation standards, and the implementation of contract terms, and resolutely consolidate the cleaning and cleaning responsibilities of contracting enterprises and sanitation centers.

The third is to focus on sanitation and cleaning as the main business of the urban management department, mobilize towns (streets) and villages (communities) to show their abilities, implement the requirements of "sweeping clean and tidying up", and comprehensively improve the quality of general sweeping and cleaning work.

The fourth is to focus on solving the obstruction problems that affect the appearance of the city, such as sprinkler washing, sweeping and dynamic cleaning, urban furniture placement and dirty and chaotic phenomena, and also give citizens clean and comfortable, and return the city to order. Through several months of efforts, the environmental health of Dongguan City, especially the environmental quality of the main streets and urban centers, has been greatly improved, and the "clean, tidy, orderly and safe" urban appearance has begun to appear.

We also take the "five-piece set" of refined management as the carrier to dispatch the initiative and enthusiasm of the whole society to participate in urban management. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, leaders at all levels walked Dongguan 246,000 times, found and solved 542,000 problems, released 21 clean evaluations, 118 red lists, 130 black lists, 78 black lists, 17 city forums, and 21 clean city activity days.

(3) Focus on gas safety supervision and comprehensively consolidate the bottom line of safe production.

After intensive investigation and rectification, the hidden dangers of gas safety risks in the city have been effectively treated, and the incidence of safety accidents has decreased significantly year by year. Implement the security inspection of gas delivery workers, require gas trading enterprises to establish and improve the gas supply security inspection mechanism, improve the gas management information system, and upload the image data collected by the household security inspection in real time to ensure that each household security inspection can be traced. Vigorously crack down on "black gas", carry out the "100-day attack" action of urban gas safety, and punish illegal gas business behavior. Since the operation in August last year, 795 "black gas" dens have been investigated and punished, and more than 33,000 gas cylinders have been seized. Promote rewards for reporting "black gas" clues, and accept a total of 312 cases of public reporting leads. Promote gas leak alarms and guide 12,898 catering establishments to install gas leak alarms. For merchants that have not installed alarms, gas operating enterprises will issue hidden danger notices to clarify the rectification period. Carry out the gas safety "10,000 people knocking on the door" action, go to the door to teach gas safety common sense, and accumulate 144,000 households that have "knocked on the door". Strengthen the ability to guarantee gas facilities, and initially build a "one network" of natural gas pipelines in the city, with a gas pipeline network mileage of more than 3,500 kilometers, and the pipeline mileage ranks among the forefront of the province.

(4) Take strict control of new additions as a breakthrough point, and work together to promote the governance of illegal construction.

The first is to improve the policy system. Issued the "Dongguan City Historical Legacy Industries and Public Supporting Illegal Buildings Supplementary Real Estate Property Rights Procedures Implementation Plan" to classify and deal with historical illegal construction. Implement the "Dongguan City Farmers' Housing Management Measures", clarify the standards and norms for the construction of farmhouses, and support the construction of legal and compliant farmhouses.

The second is to strictly investigate and strictly control the illegal construction of farmhouses. Strictly implement the "Dongguan City Illegal Land Use, Illegal Construction Joint Law Enforcement Implementation Plan", build a three-dimensional city-town-village rural housing construction control network, formulate the "Ten Measures for Strict Control of New Illegal Construction", effectively consolidate the responsibilities of new illegal construction in town streets, implement a rapid demolition mechanism for new illegal construction, complete the new illegal construction and demolition within 14 days, and resolutely achieve "zero growth" in new agricultural housing violations.

The third is to innovate the working mechanism, through aerial photography, unmanned aerial vehicles and ground team inspection and other three-dimensional supervision means, timely discovery, and resolutely curb new illegal construction behaviors. In the past five years, the city's cumulative area of illegal construction has exceeded 100 million square meters, of which the city's illegal construction control target in 2021 is 29 million square meters, and 30.541 million square meters have been treated.

(5) To create a high-quality beautification city and promote the significant improvement of urban quality connotation.

The first is to build a number of landscape projects such as the improvement of the quality of the night lighting landscape in the central urban area, the "Ten Mile Welcome Landscape Belt" on Dongguan Avenue, and the first phase of the Dongguan Botanical Garden Project (including 12 special gardens such as Orchid Garden and Famous Tree Garden), build 168 new colored forests and 1178 street scenes, beautify 2,100 municipal boxes of various types, and trim more than 12,000 tree ponds.

The second is to complete the construction and upgrading of 1756 public toilets (including 84 "star-rated public toilets"), which is 7.6 times the provincial task (230 in three years), and complete the upgrading of 438 transfer stations.

Third, the domestic waste incineration treatment capacity increased to 14,250 tons / day, ranking the forefront of large and medium-sized cities in the country. The first phase of the southeast sanitary landfill project was completed, and the harmless treatment of fly ash achieved a breakthrough of zero. 26 construction waste resource utilization projects have been built, with a treatment capacity of 20.526 million tons per year, and the resource utilization and disposal capacity ranks first in the province.

The fourth is to take the lead in starting the cleaning and rectification of existing garbage in the province, and promote the cleaning of existing garbage through the method of "excavation and screening + incineration of sieve materials". Xiangshan Garbage Temporary Landfill has transformed from a "foul-smelling + complaint landfill" to a "green + intelligent park", and has also "green water and green mountains" for the people, becoming a benchmark demonstration for landfill remediation and ecological restoration in Dongguan City.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Zhang Degang

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